Finance Commission

Finance Commission
 Article 280

  • Building trust
  • Cooperative and competitive Federalism
  • Augmenting resources of local bodies
    • Performance grant
    • Various taxes
      • Property tax
      • Professional tax  
  • Provision:
    • vertical devolution: 42% of the divisible pool
    • Horizontal sharing
      • Pop. of 2011
    • Grant-in-aid
      • revenue deficit
      • DM
      • local bodies
    • No mentioning of special categories
    • no sector specific grant 
    • Recommended plan no plan division
Challenges of over powering states:
  • Lack of Expertise
    • Financial,Technical,Planning,Implementing
  • Poor political agenda
    • Freebie politics
    • Vote bank
    • Pity issues
  • Disputes
    • With other states
    • On issues like Water: eg. Satluj-Yamuna
    • Trade
  • Poor governance
    • In handling issues: Reservation
    • Ban culture
    • Tinkering with Judiciary
  • Other matters
    • Disaster management 
    • Corporate
    • International disputes
    • International agreements and matters of National importance
    • Matters needing Uniformity through out India
Benefits of Decentralization or Giving more powers to States:
  • Competitive Federalism
  • Control over finances
  • Tailor made schemes
  • Local problems and local solutions 
    • eg. problem of Open defacation and education in Haryana and Solution via Local election conditionalities
  • solution of Policy paralysis
    • When not strong center, laws can be made by individual states
    • eg. Rajasthan's Labor and Land laws

New Framework of Grants

Central Sector Scheme
  • Sub group of CM in Niti Aayog
    • Core of Core (social protection and Inclusion, no change in Funding )
      • MGNREGA, NSAP. SC,ST, Women, minorities
    • Core scheme
      • 60 : 40
    • Optional Schemes (with flexibility of Spent)
      • 50 : 50
      • Border area development and river conservation plan
  • Criticism
    • Does not linked with Outcome

FFC NK Singh Rationalization of CSS

  • CSS are plan transfer to State gov on subjects in State and concur.
  • Biggest component of CA to states
  • Number of CSS very large: 360 at 9th 5 year plan
  • Fulfill national objectives
  • Aid finances of State
  • Inclusive growth
  • Better implementation of schemes
Steps for rationalization:
  • Reduced CS from 66 to 28
  • Reduced rigidity with provision of flexi fund
  • Evaluation of CSS by NITI Aayog, co terminus with FC
Further Prospects
  • Improving the process of transfer of funds
  • Performance linked financing model
  • Enables comprehensive development of sector.
Divisible Poll off Tax
  • 42%
Doing away with Plan and Non plan
  • FFC
Restructuring and rationalising
  • Outcome based monitoring of  implementation of schemes

  • Statutory
    • General (states which need financial assistance)
    • Specific like welfare of Tribes
    • Article 275
    • On recommendation of FC
  • Discretionary
    • Article 282
    • No obligation to give grant
