Foundation values of Civil Service

Attributes of Good Administrator
  1. Capacity to use his institutional resources.
  2. team – worker.
  3. A good initiator /leader
  4. Avoiding using power or authority for their own sake.
  5. Capacity to build his own strength by building the competence of his organization.
  6. A good listener.
  7. Willingness to assume responsibility.
  8. A steadily enlarging ability to deal with more problems

Civil service activism

  • T N SHESHAN - CEC - Voter ID & MCC enforcement
  • Op Choudhary - Choolo Asman - Nanhe parindey, Livelihood college
  • The suspension of Durga Shakti Nagpal, an IAS officer in Uttar Pradesh, was linked to her efforts to crack down on the sand mining mafia in the area where she was posted.
  • The resulting national outrage and protests had eventually led to the revocation of her suspension.

  • Consistency of thought, speech, and action while adhering to the highest moral standards
  • sense of wholeness and consistency of character
  • same authentic person regardless of a situation
  • Professional Integrity - the quality of deliverable to clients irrespective of workload
  • D Roopa: Bringing out the irregularities in Prisons - Banglore jail, in spite of the presence of popular politicians
  • Durga Shakti Nagpal: Crackdown on illegal sand mining in NCR area
  • Gauri Lankesh, Shujat Bhookari
  • Nirav Modi, Vijaya Mallaya
  • If there is integrity nothing matters, if there is no integrity nothing else matters
  • When looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if you don't have the first, the other two will kill you.  Warren buffet
  • Ethics ensure validity and integrity ensure reliability
  • To believe in something and not live it is intellectual dishonesty - Gandhi

  • Not disposed to cheat or defraud; not deceptive or fraudulent, display of sincerity , truthfulness and being free of deceit
  • Yudhishtra - Ashwathama example
  • Ashok Khemka: 52 Transfers
  • Honesty is an optimal example of integrity
  • 'Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, but knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful'
  • Abdul Qadar Khan  nuclear scientist from Pakistan
  • Honesty is the first chapter in book of wisdom
  • Honesty is the best policy

  • having strong moral principles; uprightness of character or action.
  • Integrity is about following the strong moral principle while probity is about having strong moral principles
  • Example of probity in governance and integral civil servant
  • Honesty < Probity < Integrity

  • judgment based on observable phenomena and uninfluenced by emotions or personal prejudices
  • E bidding for natural resources.
  • Adjudicating btn smaller siblings fight

  • treatment of different views or opinions equally and fairly
  • act solely according to merit of case without any preference to any pvt org or individual
  • Umpiring in cricket match         friends vs others
  • Speaker , judge , governor
  • Jagmohan sinha- 
  • Reimbursement of Johnson & Johnson faulty hip transplant, not provided to Indian patients 
  • PDMA - for impartial debt management

  • act of not supporting part, person or cause
  • To the ministers
    • Neutrality, Objective advice  irrespective of political ideologies
  • To the citizens
    • Non discrimination
  • Non-discrimination - fairness in treating people without prejudice
  • Non-partisanship - fairness in treating people without prejudice
  • Neutrality - an absence of bias
  • TN Seshan - ensured ECI to become impartial - upholding democratic value
  • Committed bureaucracy during Indira Gandhi.
  • Justice HR Khanna: lone dissenting voice on Habeas Corpus judgment during Emergency. Got passed over for CJI as a result.

Dedication to public service
  • Unflinching service to the public
  • Ex: During natural disasters
  • Dr. Ramboo left IRS job to bring the seed of change in 7000 villages
  • Sonam Wangchuck revolutionize education in ladakh
  • Sukumar sen -1st CEC  conducted 1st election in India with 17 crore eligible vote - 15 % literacy
  • Prasanth Nair: IAS officer - Kerala, operation Sulaiman (Hunger Issue), Tere Mere Beech Mein: (Waste Management, Kozhikode) , Compassionate Kozhikode
  • Rohini Bhajibhakare: Collector of Salem District, people-centric governance, surprise check in hospitals, keep in touch with officials through WhatsApp, give pep talks in

  • act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action
  • Mary Kom: Winning medal even after becoming mom
  • only woman to become World Amateur Boxing champion for a record six times, and the only woman boxer to have won a medal in each one of the seven world championships
  • Chetna Saini: 23 yr old haryanavi, gold in district level championship, mother of two.

  • Sheela Dixit - visiting Flyover construction in night to see work progress
  • S Swaraj - twitter seva for stranded India
  • Amit Lodha -  Bihar cop,  arresting deadly criminal
  • Anunachalam - sanitry napkin
  • Thomas edision- AC Electric Bulb
  • PV Sindhu - winning gold after losing thrice
  • -ve commitment - hitler
  • Akbar , Asoka
  • It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. – Aristotle

  • Anekantvada - intellectual ahimsha

Non violence
  • Non-violence, which is the quality of the heart, cannot come by an appeal to the brain.
  • An eye for an eye would make the whole world blind
  • East Timor won independence mostly through Peaceful mean
  • Killing of rationalist like Dabholkar, Panasare, Kalburgi & journalist like gauri lankesh
  • The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong - Gandhi

  • Mother Teresa
  • True peace is not merely the absence of tension; it is present of justice" - MLK Jr
  • Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu -(Let the whole world be prosperous and peaceful)

  • means u can understand what the person is feeling.
  • Jyotirao Phule : He never possess a warm coat , as he invariably gave off his coat to first beggar he me
  • means that you feel what a person is feeling.
  • Understanding and entering into another's feelings;
  • YN Harari - c
  • Ability to understand and share others feelings
  • Human race as extended family, other creature as evolutionary family and biosphere as our community
  • Vadudaiv kutumbhkam
  • Jivo parasparograhonam
  • Sarve bhavtu sukhina , sarve santu niramaya
  • Ahima parmo dharma

compassion  toward weaker-sections
  • is the willingness to relieve the suffering of another.
  • humane quality of understanding the suffering of others and wanting to do something about it
  • Gandhiji's talisman to understand vulnerability of others
  • Kerala Temple: offers hall for offering namaz after mosque is submerged , Mosque serves food for all.
  • MC mehta - child labour PIL
  • Mother Teresa
  • We make a living by what be get , we make a life by what we give - churchill

  • quality of unselfish concern for the welfare of others
  • Patriotism in soldier to sacrifice life for country
  • APJ abdul kalam & Atal bihari Vajpeyi - never married for public duty
  • SR sankaran:
    • - Never married by saying he wants to serve the people first and then himself
    • - Main force behind the civil rights act & Safai karamchari andolan(Bezwada wilson);
    • - worked highly for abolition of bonded labour.
  • Afroz Shah: Versova beach clean up
  • Real kindness seeks no return; What return can the world make to raining clouds? - thiruvalluvar
  • “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself         into the service of others -mk Gandhi

  • disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others.
  • Bill gates, azim premji  & others to give their wealth charity
  • Food donation, blood donation, good Samaritan
  • quality of unselfish concern for the welfare of others
  • Baba Amte, Jotibha rao phule , DK Karve -
  • They alone live who live for others , rest are more dead than alive - Swami vivekaanda

Love & Care
  • Love thy neighbour as thyself - Holy bible
  • Indian philosophy is Based         on the idea of ‘Love thy negihbour and all beings are your negihbour"
  • Vashudhaive kutumbhkam
  • People are made to be love. Things are made to be used. And the present chaos is because people are being used and things are being loved .

Benevolence : 
  • it is the love of others, the desire to
  • do good, be kind and generous
  • Conquer your opponent with love and not hate- MK Gandhi
  • Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life - Confucius
