Fundamental Duties:

    • Low awareness
    • legal enforceability
    • These are the duties on the citizens which are co-related with their rights
    • Added in 42nd amendment 
    • Recom: by Swarn singh committee
    • Taken from USSR
    • Article 51A
    • 11 in number
    • Constitutional endorsement to the Indian way of life: concept of Dharma
    • Civic and moral duties
    • Duties:
      • abide by the constitutions and respect its ideals and institutions like National flag and anthem
      • cheris ideal of Freedom struggle
      • Protect Sovereignity, intergrity and unity
      • national service
      • harmony and brotherhood
      • rich heritage
      • natural environment
      • scientific temper, humanism
      • Public property and non-violence
      • Strive towards excellence
      • Provide eduction 
    • Vague terms and phrases like Scientific temper, composite culture
    • No exhaustive:
      • vote, tax etc
    • not-Justiceable
    • Superfluous: could be followed even if not there
    • Little importance has been given int he constitution 
      • by attaching it with the part 4
    • Reminders to the Citizens about their role in democracy
    • Warning against anti-Indian, anti-social influences
    • Help in validating and determining the the constitutional validity of a law.
    • Enforceable by law:
      • flag code of India
    • Are necessary for a vibrant democracy
    • Rights-duty relationship(rights without duties = anarchy)
    • Gandhi: If only duty is followed then no need to take any care of Rights
      • Linked with part 3 and 4
    • If sincerly followed then many ills in the present society like lack of harmony, women atrocities , environment protection etc can be cured
Govt.'s steps
    • Justice J S Verma Committee
      • Was set up in 1998 to suggest ways for improving awareness for FD
      • Subsequently many schemes are being implemented for this
      • Suggested for the changes in curricula: to target Children
    • SC: Since duties are obligatory for the citizens the state should strive to achieve the same goal.
    • Voluntary sector involvement was also there
Need for 
    • Apart from above steps
    • Inculcating duties in all the oaths and pledges

• IVA -42nd CA- Swarn singh com rec
• USSR inspired , complement Rights
• citizen only , moral & civil duties
• Balance , strengthen dem, warning to anti - N, inspiration , motivation , can be enforced by law - Prevention of Insult to N Honor Act, 1971 

• X exhaustive , paying tax , casting votes
• Non -justiciable 
• Vague ,ambitious , difficult for common man 
• Added during emergency , subsequent govt didn't remove

• 86th CA - RTE as A51A (k)
• Patriotism
• Verma Com - ?
• Prevention of insult to n honours act, IPC, Forest act
• Wildlife protection act, Protection of civil R act , RPA , 
