Coalition Government

  • Strengthening federalism
  • more representative
  • accommodative of diversity
  • rise of regional parties and thus more voices to the people
  • accountability
  • less cohesion
  • instability
  • less teamwork
  • decline in politics: morality, ideology etc
    • defection
    • trading
    • cross voting
  • Undermines the position of the PM
  • Policy paralysis and paralysis of implementation
  • U-turns : trust of public is undermined
  • 2nd ARC: Pre-election common minimum program
  • Anti-defection: extend to coalition
  • German model: constructive no confidence
    • propose formation of government while proposing no-confidence
  • Healthy coalition culture: 
    • by convention
    • coalition dharma
    • common media policy
    • coordination committee for trouble shooting
  • Focus on pre-election coalition
How to make Coalition work?
Atal Bihari Vajpayee
  • Anti defection
  • Coalition Dharma
  • Common minimum programme
  • Common Media policy
  • No extreme position during elections
  • Coordination committees
  • Free electoral coalition
