Cultural and Minority rights

Article 29
Cultural right for all
  • 1: Any resident have the Right to conserve his culture, language or script
    • promotes unity in diversity
  • 2: no citizen can be denied admission into any educational institutes owned and managed by the state on ground of RRCSP
Article 30
Minority rights
  • Religious and linguistics minorities
  • 1: minority has the right to establish educational institutions
    • SC: Minorities are recognized by Center and state 
    • Unique rights of such institutions (which are not given to normal communities institutions)
      • Property
      • no reservation
      • 25% clause of the RTE is not applied
      • no reservation of more than 50% for their own community
    • SC in TM Pai case: admission policy of the government is not implemented on un-aided. They can also have their own fee structure.
Special directives for linguistic Minorities
  • Article 350: Minority can represent his grievance in any language to union and state government.
  • Article 350 A: Primary education in mother tounge
  • Article 350 B: special officer for linguistic minority
