Dimensions of ethics;

Dimensions of ethics;

Deontological, Teleological

Conscience, Rights based Approach

Justice approach

Virtue approach


Chain Principle

Weakest link, Talisman of Gandhi
Veil of Ignorance of Ralws

Suffering of animals v/s happiness for mankind

Majority interest/ minority interest

Societal interest v/s individual interest

Double effects of actions (both +ve & -ve)


Naturalism , Not against Nature

Environmentalism , Sustainability

Organ donation, Abortion


Human genetic engineering

Cloning etc

Gene therapy

Sperm and Egg donation


Wet Markets
YN Harari
Cyber Ethics

Democratic control
Net Neutrality
Principle of net neutrality

State sponsored cyber-attacks and espionage

Freedom of Speech

Right to Privacy vis Cyber security

Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men. – Martin Luther King

Media Ethics

Authenticity - Fake news - Child liffter mob lynching
Truth and accuracy
Independence - govt interference - Rafael Hindu- OSA
Fairness and impartiality
Truth seeking
Digging deep
Placing facts in context and historical presprective
Analysing and commenting independently and freely
Acting justly, humanly and ethically
Sense making
Bearing witness
Raising the social awarreness of issues
RTI vs Privacy - 3pl test
Humanity - Media guideline - NDisasterMP
Accoutability - corporatization of Media Houses
Media Integrity
COI - more panic more news - more TRP - more panic
Vernacular press act -  ABP turning english
Allegation of Biased reporting by many foreign media houses like BBC - in J&K
Media seems like a parable of 7 blind man & elephant - with each news channel describing same event differently , & none of them able to show us the complete picture
Th of Syadvada - relativity of know , POV applies here
Right to privacy

Freedom of speech

Freedom of press

From State
From powerful corporates Freedom of Press
Plurality of views
Ethical issues in Journalism and print media

Code of ethics in Print media

Remedial issues for malpractices

Social responsibility and media

Crisis communication
Raising social consciousness
Modern media leading to Moral degradation of people?
Ethics in producing movies


Media can make ignorant guilty and guilty ignorant - media trial

Edward Lytton -The Pen in mightier than sword

Environmental   ethics

Discipline which studies the moral relationship of human beings to, and also the value and moral status of, the environment and its non-human contents.
Part and parcel of life
Not only from utilitarian point of view but also altruistic
Plants and animal also have life and therefore rights
Environment - Conservation - Afforestation, Resource recycling (use of plastic, spitting, urination in open, throwing wastes), Pollution control (Public transport), Animal rights (protecting animals)
Amrita Devi sacrificed her life in Chipko Andolan (BISHNOIS)
Sacred groves
Bishnois, Yanadi, and Maldharis who have contributed a lot towards conservation of blackbuck, olive ridley turtle, and Gir lions respectively
Narmada bachao andolan
Paris deal - US donald trump

Intergenerational equity
Rights of poor and women
Sharing of resources
Right to private property v/s Sustainable development
Intrinsic value of wild life and biodiversity
Human greed need
Need for Bioregionalism?
International dimensions

“we do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.”
Earth has sufficient for man's need but not for man's greed. - M Gandhi

Societal ethics

Tolerance -Death of Perumal Mrugan, Dabholkar and Pansare and Kalburgi

Social level - Eradication of corruption , Caste, Religious and communal, Regional, Local, Community identities ,    Compassion, Reduction of violence against women, theft, cheating, robbery and other crimes.

Political Level

True Democracy
No corruption at higher and middle level
Trustee of the people
Criminalization of politics
Coalition government – Ethical conduct (Indian Situation)
Women -

Sabari mala protest ,
Pink Chaddi Campaign
Shani Singnapur protest
Temple Entry movement (Bhumata Brigade)
Sport ethics

Mariyapan in high jump
Deepa Malik  In shot put
Maria Sharpova : Melodonium Drug
Kl Rahul & hardik pandya
PV sindhu , sachin
Gamemanship vs Sportmanship
Means vs ends
 Vinesh Phogat, table tennis star Manika Batra, cricket captain Harmanpreet Kaur (T20Is),

Lance armstorng
Mh Ali vietnam war
Steve smith & david warner
Politicization - Betting & RM Lodha com
Sandeep singh returned to indian hockey team after overcoming paralysis
lance armstong come back after fight with testicular cancer
