Directive principle of State Policy

Fabian socialism
    • Gandhian Evolution
    • Mixed economy
    • Democratic socialism : role of state in socialism

are the guidelines or principles given to the federal institutes governing the state of India, to be kept in citation while framing laws and policies
    • Instrument of instruction GOI Act 1935
    • Irish constitution
    • Socialist and Gandhian philosophy 
    • Sapru committee report 1944
    • non-justiciable 
    • non self-executory
    • Fundamental principles essential for functioning of the country
    • Liberalism, socialism, Gandhian
    • Importance for Socio-economic democracy
Relationship with part 3
    • Champakam Dorai Rajan case: Part 3 shall prevail over 4
    • Doctrine of Harmonious construction: no inherent conflict between them. They supplement each other. Need to balance both. But at the same time FR will prevail if conflict cannot be resolved.
    • Golaknath case 1967: Part 3 has a transcendental position
    • 25th CA Act 1971: inserted article 31C 
      • 39B and 39C > 14, 19 and 31
      • No need for judicial review
    • Kesavanand Bhariti, 1973
      • validated first and invalidated 2nd part
    • 42nd amendment:
      • DPSP> FR
    • 44th amendment:
      • repealed article 31
    • Minerva mill case (1980)
      • invalidated 42nd
      • 39 B and C > 14 and 19.
      • Indian constitution: on the bed rock of both
      • Harmony between the 2 is basic structure
      • Goal set by the DPSP has to be achieved without disturbing the means laid down by the FR
      • Supplementary and Complementary role
      • Conscience of constitution
Importance of DPSP
    • Fundamental principles essential for the governance of the country
    • Directives from Constitution makers to future governments
    • Socio-economic democracy
    • Instrument of general instruction
    • Help identifying the constitutional validity of the law
    • facilitate stability and continuity in the domestic and foreign policy
    • create a favourable atmosphere for the enjoyment of the FR
    • Accountability on the government
    • Serve as the common political manifesto
    • These are moral and political sanction
    • Supplement and complement to FR
    • Gandhian:
      • organization of village panchayat (40)
      • Promotion of cooperative societies (43B)
      • Promotion of Education & economic interest of SC, ST & other weaker section (46)
      • 47: Prohibit consumption of intoxicant
      • 48: Prohibit cow slaughter
    • Liberal principles:
      • 44: UCC
      • 48A: environment, forest and wild life
      • 49: heritage
      • 50: separation of Judiciary and executive
      • 51 : international peace
      • 45: Early childhood care and education
      • 48: Organize animal husbandry: modern scientific lines
    • Socialistic:
      • 38: Justice: Social, economic and political and reduce inequality
      • 39b and c: equal distribution of wealth, prevention of concentration
      • 39 A: Equal justice and free legal aid
      • 41: work, education and public assistance
      • 42: just working condition and maternity relief
      • 43: Living wage
      • 43A: Participation for workers in management of industries

    • land reforms
    • khadi village industries commission
    • minimum wages Act
    • Hindu marriage Act
    • etc
    • non-justiciable
    • unsystematic enumeration
    • lack of clarity
    • Some principles are Reactionary 
    • May lead to constitutional conflict
      • president and CoM
      • Judiciary and Parliament
      • C-S

• Invalidated in indira Sawheny case
• 77th ca - a16 (4A) - for sc , st allowed
• Nagraj case , 2006 - validated for sc , st , 3 condition
• Empirical data of x represented
• Empirical data - socially & economic backward
• Not effect effeciency (a335 - same)
• Jarnail singh vs lachmi narain gupta case , 2018
• No need to collect quantifiable data to prove backwardness, other 2 condition same
• Examine possibility of introducing cremay layer

• Not a FR 16 (4), 16 (4A) only enabling provision
• Doesn’t ensure end of discrimination
• Hurt admin efficiency (a335)
• All benefit corned by select few caste
• Already adequate reservation

• Loss of efficiency false notion , not grounded in empirical study
• Skewed SC/ST representation at senior level (only 4 secretary rank in 2017)
• Large no of vacant post at higher level
• Data question doesn't arises

• 103rd CA- 10% EWS for general population
• A15 (6) - special provision for ews , a16(6)
• Income less than 8 lakh
• Agriculture land below 5 acre
• House below 1000 sq feet
• Residential area - 100 yards in municipal area & 200 in non -municipal area

• Against equality Norm - BR Ambedkar - reservation of such extend that it violates principle of equality
• No data to prove underrepresentation
• Same upper limit parity between OBC & general
• Broad definition covers almost whole population - logic of arriving at 10 %
• Economic criteria - difficult to implement - fluctuating
• Pandora box for demand - sub categorization
• Shrinking govt job, not fulfill aspiration
• Tool of populism , future demand to increse
• Sinho com - didn’t recommended ews reservation , rec ews in welfare
• M Nagraj case , equality is BS without 50 % it will breach , inadequate representation

• Need for new deprivation assessment criteria (caste & class weakening link )
• Ram singh case , 2015- caste is prominent but need to evolve new yardsticks
• G Rohni com - subcategorization of OBC - subko milega
• Class issue today - dominate political discourse
• WF- inst mech to grant reservation
• Verification to control misuse
• Introduce concept of creamy layer in sc / st
• Need to boost economy & job creation

• AP offers 75 % reservation to local in pvt jobs in factory, JV, industry or PPP, MP also announced similar legis.
• Promote inclusive development - germany model , transparent industrialisation , x corruption , implementation of labour laws,
• Reason- Poll plank, demand in s & e state (CSDS survey), agri distress - stagnant agri & rural wage growth , lack of job - unemployment 6.1 % at highest in ? y, Displacement of landowner - discrimination reason of unemployment of Dalit & Muslim (C for sustainable employment of Azim premji univ)

• May not pass legal scrutiny - A16 no discrimination
• Son of soil movement , x unity of nation , pandora box, concern of industry - unability to find locals, difficulty to attract investment , enforcement issue as with MH & KN govt

• Tackle core issue - job growth , eco growth , industrialization
• Policy uncertianity - Eco survey warn against it
• Promote labour intensive industry - 3F
