Human Values

Human Values - 

  • 2nd ARC- deeply held beliefs and ideas about right and wrong;
  • Individual principle or qualities that guide judgement and behaviour of a person or a group. 
  • Values are like anchor in ship.
  • A tree is as strong as its root 
  • 6 virtue - wisdom, courage, humanity, justice, and transcendence.
  • Intrinsic is one which has worth in its own right. It is an End-in-itself. Like Truth, Beauty, goodness, temperance, Courage can be called as absolute values

    • Gandhi - perseverance, self-belief, integrity, humility, dedication
    • Mandela - fairness, service to society, dignity, forgiveness, respect.
    • Luther King - equality, faith, selflessness, non-violence, hope
    • Bhibhishan Vs Kumbakaran - brother 
    • Duryodhan-  Envy - rival prosper 
    • Yudhisthira - I act bcoz I must
    • Arjuna despair - no victors in war
    • Bhishma - selflessness - be intent on the act not on fruit
    • Karna - status anxiety - 
    • Eklavya - give me your right thumb
    • Ashwathama revenge - in night - 

  • Extrinsic is one which is a means to some other value. It is of instrumental worth only. Like Wealth, Fame, physical fitness, nature(selflessness from tree and river)
    • Hong Kong protest - democratic values - against extradition bill 
    • China - xingxuang provice - internment camps - forcing uighyur muslim into han chinese culture 
    • Muslim countries 'so called protector of ullema' supporting china ex- Iran , pakistan , saudi arabia etc



  • Strength , courage , resilience , stamina , determination , endurance , Guts, Grit  
  • Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” – Confucius


  • Knowing how to avoid embarrassment or distress


  • Accumulated knowledge
  • IPS sandeep patil refuse bouquets and asks for books


  • trait of avoiding excesses
  • Justice Karnan case


  • quality of being just or fair
  • NC Mehta - environmental PIL to stop Polluting bus, Child labour , heritage , Industrical poluution 
  • Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. - MLK
  • Amarty Sen - 5 capability - econmic , political , Social, trnasparency , Relationshio
  • Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are” -Benjamin Franklin - 


  • doctrine advocates equality of mankind.
  • desires political and economic and social equality
  • Removal of economic inequalities.
  • Decentralisation of power. 
  • People should have same political, economic, social rights


  • equally balanced; relative term;
  • Equality - quality of being the same in quantity, measure, value or status
  • Poverty anywhere is a threat to prosperity everywhere- ILO philadelphia convention


  • Equity - treatment of different views or opinions equally and fairly
  •  having strong moral principles; uprightness of character or action.
  • MC Mehta 
Prejudice & Discrimination 
  • Nobel Laureate Liu Xiaobo (Tiananmen square protests jailed for co-authoring Charter 08 & for democratic freedom ) died in 2017 - China removed all the references of him (Freedom of speech)
  • Temple entry movement - Bhumata brigade of trupti desai along with similar movement in sabrimala & Haji Ali dargah
