
  • Data
    • 17% GDP ,55% population , 1.08 hectare avg land
    • Food security
    • 3.6 % production growth 
    • State subj
    • SDG 2 - food security , DPSP 45 
  • Issues
    • Productivity < US,china
    • Policy coherence (Centre,State)
    • Input price inc
    • 76%farmers want to quit farming if given a chance (‘State of Indian Farmers’ report)
    • 86% of the landholding is small and marginal 
    • 10 farmers suicide daily (2016, NCRB)
    • Non-remunerative price – farmers Shahganj, MP were forced to throw their tomatoes.
  • Solution
    • Ashok Dalwai com 
    • Agri as enterprise - FPOs,VPOs
    • Swaminathan com
    • MP model - 9.7% - improve irrigation , road connectivity , marketing
  • Policy 
    • Biased against Rainfed agriculture 
    • Krishonnati yojana (2x Farmer Income) 11 scheme
  • Land
    • 60% land at risk of 
      • fertilizer misuse 
      • Poor cropping practice (agro-climatic)
      • soil nutrient deficiency (NPK imbalance)
    • 170 mn hectare cultivated -largest
    • 157 mn operated area -10thAC15-16 
    • 85% marginal farmers
    • Fragmentation 10thAC15-16 
      • small scale production,
      • x economies of scale,
      • x investment in mechanization,
      • little marketable surplus - low bargaining price 
      • low income (20,000 annual -NSSO12-13)
      • indebtedness (inversely proportional to size ES17-18), inclusion issue in govt scheme, more risk (CC, market, credit, production )
    • WF
      • Finalize D N land reform policy
      • NITI Aayog’s Model Land Leasing Act - Tajmul Haque - R to tenets & safeguard interest of owners
      • Land pooling (FPOS)
      • Ashok Gulati - solar panel in farm - avg 1lakh / annum 
  • Enabling Infra
    • Warehouse, Road, Cold storage , agro processing unit, Sampada Yojana
  • Fertilizer
    • • Neem coated Urea, Soil Health card, Nutrient Based Subsidy scheme
  • Seeds
    • Sub- mission on seed & planting material KY
    • GM Crop, HYV
    • SB- ZBNF- Bija-amrit
  • irrigation types & sys storage
    • Water use efficiency 
      • 35-40 % surface irri 
      • 65-75% pumping ground water
    • 53 % rainfed , monsoon dependency 
    • Agri utlize - 90% water , 80%- r, w, s
    • AD - determining factor’ of production
    • PMKSY, AIBP, PDMC, Har khet ko pani, On farm water mgm- Sprinklr et al
    • Neeranchal watershed-MGNREGA
    • MP model - 9.7% - improve irrigation 
  • Integrated pest management 
    • 15-25% loss- weed, pest, disease & rodent
    • SB- ZBNF- jiva amrit
  • Credit
    • 40% loan - informal sector , 26% ML
    • AD- 15% marginal , 27% small farm get credit from inst sources - 
    • Agri NPA rising - RBI 23% 
    • WF
      • • Loan against negotiated warehouse receipts 
      • • PM Kisan - input support
      • • KVP, KCC PO
  • Loan waivers
    • • 8 states - 1.9 trillion rupees
    • • Agri NPA - 23 % rising 
    • • MP,RJ,CG,UP,PJ ,MH 
    • Issues
      • Moral hazard - wilful default, credit culture 
      • Domino effect on others states
      • Diversion of funds for non-agri purposes
      • Macro-economic impact - pvt liabilities -> public liabilities - fiscal pressure on state
      • Crowd out impact - state loan
      • Disproportionately benefit rich- better access, financial literacy , collateral, credit rating  
      • X address real reason of distress
      • Bank bcom wary of lending -  credit to farm decrease
      • Not target eligible beneficiary - CAG08 all ind waiver  
    • WF
      • Enhance loan repayment capacity- better price realization, farm credit reform, smooth supply & value chain
      • FPOs -aggregate, Storage capacity (PPP) -inst credit by workhouse receipt
      • I reach MSP & PMFBY
      • Long supply chains , info flow , d market disconnected /fragmented 
      • PPP system of info abt harvest & sales info , choice of crop , cropping info 
      • Agri credit reform - extend loan period (4y), loan restructuring ,  specific , region , crop based loan scheme
  • R&D
    • <1% Agri GDP - AG
    • Mechanization 
    • • N agri Higher edu project - NAHEP
  • Agri edu
    • ICAR 's NAHEP quality higher edu - 1100 cr
    • Inst development Plans (IDPS) -to select parcipating AU
    • Center of advanced agri s & T (CAAST)
    • Innovation grant
    • Result monitoring & evaluation 
    • Issues
      • Inadequate finance (state control) ,
      • faculty (inbreeding),
      • lack of networking & quality (internal & n linkage global ranking )
    • WF
      • Inst deve
      • I productivity, understanding value chain of agri (farm input to market linkage)
      • Biotech , precision agri , ZBNF (SF)
  • Climate change
    • 19-20 % GHG emission agri, largest
    • FAO- livestock supply chain 14-15% GHG
  • Marketing & transport
    • MH & BH ended APMC monopoly
    • FM amendment - Essential Commodities Act, Central APMC Act,  
    • 15% - 40% - F share in consumer price - AD
    • APMC- 1st sale only in apmc authorized mandi , not at farm gate, through auction - paternalistic state
    • Model APLM -unified m, intrastate trade- single point levy, E trading, storage infra, market com, State declare 'market yard' - market of N imp --? cap on market fees ie 2% fuits & vege & 1% grain, all power with office of director of agri marketing in state - right now with BOD of mandies
    • Model APMC act 
    • GrAMS - 1900 rural Haat modernization & development through MGNREGA
      • To be linked by e-NAM & to be outside of APMC act
    • I participation in small & marginal farmer
    • Awareness , I Agri & Horti produce, an avenue for livestock market, Direct marketing for producer & consumer - aggregation platform for farmers
    • Issue
      • Price crash, Low Farm gate price
      • G intervention - Stock limit, x future trading, export restriction
      • APMC - cartelization, M segmentation - d buyer competition , geographical reach , high intermediation 15% - 40% - F share in consumer price - AD,
      • High License fees + APMC Cess & Taxes, High spatial price dispersion (es15-16 - lowest - highest - 3x US low - high difference - high logistic cost & fragmented m),
      • wastage- APMC no value addition in term of storage& transportation ,X storage, logistics, processing centre
    • WF
      • ‘Fork to Farm’ approach AD -FPO
      • Model APMC or APLM act
      • Market integration- Physical (railroad, us), Digital (e-nam)
      • Model Contract Farming and Services Act
      • Restructure Essential commodities act, - exempt stocking limit for exporters , processors , Mulit outlet retailer
      • Favourable & stable export policy
      • eNAM, GrAM , market Intelligence , Future trading, eRAKAM - digi spot trading market
      • Realtime wholesale Price Dissemination -AGMARKNET by FMC using APMC kisan mnadi , KVK data
      • Selling to food processing unit, FPO , Coop, direct channel from surplus to demand state.
      • Direct marketing by Fpo ,COOP, commodity trading - N Commodity derivative exchange,
      • warehouse , cold storage facili. (30-40 lakh tonnes short)
      • Market of N imp - azadpur mandi
    • 23 crops CACP
    • Shanta Kumar- o 2.3%/6 % farmer get MSP benefit
    • Niti- o 10 % farmer know MSP before sowing
    • • Procurement wheat & rice only
    • • Limited geographical reach
    • • N Com of farmer- mandi to be within 5km , some exception in Fair avg quality, MSP > 50%
    • PM- AASHA
    • Pvt Participation , @Market Reforms
  • Export
    • Ind agri export is 2% of world < Indonesia & thailand
    • Growing at 9% (2007 -16)
    • Low value, raw, semi-processed export
    • Lack uniformity in quality , standardization
    • pro-farmer export policy
    • Agri Export Policy 18 -  (stable trade policy ),
      • double agri export to 60bn by 2022
      • reach 100bn in next few year
      • diversify export basket , destination
      • boost high-value addition in agri export
      • Promote novel, indigenous, organic , ethinic product
      • Inst. Mech to pursue market access , tackling barrier
      • Deal with sanitary & phytosanitary issues 
      • Integrate with global value chain
      • Challenge - ambitious target , proconsumer policy - cheap import hurt export interest , msp regime, wto disputes
    • Strategic rec -
      • Stable Policy - limiting to few commodities for food security , organic & processed no export restriction
      • APMC act reform , d mandi fees for export agri pro
      • Infra & logistic support - pre & post harvet handling facilities, storage, distribution, processing facilities, roads, railways,ww, world class exit point infra at port
      • Mega food park , integreted cold chain , state of art testing labs , inland transportation link, dedicated agri infra at port
      • Holistic approach - Sanitary & Phyto-Sanitary & tech barrier to trade (TBT)
      • Agancy like usfda - all aspect of agri production & trade , KVK for export oriented tech to farmer
      • Involvement of state - agri export in state export policy , identify state nodal agency for export promotion , cluster approach
    • Operational rec
      • Focus on cluster - agri export zone - value addition ,
      • Value added export - marketing , branding , quality & packaging standard, organic in NE in amul style , skill development , R&D for product development
      • Marketing & promoting brand india, EoDB & Digitalization
      • Pvt investment in export & logistics
      • Developing sea protocol , agri startup fund
      • quality regime - supply chain standard , SPS & TBT response , recognition of ind export inspection
      • R&D - pvt , public in packaging shelf life
      • • WF - UAE , saudi farm to port special eco zone - specific crop , haryana incentivizing high value product - basmati , soyabean
  • Insurance
    • • Pre-and Post-production stages-
    • • Market risks-
    • PMKBY
  • Wastage

  • PDS objectives, functioning, limitations, revamping;
    • • Shanta Kumar- 40-50% PDS food grains are siphoned from FCI godowns to black markets.
  • Farmer & labour
    • NCRB - 8000 f , 4500 agri labour - suicide
    • 3 lakh by other sources
    • Avg income small & marginal HH- 80000
    • 40% farmer - quit agri if alt opportunity
    • Feminization of agri
    • Rural distress - all ind rural wage growth declining
    • AG - solar tree on farm - 1 lakh /hectare yearly
  • Extension services
    • • < 1% agri gdp
    • • Kisan call center , Kisan suvidha center
    • • Submission on agri extension KY
  • Organic
    • • Sikkim 1st state
    • • ZBNF - Subhash Palekar
    • • Parampagat krishi yojana
    • • N Mission for sustainable agri KY
  • Food processing
    • • 8 % GVA in agri , 9 % GVA in manu
    • • SAMPADA (B & F linkage)
  • Pisciculture
    • • 2nd largest fish producer - 1.4 cr employed
    • • Potential - 8,118 km coastline, EEZ - 2mn km2
    • • 11 mn tonnes - 70 % inland
    • • Blue revolution
    • • Mariculture - seafood (Draft policy )
    • • Fastest growing sub sector under aquaculture
    • • Seed & feed security, area development
    • • Fisheries and Aquaculture Infrastructure Development Fund (FIDF) - employment , production , investment
    • • Dilip Kumar - draft N policy on inland fishing
    • • Restoring natural ecosystem river , wetland
    • • Himalayan & NE region, Management by State fisheries dept
    • • Deep sea fishing scheme
    • • N policy on Marine Fishing , 2007 - LOP system for EEZ removed , prohibited use of LED & other light , trawling , gill nelting , tracking device , fisherman census
    • • Dr B Meenakumari - Buffer zone & scientific use of fishing net
    • • On par with agri in term of subsidy , input support , power tarif -insurance , credit , tax benefit
    • • Revival of cooperative
    • • Diversification of sources
    • • Special Insurance sys - flood plain , upland water body, canal saline
    • • Productivity augmentation - quality seed & feed
  • direct and indirect farm subsidies
    • Subsidy on sugarcane export

  • AD- DFI by 2022
    • Recognize Agri as Enterprise - farm owner (cultivators to managers) , outsource farm ops to VPOs, FPOs- resource use efficiency , reduce cost of cultivation - adopt NITI Model land leasing Act.
    • Expand mandate of Farm -on & off farm acts, from Food security to generate raw material for industrial enterprise - chemical , energy , fibre, food, medicine , construction
    • Water determining factor of production - additional source (AIBP etc), efficient use - micro , sustainable grnd water usage (recharge), agro climatic cropping
    • Market reform - fork to farm - monetize produce (VC by farmer), logistic , processing, market -GraMs ,export , APLM , agri value sys AVS (farm to market)
    • Liberalize definition of farmer - include cultivators, lesse farmer , share cropper- online DB- recognize farmer & avail benefit of govt sys
    • Risk Management at all stage - pre-post production - PMFBY, Meteorological advisory service (Karnataka model), Market Risk- (Price & Demand forecast), export & import duty structure benefitting farmer
    • Inst arrangement & Union Agri min -
      • reorganize division -focus on new aspect - agri logistics, investment in cap formation , primary processing
      • 3 tier planning & review mech - N,S ,District
      • Review policy fw - trade policy , budgetary allocation , progress in DFI etc
  • Rainfed areas
    • 55% gross cropped area
    • 88% pulses , 40% rice
    • 64% cattle
    • Low income, low crop yield , poverty , suicide , fragiel ecologically (1/3 degraaded), govt policies not conducive
    • Policy bias - low procurement , lower investment on infra, scheme not framed
    • • Rainfed area development - integrated farming sys
    • • N mission for sustainable agriculture NMSA 1/8 NAPCC
    • • Wf - seprate policy orientation , enhacne productivity - local agro climatic croping , focus on livestock - manure, milk , less water

Major crops cropping patterns in various parts of the country,
  • Millets
  • Rice
  • Wheat
  • Horticulture
    • Operation Green (MoFPI) -CSS -TOPS
    • 2nd largest producer of fruits & vegetable
    • Area increased 2.6/y & production - 5%
    • • Stabilize supply of TOP, year round availability w/o volatility (price stabilization )
    • • Identify top producer area & streghten them
    • • FPO - promotion , linking to market
    • • Reduction of post-harvest loss - farm gate Infra , agro- logistics , storage capacity & linking
    • • I food processing - linking SCM
    • • Setting market intelligence network - collect & collate demand & supply
    • • Indo-Israel Cooperation - new tech of production & supply of quality planting materia
  • Tea
  • Sugarcane
  • Jute
    • • Golden Fibre
  • Oilseeds
  • Allied Sector

    • Gaining ground, shift in consumption pattern
    • Integrated farming sys-horticulture, livestock, beekeeping
    • Rashtriya krishi vikas yojana - remunerative Approach for agri & allied sector (RKVY - RAFTAAR)
  • Agroforestry
    • • National Agro-Forestry Policy
    • • Agriculture Forestry Submission Har Medh Par Pedh"
    • • Reconstituted N bamboo mission - Ind Forest Act , 1927 amended to remove bamboo from definition of tree
  • Bee keeping
    • • Integrated Bee Keeping Development Centres (IBDC)
  • Milk
    • • Largest producer
    • • Global skimmed milk price falling
  • • Livestock mission
    • • Nm bovine productivity
    • • National Program on bovine breeding and dairy development
    • • National Dairy Plan, Ops White Flood
    • • Rashtriya Gokul Mission - genetic makeup, i milk producti
    • • Dairy Processing and Infra Development Fund
    • • Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme
  • Coffee

  • PM Kisan
    • Interim Budget 19-20 , Central sector scheme
    • Input support - rs 6000/y to 14.5 cr farmer families irrespective of landholding
    • State/ut identifies , list published in vlg (trans)
    • PM kisan portal
    • DIT - farmer agency to choose input
    • Minimal Supply - demand imbalance like MSP
    • Dependence on informal , ML reduce
    • Boost rural consumption demand, social security , efficient than loan waiver
    • Issues
      • • Insufficient amount - only 5-8% of income level -Telangana (rythu) & Orrisa (Kalia) have larger
      • • X landless lanbour , tenets, sharecroppers etc
      • • Poor land records - not updated, digitalized
      • • Delayed disbursement - mgnrega
      • • Rural banking infra - x outreach & last mile connect.
      • • Inflationary - local price
      • Induce fragmentation
      • Implementation problem- family as unit not HH
    • Fw
      • • Inst infra for identification of beneficiary & land record
      • • Comprehensive SS package - health , life , accident insurance
      • • Pave way for MBI for farmer in future
      • • Agri have diverse problem
      • • PJ - scarcity of water
      • • BR- poor supply chain , lack of infra
      • • NE - jhum culivation ,
      • • MH -
      • • Need to find synergy & deal challenge in holistic manner
  • PM Asha
    • • Price Support Scheme (PSS): -physical procurement, NAFED, FCI, Central Nodal Agency (pulse, copra , oilseed), expenditure & loss on center
    • • Price Deficiency Payment Scheme (PDPS): - center pay difference (MSP & model /selling price) DBT, for farmer selling notified crop in notified mandi for notified time
    • • Pilot of Private Procurement and Stockiest Scheme (PPSS):-in select district where pvt player procure at MSP , when market price below MSP- pvt partner compenseated through service charge - 15% MSP
    • Issues
      • • Trader cartel - MP bhavantar bhugtan yojana - depressing price in mandis - forcing farmer to sell at lower price & pocketing compensation
      • • Fund for PSS challenge to centre
      • • Shortage of ware house & storage infra- Due to ECA
    • FW
      • Solve gap in procurement, falling price , distress sale, remunerative prices,
      • I diversification - d soil& water pressure,
      • • I productivity ,post-harvest management, market infra
    • • 2% Kharif, 1.5% Rabi, 5% - horticultural
    • • 25 % of claim amnt immediate JAM ?
    • • tech - drone , sat, smart phone
    • • Area approach, x upper limit on govt subsidy
    • • 12% interest on insurance company for delay
    • • D, S, N level GRM
    • Issues
      • • High premium charged:
      • • high claim ratios in certain states
      • • Declining farmer enrolments:
      • • Pvt companies concentrated where - profit high
      • • Delayed compensation ,
      • • Poor capacity to deliver -x cap. augmentation by pvt
      • • Inadequate data collection
      • • Issue with notification of crop done by state
    • FW 
      • Governance - I capacity of state govt, I penetration by awareness IEC, improve GRM, better regulatory FW- yield, price , risk ect
      • • Tech & Infra - remote sensing , drone , sat image , land digitalization , 360 degree approach , insurance include land , water management
      • • Other - land lease laws , dynamic land policy , include women farmer , sharcropper
  • e-technology in the aid of farmers
  • issues of buffer
    • stocks and food security
    • • FCI stock 6 year highest food grain - govt aim to increase allocation to BPL
    • • FCI (nodal agency under MCA, F,PD) - procure @MSP on open ended basis (uniform quality standard) -storage & movement - surplus to consuming state , FCI godown , public distribution - open market sale during lean season in deficit region
    • • Eco cost - acquisition cost of food @ MSP
    • • Procurement incidentals (labour & transport , godown rental)
    • • Distribution cost - freight , handling , storage & interest changes , loss during storage
    • • Eco cost & central issue price differential (reimbursed by govt)
    • Issues
      • • Buffer stock excess , lack of storage - cover & plinth system - rain , pilferage
      • • Food inflation , poor quality of grain & higher wastage- Lack of irradiation
      • • High cost, countercyclic procurement
      • • Corruption- SK-60 % PDS grain siphoned from godown
      • • Marginalization of pvt trade - even in punjab
      • • Uncompetative export (rising minimum export price & putting ceiling limits on export check food inflation)
    • • Wf- PM AASHA , PM - KISAN
      • • Decentralized procurement - state procure & distribute
      • • Restructuring FCI as reco. by Shanta kumar, 2014
      • • Govt procurement in N state , FCI focus on eastern state
      • • Negotiable warehouse receipts (NWRS)
      • • DBT to farmer (PDS)
      • • Proactive liquidation of stock
      • • Buffer stock - 10 mn tonnes - import , buy option /future in commodity mark
  • Technology missions;
  • economics of animal-rearing.
  • FPI & related scope and significance, location, upstream and
  • downstream requirements, supply chain management
