Biotech & nanotech, Indian scientist

‘block irrigation system’ 
• Chandrashekhar 
• CV raman 
• S N Bose

•  Jagdish chandra basu

• Hargovind Khurana - order of nucleotides in nucleic acids, which carry the genetic code of the cell, control the cell’s synthesis of proteins
• Ramachandran plot 

• Apj abdul kalam 
• Vikram Sarabhai
• Satish Dhawan 

Meghanand Sha


Blue (marine and aquatic ), green 
(agriculture processes), red (medical) and white (industrial)

• IPR issue - compulsory licensing, 

• National Biotechnology Development Strategy 2015-2020 (NBDS)- US$100bn by 2025
• Four Major Missions – Healthcare, Food and Nutrition, Clean Energy and Education 
• implemented by Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC)


• 55% of total revenues of pharma

• National Biopharma Mission
• vaccines, bio-therapeutics, diagnostics and
• medical devices
•  strengthen clinical trial networks,
• promote partial de-risking for novel products
• World Bank assisted INNOVATE IN INDIA (i3) 
• Pharma vision document


N Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (NAP-AMR) 2017 (Red Line Campaign)
WHO’s Global Action Plan on AMR 
✓ Improve awareness
✓ Strengthen knowledge and evidence through surveillance
✓ Optimize the use of anti-microbial agents
✓ Promote investments, research, and innovations
✓ Reduce the incidence,
✓ Strengthen leadership on AMR through international collaborations

GM crop

• Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC) --> MH govt to stop cultivation of illegal Herbicide Tolerant variety of Bt Cotton (Ht-bt cotton)

• Pest Resistance - Bt cotton with the Cry 1 Ac gene Bacillus Thurengeniesis  
• Enhanced nutrition-  Golden Rice with additional vitamin A - IRRI 

• Monopoly, Outcrossing,  Decline in yield, human health - AMR
• Allergenicity- protein changed
• Resistance -pink bollworm  
• Biodiversity - non-target organisms
• toxin may reach the soil/water table

• Transparency: The GEAC reports
• National policy on GM crops: 
• Proactive Patent regime: - prevent monopolies
• Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety  Biological Diversity act, 2002 must be effectively implemented

Gene editing

• He Jiankui -using CRISPR/Cas9
• human diseases & genetic disorders
• healthier food (fortification)
• cost effective next generation antibiotic

• Mosaicism
• off-target effects - edits at wrong place 
• Ecological impacts
• Difficulty in regulation- identify a GMO 
• ‘Designer Babies’, Justice and Equity: Informed consent

• Promoting Wellbeing, 
• Transparency,
•  Responsible Science, 
• Transnational Cooperation,
•  Respect for Persons


• In Vitro Fertilization (Assisted Reproductive Technology)
• Mitochondrial Replacement Therapy
• Spindle transfer technique 
• Pronuclear Transfer

• replace mother’s faulty Mitochondrial DNA with healthy Mitochondria from a donor woman

Genome Sequencing

• Saving Biodiversity
• Discovery of Unknown Species:
• new drugs, new biofuels, and boost agricultural technologies,
• Generate Revenues:
• Understanding diseases:

• Genome India Project Centre for Brain Research at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc)

Food Fortification

• "complementary strategy” and not a replacement of a balanced & diversified diet

• deficiency of micronutrients is also
• known as “hidden hunger” and leads to various diseases like Night blindness, 

    • nanoscale range (1-100 nanometres
    • alteration of its physicochemical, biological, mechanical, optical, electronic properties

    • adverse effects on environment and humans
    • infrastructure and human resources:
    • costs of technology
    • undetectable weapon in warfare.
    • Ethical and social issues
    • nano-devices as performance enhancers in human beings

  • Nation Mission on Nano Science and Technology (Nano Mission)
  • INSPIRE scheme, Visveswaraya PhD fellowships

Medical Pharmaceuticals
  • Disease diagnosis - nanosensor
  • cancer treatment
  • 3D printing of organ
  • Genetic engineering
  • repair damaged tissue
  • drug delivery systems, efficacy and cost
  • precision targeting reduces toxic systemic side effects
  • nano-based antigen detecting biosensors for pathogens contamination
  • intelligence gathering nanosensors/cameras/recording devices.
  • supplement to traditional weaponry for close combat situations
  • Precision guiding tools for snipers, fire motor shells.
  • Replacement of sniffing dog
  • Productivity - bio-conjugated nanoparticles - slow release of nutrients ,water
  • Pheromones nanogels  -controlling pests
  • Soil health - neutralizing harmful chemical or biological agents.
  • Bio indicators to detect the bio magnification of pesticides fertilizers
  • Anti-bacterial products such as nano silver used as preserver
  • antimicrobial nano-emulsions decontamination of food equipment, packaging or food,
Water treatment and remediation
  • Nanomembranes - water purification, desalination and detoxification.
  • Magnetic nanoparticles for water treatment and remediation
  •  Nanosensors for the detection of contaminants and pathogens.

  • Nanomolecular structures to make asphalt and concrete more robust towater seepage.
  • Heat-resistant nanomaterials to block UV and IR.
  • Self-cleaning surfaces (e.g., windows, mirrors, toilets) with bioactive coatings
  • Photovoltaic cells and organic light-emitting devices based on quantum dots
  • Novel hydrogen storage systems based on carbon nanotubesand other lightweight nanomaterials
  • Batteries based on nanomaterial
