Changes in Industrial policy & effect on industrial growth

Industrial policy

  • GVA growth of industry - 6.9% (18-19)
  • Opportunities - 
    • low-cost economy
    • Demographic Dividend
    • FDI inflow - augment domestic saving
    • managerial skill
    • Vibrant IT sector- software
    • GST reform, labour Reform, ANBA 
  • Issues
    • Inadequate infra -capacities & efficiencies
    • Restrictive labour laws
    • Complicate business environment 
    • Slow tech adoption
    • Low productivity (worker - 1/3rd china)
    • Challenge of trade - protection
    • Low expenditure on R&D innovation
  • WF
    • PSC on commerce - Industrial policy in changing global
    • R& D - industry - inst connect
    • Maintains IPR framework not stringent than trips
    • Revive N manu policy
    • Promote smart manu - 0Emission , 0 incident , 0 defect
    • Adopt ir4.0 & promote TADF -tech acquisition dev fund
    • Revive investment in cap good industries
    • MSME - simplify loan procedure , interest subvention
    • Labor reform , skill-industry interface
  • Micro , small& medium enterprise
    • 40 % total export , 11 crore jobs
    • Expert committee on MSME- UK Sinha - RBI
    • Review legislative framework - MSMED Act ,, 2006 - MSME code with sunset provisions
    • Change msme definition from investment based to turnover based, transparent , progressive, easier to implement
    • Strengthen procurement sys - GeM , payment
    • KVIC corporatized with focus on promotional work
    • Exit policy for msme - out of court assistance to msme , mediation , finance edu
    • N council for MSME under pm
    • Improve performance of cluster - synergy
    • Market asses & asses to tech
    • Sidbi priority sector shortfall fund to fund state govt as soft loan to develop infra & cluster , utilize micro credit
    • Issues
      • • Limited capital - only 17.4% ecosurvey
      • • Delayed payment
      • • Difficult to access proper market
      • • Non- availability of suitable tech
      • • Public perception of low quality good
      • • Infra deficit where they operates
      • • Resources crunch in cluster area
      • • Multiple registration udhyog aadhar portal, gstn , NSIC ..
    • Action Taken
      • MSME outreach programme (100 district)
      • Credit & financial assitance to MSMe -
      • 59 min upto 1cr loan portal through GST portal
      • 2 % interest subvention gst registered MSME
      • TReDS - cash cyle maintenance, PmMUDRA tarun loan
      • Credit linked capital subsidy scheme - tech upgradation
      • Credit guarantee for MSME loan - collateral free
      • Skill development & training - ASPIRE - incubation & commercialization of Business idea, PMEGP- s employment, micro  industry, PMKVY, SIM
      • Infra- scheme for cluster development , scheme for regeneration of tradition industry - SFURTI
      • Marketing assistance - MSME - SAMADHAN(delayed payment), Sambhandham - public procurement portal , GeM, 25% mandatory procurement for CPSE,women MSME 3% out of 25%
      • Tech upgradtion - Fianace support for 0 effect ,0 defect certificate
      • EODB - no inspector raj - computerized sys, 1 annual return - under labour law, support to pharma cluster m relaxation in environ clearances - self certificate
  • SEZ Policy
    • • MCI - Baba Kalyani Com
    • • 225 operational sez vs 355 notified
    • • Investment 4.75 crore , 20 lakh job
    • • Export - 5.81 lakh crore (17-18)
    • Issues
      • 1. Unutilized land (25,k hectare)
      • 2. Multiple model - sez , costal economic zone ? , DMIC, NIMZ , FOOD park , textile park
      • 3. Underutilized existing capacity
      • 4. Domestic sale face disadvantage - pay custom duty as compared to lower rates to ASEAN
      • 5. Imposition of MAT from 2012 & IT in new SEZ
      • 6. Requirement to pay in forex for service provided to dta
      • 7. Lack of support from state govt
    • Solution 
      • 1. flexibility of land use , remove sector specific constraint
      • 2. Rationalize model , DPIIT +NITI - develop master plan for industrial cluster
      • 3. Allowing  job work to Domestic tariff area currently treated as export & import
      • 4. Best FTA rates should be allowed for domestic sales
      • 5. Restoration of IT benefit & exception from MAT align GST with sez rule
      • 6. Amend definition of service in sez act, 2005
      • 7.  developing effective single window sys for clearance
  • Auto industries
    • Higher depreciation on car brought from now till 2020, deferring increased registration fee

  • N mineral policy , 2019
    • Issues
    • • Need - low rate growth - 1-2 % of gdp
    • • X focus on exploration , production vs import
    • • X incentives for pvt companies to invest in mines
    • • Address illegality in mining & environ concern
    • • Concern of intergenerational rights
    • Replace mineral policy , 2008 in compliance with sc direction in common cause vs UOI case
    • Dr Rajeshwara rao comm review
    • Features - 
      • dedicated mineral corridor -to boost  pvt sector mining areas
      • Status of industry to mining to boost financing , 
      • acquisition of mineral assets by pvt companies
      • Long term EXIM policy - better planning& stability
      • • Intergenerational equity
      • • District mineral fund for equity
    • • Pros - business friendly , ramp up production , exploration , aim to boost mineral production by 200% in next 7 year, SD
    • • Cons - x talk abt entire value chain of new age mineral & acquire IPR on extraction & downstream
  • Digital economy
    • • $ 200 bn - 8 bn GDP
    • • potential $1 trn by 2025 - mckindey + Meity
    • • IT-BPM , Digital communication , electronic manu, ecommerce , digi paymnet
  • Digital payment sys
    • RBI- Payment & settlement sys in ind vision 2021
  • N policy on electronics, 2019
    • Need - evolving nature of electronic industry, India, NPE,2012 consolidated foundation of ESDM value chain NPE, 19 build of foundation
    • Spill over effect on electronic industry , security concern , rising Inverted duty structure , dependence on major power, job creation
    • Opportunities- DD, Data , DI, AIM, startup india
    • Mission - global leader - esdm , domestic manu, skill development, start up  , export ecosys, EoDB, $400 bn turnover & 1 bn job
    • Strategies - tax incentives for domestic manu , Electronic manufacturing cluster, defence offset , semi conductor facilities , display fabrication unit , EoDB- single window mech - Invest Ind, N investment Promotion , Industry led r & D, innovation - 5g, iot, ai , edu , incubation , sovereign patent fund, promote trusted eco vlue chain , N cyber security profile , n defense critical Infra, developing core competencies in sub sector - electric vehicle , chip design , medical
    • • Lithium ions cell chip component, fuel cellm optical fibre, solar cells, preferential market access , GeM  ,public procurement, HRD, export promotion , eco -park for e waste , min of rare earth mineral in australia, africaa , index of electronic manufactoring in states
    • • NPE 2012- modified special incetive package scheme (M-SIPS) - subsidies for electronic secto , EMC, Electroninc development fund - fund of funds for venture fund
    • • IR 4.0 wef center in india
  • N policy for software product
    • - 65 lakh by 2025
    • - NASSCOM strategic review 17 - global software product industries - 430 bn $ , inida IT- ITES - 7bn
    • - 10 bn import of software & 2.3 export
    • - Growth decline - rapid transformation in tech & software
    • - 1st sp , 1986 , maturing industry - need new policy
