Ethics and Human Interface:


2nd ARC - Set of standards that society places on itself and which helps guide conduct, behaviour, choices and actions;
system of moral principles, norms, rules, standards etc.
criminal defamation sec  295A, Misuse of sedition act         - 124 A, Preventive detention - A22

ultimate compass of right or wrong of an individual
Morality is determined by how you act when you are alone
"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" - Edmund Burke
Purusaths- Artha, Kama, Dharma, Moksh
Bramcharya, Grihastha asharam , Vanya prastha , Sanyasha - chaturashram
morality is an attitude we adopt towards the people whom we personally dislike - oscar wilde
End vs mean

Carrot and Stick policy of Patel
Immoral deterrence
Capital punishment - rape & Terror
Utilizes Black money for charity
Mother Teresa
He jianuki - Gene editing
Industry vs environment - Bhopal Gas tragedy, 1984  , Sterlite thoothukudi copper
Scams - Ketan Parikh , Harshat Mehta
Communal riots politically motivated - Mujjfarnagar
Modern day slavery- Begari, forced labour, servitude, Manual scavenging
Organ trade, Illegal clinical trials on
Commodification of women , Surrogacy
Police encounters AFSPA - Justice verma
Breach of privacy for national security
Building a dam to supply water , x environ

Breaching a traffic signal to take an accident victim to hospital

Deontological ethics
Human being should always be treated as ends in themselves and never as merely means : Immanuel  Kant
Bhagwad gita - Means must be pure , nishkam karma - renunciation in action not renunciation of action
Gandhiji not taking advantage of ww2 to launch movement against the british
Article 21,23, 24, Human dignity and rights
Adharma for Dharma and Adharma
Being a good Samaritan to help accident victim despite police enquiry
Temperance - Ban on Alcohol
Gandhi and Kant
Good means always leads to good ends 
Good of violence is temporary but bad is permanent and long term
Bhagat Singh's testimony in jail for Youth -abhor violence 
Gandhi's concept of Harijan and Girijan vs Ambedkar - annihilation of caste along with varna 
Satisfaction lies in effort not in victory - ML gandhi

believes that the value of a thing depends on its utility
Maximum pleasure with maximum ppl for greatest stretch of time


Societal improve
Applicability -Free will, knowledge, choice
Need of life

Beauty - aesthetic needs
Truth - intellectual needs
Moral - need to do right
Determinants of Ethics in human actions;

Macro Determinants - Religion, Constitution, Political, Historical (Tughlak- cutting thighs if weight less - even today sabajiwala - put 1 vegetable extra), Legal, Social
Micro determinants - Action, Purpose, Circumstance
Individual personality trait: value system, education, religious belief, experiences
Culture/country of an individual
Organisation/Industry: work culture
Consequences of Ethics in human actions;

Individual Level

Satisfaction of basic human needs – family,  Friendly behavior,  marriage
Creating credibility- Eg. E. Shreedharan (efficient and honest),
Provides identity to the individual,Self-defence
Integration – society
Helps in bringing social order, Social harmony


Decision making
Reflective judgment- Acceptable by all
Grey areas (Rules, code of conduct) 
Response to dynamic administration and fast changing world
Efficient and responsive administration in Diverse situation (Poor, Rich, Able, Disabled, Privileged, underprivileged, Honest, Corrupt)
Organizational level

Convergence of individual interest with organizational interest
Controlling corruption
Nepotism Black money Tax evasion
Work culture
