Fundamental Rights of Animals

Fundamental Rights of Animals
Vermin animals
Cat Biryani in Tamil Nadu
Kerala Dogs Incidents
Right to fly
Jallikatu Ban
Bull-vaulting event part of Pongal celebration
  • Cruelty (PCA,1960)
  • Injuries to both animal and public
  • Use of alcohol
  • Old tradition cannot  be regarded as right
  • Cruelty can not be permitted in name of culture
  • Its fundamental duty of every citizen to protect wildlife and have compassion for all living creature
  • Part of Tamil Culture
  • There are rules to not harm the bulls and ban cannot be imposed just because of some rule barkers
  • With ban bulls are sent to slaughter house due to lack of money to maintain them
  • Convention on Biological Diversity : such activities should be as it is, but with the rule and regulation to organise and maintain them
Supreme Court
Stayed on order of MoEF (of effectively lifting the ban ) and reiterated five freedoms
  • Freedom form hunger, thrust and malnutrition
  • Freedom form physical discomfort
  • Freedom form pain, disease and injury
  • Freedom form fear and distress
  • Freedom to express normal behaviour

Recognise them FR of Animals
  • Article 21 also includes right to life of animals
  • Fundamental duty
