Governor - State Executive

  • Lynchpin of Federalism
  • 5th and 6th schedule area
  • Protector and preserver of Constitution (Ar. 356 , bill reservation)
  • Executive head of the state (advice + discretion)
  • Article 356
  • Article 200 and 201: reservation of bill
  • Article 163: Council of ministers to aid and advice governor
  • Article 172: State assembly should continue functioning for 5 years, unless
  • Article 174: Sessions of State, dissolution
  • CM's appointment in case of hung assembly

  • No fixed criteria, loyalist often been appointed, it has become a post retirement treat.
  • Article 157: Qualifications for appointment of governor
  • Sarkaria and Punchhi commission:
    • Include these qualification in the constitution
      • Consult with CM
      • Apolitical
      • Outsider
      • Eminent
  • Hargovind Pant case: 
    • Governor is not an employee of centre and is an independent constitutional office

Removal and transfer
  • Arbitrary, pleasure doctrine of pleasure (156)
  • BP singhal case:
    • Can be removed only if:
      • Out of sync
      • Loss of confidence
      • Governor have right to be heard
      • Can be restored if found on whimsical ground
  • Sarkaria Commission:
    • Should be allowed to complete 5 years 
  • Punchhi commission:
    • Impeachment like process instead of "Pleasure doctrine"
  • No re-appointment except for 2nd term, President , VP
  • no active partisan politics
  • To not assume the role of Ombudsman or conscience keeper
  • Not to be concerned about the activities of the political parties
  • Discretionary power (163): Aid and advice of council of ministers
    • Arunanchal Pradesh: interference in the functioning of the SLA
    • Constitution: In deciding which matter falls in the discretion of the governor, governor's decision is final
    • Punchhi :
      • Choice dictated by reason and be in good faith
    • SC in AP case: 
      • Ar 163: Reinterpreted as he has limited discretion
        • Governor is bound by the advice of the CoM in all matters (including 174)
  • 356: President rule
  • Issues: Lack of objective criteria
  • Politically motivated
  • Missing political neutrality in governor office
  • Cases:
  • Rameshwar Prasad Case, 2006: Cannot override claim, because majority was formed through tainted means, (Art, 356), Post Poll alliance is valid
  • Buta Singh Case (2005): Governor report verified by CoM before advising Emergency.
  • SR Bommai Case: Art. 356, majority on floor of the house, extraordinary
  • S Commission: Sparing use of 356, All possibilities of alternate gov,
  • P Commission: Constitutional convention in hung assembly, Localized emerg.
  • Interfering in the State legislative assembly
    • Interfering in session
      • Can not interfere with the power of Speaker (Anti-defection)
    • 200: Reservation of Bills (any bills):
      • S and P commission: Objective guidelines should be formulated
  • Role of governor in case of hung assembly:
    • Manipur issue: 2nd largest party was called to form the government against the convention of largest party.
    • P Commission: Constitutional Convention
    • SR Bommai Case: Laid out guidelines
    • Goa issue
      • Morality
  • Interference in CoM's works: Mamta Accused Governor of threatening and insulting her.
    • Also occured in TN, Arunanchal etc
    • This shows the increasing of political nature of the governor

  • Post retirement Jobs
  • Politically Unethical and constitutionally incorrect and against democratic tradition
Way forward
  • Shashi Tharoor:
    • Mirror image of President
    • Post of governor should attract to the men and women and women of Integrity and ability
    • 2 possibilities:
      • Abolished the post:
        • As it is largely ceremonial and important tasks can be passed on to CM and Justice of HC
      • Reform:
        • Multi party consensus on Code of Conduct for Governor
        • Give-up political membership
        • Debared form fighting any elections
        • No appointment in future
        • Fixed the term
        • Should not be transfer or only with consensus
        • Impeachment like process
  • President recommendation:
    • Governor has the responsibility to preserve, protect and defend the constitution and thus should work with in constitutional framework
    • Must not only be fair but also seen to be fair
    • Innovative roles:
      • Environmental
      • Technology demonstrator: Smart solutions in Raj bhavan 
      • Smart villages
  • cooling off period for appointment of any ex-government employee as governor.
