Effect of liberalization on eco

LPG reform

Foreign borrowing

  • Commercial & public entities of country borrow from other countries to fill shortcoming of domesting financing
  • Pvt sect - ecb
  • Reduce borrowing cost, provide fund for investment

  • Systemic risk - unexpected change in interest rat - fed rate rising-- increasing borrowing cost in India
  • Exchange rate risk - dollar denominated loan
  • Sovereign debt risk - 1991 crisis
  • Political risk - unexpected policies change - china us trade war

  • Masala bond - rupee denominated debt securites issued outside by indian companies , investor take currency risk , more secure

Sovereign external borrowing

  • • Budget 19 -20 - sovereign bond floated in foreign country denominated in foreign currency 
  • • Solve problem of crowding out investment
  • • Allow interest rate to fall , (as inflation reduce)
  • • India -sovereign external debt/ gdp - 5% low
  • • Provide yield curve - benchmark - ind corporate to raise money in foreign market
  • •  globally interest rate low - win - win situation

  • • Volatility in india's exchange rate > yield of ind gsec
  • • Unpleasant exp of other emerging eco
  • • Small in beginning - later increase in dire situation
  • • More dependent on foreign CRAs
  • • Bad fiscal health - foreign investor will pull plug on foreign investor
  • • Rajan - foreign borrowing will not reduce govt bonds in ind market , rbi will sell more bond to counter forex flow, inflation and rate increase


  • • Captures Foreign exchange transaction, 3 acct
  • • Financial acct - trade in stocks, bonds, commodities , real estate etc.
  • • Current account - export , import , interest payment , pvt remittance
  • • Cap acc - net change of asset & liabilities, external lending & borrowing, foreign currency deposit of bank , external bond of goi , fdi etc

  • • Currency convertibility
    • • Full current acc convertibility in 1994 , cap acct not fully convertible
    • • Ease with which currency converted in gold , foreign currency
    • • Cap convertibility  - ease with which foreign investor buy ind asset such as bond , equity & vice-versa
  • • Factor for adverse BOP
    • • Eco factor - high import than export - BOP deficit, high inflation in domestic eco , foreign goods bcom relatively cheaper as compared to domestic good, cyclical fluctuation - recession & depression
    • • Political factor - instability - reduce cap inflow
    • • Social factor - high popu growth in developing country
  • • Remedies - export led growth , susidies , incentives   duty drawback , logistic improvement
    • • Control unnecessary import like gold in times high CAD
    • • Control inflation , check currency manipulation & arrest volatility in currency exchange market - encourage  - Fdi , FII , cap flow

 Capital acc liberalization

  •  Capital control - rbi , govt , regulatory bodies
  •  limit on total fpis in domestic securities , with separate limit on different kind
  • • Cap on ecb , masala bond together
  • • Restriction on investor such as PF, insurance firm
  • • Restriction on maturity on underlying investment
  • • Only high credit quality companies can go for ecb

  • Against -
    •  lead to export of domestic saving,
    • • Tax avoidance - weaken tax auth to tax domestic financial activities , income , wealth
    • • macroeconomic instability, volatile capital movement
    • • Ineffective MP - speculative investment , movement of capital 
    • • Financial bubble - investment in real estate & equity market by unbridled foreign borrowing
    • • Rise in external liabilities, pressure on Forex reserve
    • • Banking system not strong enough - NPA

  • Favor - 
    • Bring financial efficiency , innovation , specialization due to global competition
    • • Attract foreign cap - can supplement domestic saving
    • • Resident have greater choice of investment
    • • Help  complement current acc- capital control not effective with current acc convertibility
    • • Changed global scenario - eco not insulate from external development - cap control ineffective
    • • Tarapore com, 1997, 2006 rbi - full convertibility in phased manner , subj to condition
    • • Fiscal stability low fd, price stability - low inflation
    • • Stability of financial inst & market, low NPA

Current account deficit (cad)

  • • CAD - 2.4 % of GDP(18-19)
  • • Trade deficit - 6-6.5% gdp
  • • Main factor for Rupee volatility
  • • Rise in crude , x merchandise export , increased remittance offset deterioration
  • • Govt step - attract dollars- enable ecb, removal of limit on fpi , masala bond(18-19) exempted from withholding tax
  • • Swap for bank ,  with japan - $75 bn , BRICS CRA
  • • Recapitalization of exim bank
  • • Exim bank - Lend for export firm in India
  • • Support oversea buyers, Indian supplier for export of development & infra project, equipment & g&S
  • • Concessional finance scheme - goi support ind bidder in strategic infra pro
  • • Extend LOC - 233 covering 60 country with $25 bn credit commitment
  • • Grass root initiative & development - GRID - grassroots exporters
  • • Swap facility provided - $5bn dollar - rupee swap by rbi for bank to support liquidy
  • • Reduce interest by bank - cope with double financial repression
  • • Increase RBI forex reserve - help dealing in hot money outflow , BOP crisis
  • • Control appreciation of Rupee (increase flow of rupee)
  • • Decrease financial stress on NBFC

Foreign trade policy - 2015-20

  • • 20 Categories - 80% export (x diversification )
  • • Inverted duty structure
  • • US pharmaceutical generic drug rule tightening
  • • MEIS, SEIS
  • • N Committee on trade facilitation
  • • 2nd generational reform
  • • Open economy further
  • • Allow Indian companies to make acquisition abroad
Devaluation/ depreciation
  • • Devaluation - fixed / semi- fixed exchange sys
  • • depreciation  - floating exchange sys - global demand- supply determine countries exchange
  • • If import inelastic like crude , the depreciation may worsen BOT thus depreciation can be both +ve, -ve
  • • Depreciation lead to Inflation
  • • Competitive devaluation of currency (beggar-thy-Neighbor policy) - adverse effect on economy of other - no gainer if all devalue - Great depression (1929-33)
