Election Commission

Is a formal group decision making process in which population chooses an individual to hold office.
Importance of elections

  • Part 15th
  • Article 324 to conduct, supervise, control.
  • Article 325: universal franchise.
  • Article 326: Adult suffrage.
  • who are not allowed:
    • non-resident----now can use postal ballots after SC judgement
    • Proxy vote for NRIs is also allowed
    • unsoundness of mind
    • corrupt or illegal practices
  • ECI Act 1991
Political parties
  • Quality of democracy depends on degree of public participation
  • Recognized under RPA, sec 29
  • Functions:
    • Contesting election
    • Formation of public opinion
    • Put forward different policies and programs
    • role in making laws
    • Formation and operation of government
    • role of opposition
    • Public service delivery
    • Representative function
  • Challenges:
    • lack of internal democracy
    • dynastic succession
    • growing role of money and muscle power
    • shifting ideological basis
    • Personality cult
    • narrow interests
    • not diversified: 
      • SC/ST/Women
  • Steps taken:
    • Anti-defection
    • Recognition of Political parties
    • EC: passed the orders to hold the organizational elections and filing of income return
  • Suggestion:
    • Legislative:
      • Law for internal regulation 
      • Women candidates
      • CIC: RTI
    • Administrative:
      • state funding
    • Civil society:
      • petition, publicity and agitation
      • Joining the political parties

Election commission 
  • ECI Act 1991
  • Convention : no re-appointment 
  • Power of ECs:
    • Article 324
    • Conduct of election rules 1961
    • Election symbols order 1968
    • Kanahiya Lal Omar case 1985 case:
      • Power of the EC are uncontrolled by the executives
      • Reservoir of power: where law is silent ECI automatically got the power
    • Executive cannot interfere in scheduling of the election.
  • Other officers:
    • chief electoral officer---district electoral officer---returning officer---booth presiding----observer.
  • Independence
    • No qualification mentioned for CEC in constitution
    • Removal of election commissioners other than CEC is on advice of CEC
    • No mention of further employment under constitution
    • Expenditure not charged upon CFI, needs parliamentary approval
    • No Independent secretariat
  • Power:
    • MCC is only advisory, no mechanism to enforce it.
    • No contempt power allegations
    • No formal mechanism to recommend changes to electoral laws.
    • No power to deregister political parties under RPA
    • No effective power to control political parties, inner democracy.
  • Allegations:
    • Partisan role being played by ECI in favouring government
    • Hacking and Tampering of EVM
  • Breakdown of democratic principles
  • Erosion of Institutional integrity
  • Loss of people's trust in elections
  • Degradation of political discourse
  • Politicization of election commission
  • Independence:
    • Appointment:
      • 2/3rd majority of both the house of the parliament.
      •  by collegium system
      • Tharkunde Committee 1974:
      • LCI 255th report Advice of panel (PM, CJI and LoO) 
    • Removal of EC: similar to CEC or SC (security of tenure)
    • Service conditions to not be changed
    • CEC:
      • Seniority principle for appointment of CEC
      • Colling off period: 10 years for any office of profit or political parties
    • Charged expenditure on CFI
  • Power
    • MCC Enforceability
    • Contempt power (EVM case)
    • Give powers by amending RPA for use of money power
      • example: TN assembly poll corruption case (has to rely on extraordinary power)
  • Accountability
    • But financial audits are done by cag and reports are published in parliament
  • Perception of partisanship:
    • EVM tempering but then came up with hackathon.
  • Administration: Administration: Independent secretariat so it does not depend DoPT.
  • RPA amendment : can adjourned and countermined election in case of use of money power.
Reforms Done:
  • Provision of NOTA in PUCL vs. UOI, 2013
  • Decriminalization of Politics: Lily thomas case, 2013, declaration of criminal charges
  • Introduction of Electoral Bonds: Transparency in electoral funding
  • Tackling the menace of paid news by ECI
  • Proposal of totalizer machine for consolidated results
  • Introduction of VVPAT to cross-check election results
  • Lok Prahari Case: Disclosure of sources of income, his spouse and dependents
  • Other: Restructuring election cycle and establish a hybrid model.
  • ECI:
    • Voter education and participation, 2019 highest turnout, SVEEP is effective
    • Credibility of voting, VVPAT slip and EVM count
    • ECI took strong action against erring parties under 324.
    • Action against money power, under 324.
Way forward
  • "Although highly political in terms of its actions, the Election Commission has developed and maintained a public reputation as an independent institution which has given it the authority to intervene and regulate the conduct of elections
  • its success is based on its administrative competence and the openness and accessibility it provides to the electoral process.
  • For now, its image as a fierce advocate of democratic principles and values has earned it public endorsement
Contempt Power
  • Internationally: Kenya and Pakistan
  • credibility
  • Challenges:
    • Transparency is needed rather than contempt
    • Undemocratic
    • Dinesh Goswami denied this
    • prone to abuse
  • Satisfaction of people is supreme and thus transparency and information availability is needed rather than contempt

Compulsory voting
  • over 30 countries and local body election in Gujarat have made voting compulsory
  • Poor representation : around 30-40% of population is not represented in present 
    • rural population is unaware and urban population is unrepresented
  • Increased legitimacy and interest of all will be served 
  • malpractices will be curbed 
  • better informed citizens
  • quality of democracy is dependent on degree of public participation 
  • anti-democratic : violation of freedom 
  • Ineffective : mechanical voting , invalid voters 
  • Administrative and procedural feasibility 
  • Opportunity cost (migrant, daily wagers etc.

  • Various instances of violation of MCC were observed.
What it is?
  • set of guidelines laid down by the Election Commission to govern the conduct of political parties and candidates in the run-up to an election, in line with Article 324.
  • formulated by the election commission in consultation of the political parties in 1985.
  • Remains in force from the announcement of date of elections or election schedule till its end, SC Harbans Sigh Jalal vs UOI.
  • unique to India
  • Does not have any statutory basis but can be enforced by invoking provision of IPC, RPA, 1951.
  • It includes general conduct during electioneering, holding meetings and processions, poll day activities and functioning of the party in power etc.
  • SC: recognized it for free and fair election 
  • Free and Fair election
    • Level playing field
    • Ensure peace and order
    • Avoid clashes and conflict
    • Restricting the government of the day from misusing official position
  • Rules of election morality
  • Evolution:
    • First used in 1960 in Kerala elections
    • Then in 1962 LS election
    • 1991 TN Seshan gave real power to ECI
  • Great success 
  • have strong public, political and SC support
  • Impartiality in implementation 
Impact on Gov.
  • Gov cannot announce any new project, scheme or policy
  • Cannot combine official visits with campaigns
  • Campaign by gov. cannot be done at the cost of public exchequer
  • Ruling gov cannot make any ad hoc arrangements
  • Only a moral force
  • Ineffective implementation
  • Violation
    • Ineffective Enforcement on social media, digital contect.
    • New forms and manipulation through media
    • Capacity for enforceability
    • Cognizance of Violations
  • Non comprehensive
    • Freebies , cash
  • Timing and period of enforcement: delayed response.
  • Policy paralysis
    • Reducing the time between enforcement of code and day of polling
      • MCC should come into force from date of notification and not from announcement of election schedule
  • Debate over issues such as National security and disaster management.
  • Legalising the MCC
    • why:
      • frequent violation
      • better enforcement
      • deterrent 
    • Why not:
      • EC will lost its power over it
      • Lighter rates of litigation on overburdened judiciary
      • its effectiveness may reduced
    • Final: not legalized but better enforceability through more powers to EC, make it more comprehensive and giving better
  • Increase the quantum of punishment
  • Amend the IT act to cover Social media
  • Awareness and Education

MSEC: Made notice for local body that fresh election should be held if NOTA emerges winner
  • High NOTA votes recorded in reserved seats, (SC(1.16%), ST(1.76) and General (0.98))
  • NOTA is on an average high in LWE area
  • State having direct bi-party contest, have high NOTA vote share
  • NOTA significant in 26 constituencies where NOTA votes where higher than winning margin.
  • Was introduced in PUCL case 2013 
  • NOTA allows to disapprove the candidates
  • NOTA in RS, not allowed SC judgement
  • Effectiveness of NOTA
    • moral 
    • forced to stand good candidates
 Right to reject
  • Doesn't provide for a right to reject, ECI no power to call fresh elections if NOTA secures highest vote.
For Reelection
  • Freedom of expression, voters right to register her consent
  • Conducive for democracy: Voter is at least participating in the election process
  • Promoting inner party democracy,
  • Financial pressure, massive expenditure as it has to conduct reelection
  • Disrupting democracy: Frequent election
  • Administrative pressures: ECI has to take help from many quarters
  • Governance issues: due to imposition of MCC
Way forward
  • Haryana and MP disqualifies candidates getting less votes than NOTA
    • Use of whip Office to regulate the activities during the elections.


Electoral Reforms Taken

By supreme court
  • On conviction, the legislator would immediately be disqualified from the membership of the house
    1. Section 8(4) RPA 1951 held unconstitutional there by 90 day period after conviction is not available. Lily thomas Case
  • Criminal trials especially those dealing with corruption and heinous offenses, involving elected a representative should be completed in a year. 2014 Guidelines
  • NOTA :PUCL v/s UOI , 2013
  • ADR v/s UOI,2002 : Right to be get informed, Disclosure of candidates info.
  • Lok Prahari Case: Disclosure of assets of spouse and dependents.
  • Directed the HC to suspend only sentence and not a conviction
  • And now constitution bench to decide if they can be disqualified after framing of the charges
EC Suggested
  • Two ballot system
  • Right to reject
  • Enquiry convicted then shall be disqualified till acquitted
  • Charges framed then disqualify
  • Increasing the duration of sentence for providing wrong information
Steps taken
  • Right to know extended:
    • RPA amended to make candidate and their spouses to disclose source of income(not only income). 
  • NERP 2016: National Electoral roll purification and Authentication drive
    • Use of Aadhar, GIS etc to correct the errors and enroll all
  • VVPTS: Voter verification and Paper trail system
    • Receipt like system , will be used for cross verification
  • National Voter service portal:
    • Electronic information availability

Holding simultaneous elections of parliament, SLA and Local bodies

  • Governance
    • Standstill normal functioning
    • Allow govt. to devout four years (stability and focus)
    • Free the Central government from the populism and more focus will be on public interest
    • MCC lead to administrative inefficiency and Political impasse
  • Economy
    • Heavy recurring cost (no cap on expenditure of political parties)
    • Time consuming
    • Reduced expenditure
    • Economic development (stability)
    • Less black money and corruption
  • Social
    • Aggravation of vices like communalism, casteism, corruption, crony capitalism could not be tackle in electorally charged environment
    • Improvement in voting % (migrant worker had to move only once )
  • Legislative working
    • Delay and disruption
    • Politically charged
  • Fixed term legislature (against the constitution)
    • Against the freedom that a government has to go back to people anytime to refresh its mandate
    • Various constitutional and democratic process will be affected
      • Concurrent and Continuous accountability
  • Political Freedom
    • Infringement of the people's right to choose their representative
      • Local and national issue will be mixed up
      • Against the federal feature of constitution
      • Decreased accountability
  • Political Diversity
    • National and regional parties
    • Mirror voting in regional and national voting
    • Social and regional diversity needed political diversity
  • Challenges
    • Logistics, security and administrative machinery
    • Not easy to implement
  • Frequent elections benefits
    • Accountability increases
    • Boost to the economy at the grass-root level by various schemes and promises
    • Local and national issue do not get mixed up
  • South Africa and Sweden
  • Germany (constructive no confidence motion)
Alternate solution
  • Cut the role of money power in elections
    • Cap on political party expenditure
    • State funding of elections
    • Ban on all private specially corporate funds
  • Holding election in one day
  • Self discipline
  • It is best suited in the political system where there is a clear separation of power like in US
  • German Model Check
Way forward
  • Recommendations of Parliamentary Panel on law and Justice
    • Two-phase poll with stated divided into two groups , one for election will be held in the middle of the LS and other at the end of the LS
    • Elections of legislative assemblies whose term ends six months before/after the general elections to Lok Sabha should be clubbed together.
    • To hold early elections to state legislative assemblies along with other states/Lok Sabha, a motion for an early general election or a no confidence motion must be passed by the House.

  • Although it is desirable but not feasible
  • Increase stability

Inefficacy in local elections
  • Evidence
    • More often local bodies are dominated by state ruling party
    • Oppositions always opposed these elections.
  • Structural
    • SEC is constituted by SLA so do not enjoy independence and impartiality as ECI
    • Frequent rotation of reserved seats prevents candidates from growing in experience
    • Timely elections
  • Procedural
    • Rules, timing regulation, staffing of booth, use of state police machinery are in state government control and varies from state to state
  • Others
    • Prevalence of money power, caste politics
  • Hindering the development of democratic decentralisation
  • Locals neglected
  • 2nd ARC : appointment of SEC based on collegium
  • Article 82 to setup state delimitation commission recommended by Punchi commission
  • Model Panchayat Bill
  • Administrative control of SEC to ECI so that appointment of SEC and deployment of paramilitary forces can  help conduct the election in fair manner
  • Monitoring and accountability

Regulation of political Parties
  • Internal democracy
  • Funding mechanism
  • Diversity deficit
    • Low women, ST, SC representation
Need of accountability
  • Represents people
  • Hiding source of funding
  • Resisting to come under RTI
  • CIC also in Sushil Kumar case
  • Fundamental Right
  • Petition, publicity and  agitation
  • Those who want to reform join the political parties
  • Quality of democracy depends on degree of public participation

Caste conflicts

Maratha-Dalit in MH

  • Reservation (relative success)
  • Status of government jobs
  • Misuse of atrocities law
  • Agriculture
  • Rural economy
  • Unemployment
  • Political motivation
  • No social acceptance of Dalit
  • Immediate cause

  • Rape of a Maratha girl by few Dalit boys
  • Demands
  • Reservation
  • Dilution of atrocities law

  • Reservation
  • Social status
  • Upper and lower caste conflict
  • Dalit identity
  • Jobless growth
  • Agriculture 
  • unemployment
  • Caste based mobilisation
  • Reservation based on backward classes gives good
  • Rise of regional parties e.g. SP, BSP
  • Failure of welfare measures

Paid News in Election:
ECI has moved SC to take on the menace of paid news during elections
What is?
  • PCI: "any news in any media for a price in cash or kind"
  • Grave electoral malpractice
  • Not an electoral offence yet.
  • Corporatization of media, decline in autonomy of auditors and journalists
  • Regulators
    • Self-regulatory mechanism are an eye wash, like New Broadcasting Standards Authority.
    • Inadequate punitive measures of statutory regulators like PCI
    • Conflict of interest as media owners are member of PCI
  • Inaction by Gov, on recommendation of PCI and ECI
  • Lack of clarity on penal provision and jurisdiction due to multiple bodies
  • Concentration of media ownership, monopolistic practices
  • Distribution of government advertisements, used for favorable coverage
  • Affect the conduct of election in free and fair manner
  • Paid news misleads public and hampers ability of people to form correct opinions
  • Causes undue influence on voters and also affects Right to information
  • Seeks to circumvent expenditure laws/ceiling
  • Also vitiates the principle of level playing field
  • Circumstantial evidence but there is little proof about paid news
  • Surrogate advertisement and unreported advertisement often mistakes as Paid news
  • Timelines are quite tight, if not maintained not possible to account expenditure on paid news.
Steps Taken
  • 2010 ECI issued instructions to officers to report cases of paid news
  • ECI Media certification and monitoring authority, for checking paid news.
Way forward
  • LCI report 255: Definition for paid news should be added in RPA
    • Making paid news an electoral offence leading to disqualification
  • PSC on Issues related to paid news:
    • Auditing financial accounts of media houses and revenue source
    • Disclosure of advertising revenue by media houses
    • Establishment of single regulatroy authority for both print and electronic media
    • Regulators should not include media houses
    • Transparent and unbiased policy for distribution of advertisements
  • PCI amendment in 1978 act to make its direction binding on gov.
  • ECI inclusion of abetting and publishing paid news an electoral offence with two years of prison
  • Adoption of international best practices on the lines of Justice Leveson Report.

Social Media
Self Regulation of social media during elections

  • Social media and IAMAI have presented: Voluntary code of ethics for general election 2019"
    • Ensure free and fair election
  • Menace of fake news on social media, only 2.7% believe what they receive
  • Disparity of information, because of source of news and fact checking mechanisms
  • Data mining: Cambridge Analytica case.
  • Can cause violence, Muzaffarnagar riots.
Voluntary code of ethics
  • Facilitate access to info regarding electoral matters
  • Dedicated person to report any violation of guidelines
  • Acts on complaints within 3 hrs by the platforms
  • Regulation of political advertisements by submitting pre-certification from media houses
  • Update on the action takes, about the step taken to prevent the abuse.
Sec 126
  • Umesh Sinha Committee Report:
    • Sec 126: RPA, prohibits ad and campaign on TV before 48 hrs end of polling
    • Extend the provision to print and social media
    • Provision to flag content violating electoral law
Significance of Social media
  • Help the ECI in voter participation
  • Increase voter outreach of political parties
  • Create level playing field owing to its low cost
  • Raise awareness about issues neglected by parties
  • 2-5% of budget is set by parties for campaign on social media
  • Spread info and curb mis info
