Disaster management


• Cover chemical , nuclear
• Short , medium , long term goal
• Role clarity (CSL) , Hori & verti Integration
• Ministry specific role for DM
• Early warning Dissemination, medi care
• Training , cap building
• Ethical guideline to media while coverage

• X definite target, timeframe, funding framework, disaster insurance , role of corporate body

• An Ounce of prevention is worth a Pound of cure - Benjamin Franklin


Sendai Framework of DRR

• Understand DR
• Improve DR governance
• Invest in DRR

Hugo protocol

Disaster resilient Infra

• 480 cr for Coalition DRI
• Announced at Asian ministerial conference in 2016
• Knowledge exchange and capacity development
• Infra that can stand huge damage from natural disaster DRI
• Structural:
○ Engineering designs and standards
• Non structural:
○ Risk sensitive planning, enabling institutional infra, hazard mapping

• Economic losses: $520 bn globally, India $80bn 20 year period
• Stepping up investment in DRI
• Sendai Framework for DRR and build back better
• SDG 9

• Disaster Risk assessment: good time series data
• Evolving designs, standards and implementation
• Disaster risk financing strategy
• Build Back better

General point

D= Hazard x Vulnerability / Capacity

• Funding , Apt policy , inst mech
• Coordination at various level
• Minimal sharing of info

• Vulnerability map
• Insurance provision
• Tech - GPS, GIS, remote sensing
• N policy on DM, PM 10 point programme
• Regional Integrated multilateral EWS (RIMS)
• Ensemble Prediction to detect cyclone, flood



• Watershed management


• Warning system installed in Sikkim-Darjeeling belt,24 hrs
• Global Fatal Landslide database, 75% Asia, 20% India
• Himalaya and Western Ghats top two hotspot globally
• GSI: 12.6% of Indian land mass prone
• Downward movement of slope materials, debris and earth under gravity

• Natural:
○ Earthquake, Solifluction
○ Rainfall, pressure btw layers
• Human
○ Removal of vegetation
○ Interference with natural drainage
○ Leaking water or sewer pipes
○ Modification of slope by construction

NDMA Guidelines:
• Updating the database continuously.
• Landslide hazard zonation and mapping
• Detailed studies to assess stability
• Complete site specific studies
• Institutional mechanism for generating awareness
• Training and capacity building
• Development of new codes and guidelines
• Autonomous national center for research




Forest fire

•  FF Prevention & management scheme
• N plan for FF management

Urban Fire

• Surat coaching centre , Delhi Hotel etc


•  8 % area & 1/3rd population
• Fani Odisha unique:
• Originated close to equator, 2degree
• Long life span, travel, strong wind speeds
• Initial towards, TN, northwestwards, then North east towards odisha, recurve
• Strength more than usual, 170km/hr
• April when very few severe cyclone are formed

•  National cyclone risk mitigation project


• Manmade disaster

Glacial lake outburst floods

• Lake monitoring and information system at South Lhonak Lake Sikkim
• Major concern in Bhutan, Tibet, India, Nepal, China
• J&K, Himachal, and Punjab have 200 Glacial lakes with no warning system
• Glacier retreat, leaving behind, moraine, acts as dam trapping water

• Global warming
• Earthquake prone zone
• Faster glacial melting due to elevation dependent warming
• Unpredictable monsoon
• Tourism
• Black carbon
• Cascading, flood from lake upstream
• Catastrophic for communities
• Affects ocean circulation
• Impacts geomorphology

• Early warning system and timely info
• Continuous monitoring
• Remotely sensed database methods
• ISRO is monitoring
• Dam remediation like artificial dams
• Community preparedness

Industrial disaster

• 9 people died in Bhilai plant
Styerene gas leaked in Vizag
• Bhopal Gas tragedy ,Union carbide India Limited, 1984
• Around 4000 persons died and 550000 injured
• Methyl Isocynate
• Dhule industy - 15 labourer died
• Furnace Blast NTPC Unchahar, 2017
• Gas leak at vadodara

National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), in the recent past, over 130 significant chemical accidents have been reported in the country, which have resulted in 259 deaths and caused major injuries to more than 560 people.

• EIA: incorporating safety
• Extended scope of risk in 1987 by amending factories act 1948
• Hazardous substance rules, 1989
• Chemical accident rules, 1996
• NDMA guidelines on Chemical disasters
• Compensation:
○ Absolute liability: SC in 1986
○ Public liability insurance act, 1991
○ Civil liability of Nuclear damage act, 2010
• ILO framework for safety of workers 2006

• Industry:
○ Low awareness on safety
○ No proper safety equipments
○ Poor management systems
○ Lack of regulation in handling hazard
○ Not aware about DM
• Gov:
○ Lack of center and state coordination
○ Relaxation of industrial regulation
○ Safety audits not proper
○ Capacity building at state level
• Workers:
○ Lax attitude of workers
○ Lack of public awareness

• Buffer zone
• Location of industry
• Update disaster plans
• Consolidation of rules and laws
• Enhance monitoring standards
• Safety audit reforms
• Capacity building
• Safety norms


• Prevent emergency response
• Hampers effective coordination
• Reduces the resilience exposed to risk
• Spread false info and confusion

• Install at suitable location
• Earthquake proofing
• Traffic deluge: urgent and tolerant call
• Identify vulnerability of telecom infra
• Priority to persons engage in relief operations
• Telecom operators should have DRTF
• Geographically dispersed servers
• Build Back better

Rat hole mining

• East Jaintia hills 15 workers died
• Digging very smal tunnels, 3-4 feet high
• NGT banned in 2014

• Political influence, owner of mines
• 2.5 lakh people dependent
• Lack of adequate policy
• Mining mafia
• X alternate emploment
•  x monitoring
• x legal framework
• Misuse of 6th schedule

• Env degradation, kopili river,acidic
• Pollution
• Expolitation of workers
• Risk to lives
• Encouraging child labour
• Less capital intensive
• Less polluting
• Easy self employment
