
  • means a person’s own evaluation of another person, idea, situation etc
  • feelings and beliefs that determine the behaviour of persons.
    • youth not joining politics : a negative attitude, Nazi hatred towards Jews.
  • Political 
  • Social 
  • Negative social attitude 
    • Discrimination, prejudice, patriarchy , stereotypes, Communalism Extremism Secessionism Castism 
    • Solution- Education Information Highlighting individual identity rather than group Cultural assimilation Inter-group contact
    • Moral 
    • Environmental 
    • Shaping factors
      • Primary socialisation
        • Family, school, work place, peer group
      • Secondary socialisation
        • Religion, political culture, media
        • Reward and punishment
      • Personal experiences
        • Observation
    • Affective 
    • Cognitive 
    • Behavioural
    • Shaping beliefs, values
    • Prompting action 
    • Maintaining self-esteem
    • Consistency in behaviour
    • Predictability of actions 
    • Social identity 
    • Object appraisal- 
    • Social adjustment -
    • Utilitarian - utilitarian choice - buying a beneficial product 
    • Knowledge - organize new information, and create generalization / stereotyping
    • Ego-defensive - by holding attitudes that protect our self-esteem < Denial, Repression, Projection, Rationalization> 
    • Externalization - ego-defense by blaming external factors we try to defend our internal conflict 
    • Value expressive -Gandhi switched to Khadi dhoti to express his central value “self-reliance, simple living”
    Attitude influence and relation with thought and behaviour
    • Cognitive dissonance - state of having inconsistent beliefs or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioural decisions and attitude change.
    • Persuasion
      • Rational or emotional appeal 
      • Knowledge and education 
    • Social influence
      • Civil Society Movement 
      • Cultural norms
    • Coercion
      • Reward and Punishment
    • Personal experience 
      • Observation and experience of leaders 
      • Socialisation and Association
    • Strength of existing attitude 
    • Source characteristics 
      • Credibility
      • Attractiveness 
      • Motives 
      • Mode of message
    • Attitude Formation- Classical conditioning, Operant conditioning, Observation learning
    • Attitude Change
      • Dissonance theory  
      • Learning theory, 
      • ELM
    • Importance – 
      • IEC in public awareness, 
      • Mass campaigns
      • Advertisement
    Moral attitudes
    • Goodness Purity Truthfulness Humility 
    • Perspectives 
      •  Liberal 
      •  Conservative 
      •  Scientific 
      •  Rational 
      •  Religious 
      •  Irrational 
    • Contrasting Attitude towards social problems
      • About Honour Killing
      • Corruption 
      • Dowery
      • Caste system
      • LGBT community 
    • Factors
      • Socialisation 
      • Experience and exposure
    • Caste system- Cause of contrasting view
      • Gap in education 
      • Income inequality 
      • Rural-urban divide
      • Diversity and various culture 
      • Inward society 
    • Determinants of Political attitude
      • Economic status- Capitalist, Socialist, Marxism, e.g. Begger, Ambani
      • Age: Youth – radical, Old age – Conservative
      • Conception about human nature
      • Religion, family, race, gender, education 
      • Media, newspaper, Social media
    • Disposition – 1) Discipline/Indiscipline, 2) Odour/ Scent, 3) Military personnel -Powerful state, 4) HR Activist, 5) Germany/ Japan- Taliban

    Political attitudes

    • Perspective on sensitive issues
      • Capital punishment 
      • LGBTI rights 
    • Secessionism 
    • Extremism 
    • Communalism 
    • Regionalism 
    • Nationalism 
    • Effect on Voting behaviour
    • Mr. Mulayam Singh Yadav's comment on Rape - young ppl do commit some mistake in youth
    • Patriotism John f Kennedy has rightly said that “Ask not what your country can rightly do for you, ask what you can do for your country”
    • FD - national anthem , service , scientific temper, preserve heritage, cherish freedom struggle, educate children , 

    Social influence and persuasion.

    • communication intended to make other person believe or do something. The success of persuasion depends on three factors:
      • (i) source (Bachchan) 
      • (ii) message (SBA=women dignity) 
      • (iii) target (ego, attitude)
    • Other criteria - credibility &likeability
    • Aristotle pathos logos ethos
    • Central Vs Peripheral persuasion
      • Rational - Putting emotions
      • Direct - indirect measures
    • Six principles of social influence
      • 1) Reciprocity – People give back
      • 2) Consistency – Consistent with their previous actions, opinions and assertions
      • 3) Social proof - By looking at what similar others have done
      • 4) Liking – Physical attractiveness, similarity, praise
      • 5) Authority – Parental authority
      • 6) Scarcity – Less accessibility items and opportunities – become more desirable,
    • Censored subject – more viewership
    • Social norms are a group –held beliefs about how members should behave in a given context
    • Social Influence
      • Village dhiroli gwalior in chambal , district collector suspended gun licenses in village, gun was matter of pride for people. he ordered that people must build toilet first
      • PM modi - digging hole for swach bharat campaign 
      • Water secretary - cleaning pit latrine himself
      • Ajit doval - current NSA, famous for his role in insurgency ops in mizo , kashmir and punjab
      • He effectively persuaded many militants to give up violence and cooperate
      • Kanan gopinanthan - lending hand in kerala flood by lifting relief material himself 
