Banking Issues

Banking status
  • 1970 PSB frontrunner in mobilizing growth
  • Mobilize & pool saving
  • Monitor & influence firm to use resource efficiently 
  • Help mitigate risk associated with firm etc
  • Facilitate transaction in eco 
  • Poor asset quality 
  • Bank governance
  • Lack of monetary policy transmission 
  • Bank consolidation vs diversification (niche)
Asset quality/ NPA problem
  • Ecosurv19-20 - performance of PSB & other improved
  • GNPA - schedule commercial bank reduced - 10.1%
  • Capital to risk-weighted asset ratio  - Increased to 14%
  • GNPA of NBFC - Increased to 6.5%
  • Stressed asset = NPA + written off asset + Restructured loan 
    • Restructured loan = longer duration of repayment, lowering interest rate, conversion to equity  
    • Written off - not counted as dues, recovery effort at branch level, clean up balance sheet
    • NPA - loan/advance for which principle/interest payment remain overdue for period >90 days
    • Agri NPA - short duration crop (2 crop season), long-duration crop (interest not paid for 1 crop season)
  • Substandard A- Remain NPA <= 12 months
  • Doubtful A - remain substandard <= 12 month
  • Lost asset -considered uncollectable , x value 
  • Borrower side - wilful default, econ slowdown, reduction in demand, fund diversion, global turmoil, volatility in raw material, shortage of power, fugitive borrower 
  • Bankside - an absence of regular industrial visit, poor credit appraisal sys, bad lending practice - loan to bad credit history 
  • Other - Ineffective recovery tribunal, natural calamities, govt policy fluctuation, admin hurdles, delayed clearances
4 R strategy
  • Recognize 
    • NPA transparently 
    • Asset Quality Review & joint lender's forum 
    • Legal entity identifier from borrower to ……
    • Standing com finance make public 30 wilful defaulter
  • Resolving & recovering
    • IBC - corporate insolvency resolution process
    • Banking Regulation Act,  1949 to empower RBI
    • Amendment in SARFAESI act
    • Pro Sashakt ? - resolve NPA by market-led approach
  • Recapitalizing 
    • GOI recap of PSB - 2.11 lakh crore 
    • Deposit with banking sys - Increase aggregate deposit 
    • Implementation of BASEL III
  • Reform 
    • Mission Indra Dhanush - comprehensive framework to transform PSB
    • Fugitive Eco offender Act,2018, 11 PSB under PCA
    • Consolidation, PSB created stressed asset management verticals
    • Alignment of regulatory & supervisory framework of NBFC with SCBS
  • Implication of 4R - 
    • Increased profitability & liquidity, credit offtake,
    • Faster MP transmission, 
    • Credit to MSME, middle class, etc, 
    • Cost of capital decreased, 
    • Business financial viable, sustainable,
    • Capital intensive growth, employment 
  • WF -  
    • better process of project evaluation - expert
    • managing risk - like cyber risk 
    • compliance not adequate,   
    • strengthen recovery process, 
    • timely infusion of capital, 
    • strengthen the corporate bond market (Khan com)
IBC Insolvency & bankruptcy Code
  • NCLT, DRT, CoC
  • IB board of India- regulated IUs, IPs, IPAs
    • SC - intelligible difference (FC imp than OC) 
    • EODB ranking 
• Resolution time - 4.3 y (wb) to 270 d (180 + 90)
• 1300 case in NCLT, 4500 case disposed pre-admin  stage, Revival= Liquidation (270)
• RBI - 12 large acc - Bhushan steel 
• Operational creditor empowered, Real estate buyer - financial creditor,  
• Sec29a - wilful defaulter, promoter prohibited in the resolution process
• Essar Steel case


• Cross border I& B - x UNICITRAL - model law on I&B 
• Infra , Incereased litigation , biased against liquidation (>270 )
• Substantive issue being sorted out - sec29a (small exempted )
• ED attachment - complicate land holding
  • Failure of ICAI spot corporate frauds
  • Companies Act, 2013 provided for NFRA
  • Oversee audit of bank, insurers, electricity firm, >500cr paid up 
  • Refer erring auditor to quality review board CA act
  • Ind eligible - Int Forum for independent Audit regulator IFIAR - share know, BP, audit quality
  • Corporate gov, ICAI focus on Edu & training
Insider training 
  • TK Vishwanathan com put by SEBI
  • Buying /selling of security by a person on non-public info
  • Better position to make a bigger gain
  • Unfair to other investors, illegal in order to maintain trust & confidence 
  • SEBI(Insider training) Regulation, 1992
  • Companies Act, 2013
SEBI mech to counter IT
  • Responsibility of promoter if they possess unpublished price sensitive info (UPSI) w/o legitimate purpose
  • Defining insider , legitimate purpose
  • Digital database - name of person with whom info shared
  • Lack of manpower(Kotak com corporate governance)
  • Evolving tech 
  • Lax implementation 


  • SEBI tightened disclosure norms after NBFC failure 
    • probability of default 
    • disclose liquidity position 
    • check asset - liability mismatch 
    • public historic avg rating transition rate
  • Imp (ICRA, CARE, CRISIL- resindex) - 
    • retail & inst investor rely on info 
    • overall idea of strength & stability of org
    • trust btn investor & govt (sovereign rating)
    • Strengthen secondary market 
    • Increases borrowing 
  • Issues
    • Conflict of intrest -issuer pay model 
    • non-rating services - risk consulting , fund research ,
    • oligo plastic - x completion , 
    • high barriers of entry for new CRA 
    • Poor rating qualities - on limited info
    • Lack of independence of rating committee
  • Solutions
    • Subscriber pay model 
    • High technology predictive modelling
    • Cursory disclosure of all rating by cra , discourage rating shopping 
    • Legal protection to CRA - sued by companies
    • Mandatory rotation of CRA
Fugitive Eco offender Act 

Mutual Funds

  • Franklin Tempton - closure of Credit risk fund
    • invested in high-risk companies, less than AA rating
    • Mostly SMEs, operation hurt due to lockdown
    • Loss of confidence among investor rush to withdraw funds
  • RBI action
    • meeting liquidity need through Banks 


  • NBFC registered under Companies act, 1956, engage in business of loan advances acquisition of share/stocks/bonds/securities or other marketable security like chit fund & insurance, x agri, industrial, sale & purchase of good act
    • Can’t accept demand deposit 
    • No CRR, lower SLR (15%), 
    • x cheque issuing
    • X part of payment & settlement sys
    • Deposit insurance facility not available 
  • RBI allowed partial credit enhancement (PCE) to bonds issued by systemically imp non deposit taking NBFC & Housing finance corp
  • Credit enhancement - improving credit rating of corporate bond by assurance of repayment by another entity 
  • To ensure confidence return in market 
  • Issues
    • Multiple regulatory Auth (RBI, NHB, SEBI, IRDAI)
    • Difficulty in access to credit - liquidity crunch
    • Asset - liability mismatch (borrow for 3-5 y & lend for long tenure - 10 -15 y)
    • Investor (MF mostly ) reluctant post ILFS crisis
    • Riskier lending - x cautious, increasing unsecured small, micro loan 
    • Proj stall - statutory approval , land acquisition, enviro clearance
  • Step taken 
    • Relaxation of liquidity coverage ratio by 2% - bank can now lend as deposit base free
    • OMO - rbi buying govt Bond - to Increase liquidity
    • Relaxing asset securitization Norms - can sell /securitize loan .5y maturity after 6 month
  • WF-Timely project clearance - plug & play 
  • FSLRC -> common body to monitor risk across sector 

  • ILFS crisis -conglomerate fund infra project National & Int, Systematically imp non-deposit core investment company, major grp like LIC, HDFC, SBI have stakes, 
    • 1.15 lakh crore assets
    • defaulted on loan payment
    • Borrowing mismanaged 
    • Rapid debt build-up
    • very high leverage,
    • Financial mismanagement,
    • -ve cash flow,
  • Despite crisis, high dividend paid 
  • MCA, SFIO probe on, management change 
  • RBI - encourage securitization of asset held by NBFC
  • Revisit lending restriction under pCA
  • Special window for MF to get refinance against collateral  - coordinate & consultive approach
  • Imp
    • Financial inclusion deeper reach in rural - NABARD ,
    • Investment in cap market - 16 %
    • Infra financing
    • Credit provider when bank credit slows
Bank consolidation 
  • Merged 10 bank into 4 large banks
  • Ind 3rd largest bank - Bank of Baroda + vijaya bank + Dena bank (amalgamated - combination- new ent 
  • 2017 -  SBI + 5 associate bank + bhartiya mahila bank (merger - 1 company acquire other) 
  • Narashimham com -1992 - 3 tier restructuring 
    • 3-4 large bank (global presence), 8-10 N level ,
  • PJ Nayak - privatize or merge , BBB
  • Setback to corporate governance Principles 
  • Why
    • Too many PSB - 21 cannibalise each other business
    • strong bank absorbing weaker Bank NPA
    • Increases business, customer base, market reach , services
    • Global bank - ind bank smaller than global peers
    • Reduce ops cost, redundancies & duplication, 
    • Enhance geographical reach - Vijaya Bank (south), Bank of Badodra west
    • Create capital & liquidity (meet BASEL III norms)
    • Employee welfare, disparity of wages reduce
    • HR - expertise, efficiencies 
Credit creation
  • Commercial bank by advancing loans & purchasing securities 
  • Factor limiting 
    • Amount of cash in form of public deposit 
    • CRR
    • banking habits 
    • Business condition - depression phase etc,
    • leakages in credit creation - outflow of money
    • sound securities
    • excess reserves,
    • behaviour of other bank 
    • eco climate 
    • liquidity preference 

Credit control 

  • Quantitative control -
    • Repo rate
    • CRR - cash Reserve ratios 
    • SLR
    • OPO / OMO ? 
    • Bank rate - discontinued 
  • • Qualitative control 
    • Margin requirement 
    • Consumer credit regulation - down payment , 
    • RBI guideline - oral , written , appeals , warning
    • Moral suasion 
    • PSL
