Emotional intelligence-concepts

  • Ability to perceive, evaluate, regulate, manage, control, use of emotion of ourselves & others 
  • competence to balance emotions and reason, so as to maximize long term effectiveness and happiness
  • Daniel Goleman
Development of EI
  • Early expression of emotions by parents
  • Early abuse hinders learning
  • Uses- Constructive Criticism, Communication, Conflict Management, Building social capital, Public trust, Man management and leadership, Better implementation, Citizen centric, empathy, Proactiveness, Active rather than passive
  • Self awareness (monitor own feelings)
  • Self management (control impulses, appropriate reaction)
  • Self motivation (channel emotion towards achievement of personal goals)
  • Empathy (ability to read others' emotions)
  • Managing relationships (manage one's own social competence)
  • Motivation
  • Tolerance for tribal culture
  • Charles darwin & YN Harari emotion play an important role in the evolution of human race
  • Negative emotion - suicide bombing,  nepotism, and corruption,  blue whale game suicide, mob violence, communal riots, drug addiction, domestic violence, photo of drowned syrian child alan khurdi sparked outrage 
  • Better communication with differing perspectives => defuse conflicts
  • Better equipped to deal with uncertainty
  • More empathetic person, better work (service delivery in govt)
  • More efficient => challenges overcome
  • Positive attitude overall => leadership
  • Personal and peer relationships are improved

1) Job satisfaction- High EQ – Positive feeling – Higher satisfaction
2) Organizational commitment – Optimistic individuals – Higher level of commitment
3) Work-family conflict – Balance family interference with work
4) Job performance – EI contributes to effective

Using EQ at workplace –

1) Recruitment – desirable worker
2) Predict job performance and direct workers to jobs where they are most likely to succeed
3) Negotiation - Being able to empathize and be creative in finding win-win solution
4) Performance management- how your self – Perception compares with other’s view about your performance, provides focus for career development and positive behavioural changes.
5) Peer relationship – Networking –

Application in administration and Governance

Relevance of Emotional Intelligence Civil Services
  • Good governance
  • Increased awareness of masses
  • Widespread application of IT
  • Issues get politicized easily and quickly
  • Inadequacy of basic necessities
  • Fast changing social structure and rules
  • Inequality, rising population, unemployment
  • EI  can help Civil Services

1) Achieve an amicable work environment
2) Increase behavior and performance of individual workers
3) Increase organization performance

In this world of surpluses , there is only one resource that is scarce ie Trust, Compassion.
