Inclusive growth

Inclusive growth

  • • Sharing fruits of SE development with all section of society
  • • Oxfam - reward work not wealth - Richest 1% - 73% wealth , 63 cr poor half - 1%  wealth
  • • Stakeholders - Govt, Pvt sector , NGOs, CS, media
  • • Social - AAQ Edu , AA Health, RRCSP parity
  • • Econ- equitable wealthy, x poverty, Finance Lit, Q Employment, Agri growth , global parity, connectivity & communication
  • • Political - T & dem govt, ROL, discrimination x, ELFJ , pol R , security & safety - 0 corruption
  • • Envi -SD, BD preservation , future gen need

  • • Social investment, protection, MBI, fiscal space (carbon , sugar , tobacco tax, optimize taxation - x evasion)
  • • SDG 10 - reduce inequality

  • ILO convention on social security

  • • Pension, sickness benefit , maternity benefit , dependent benefit , medical benefit, PF, insurance, unemployment benefit, int worker pension benefit

  • • Contribution augmentation fund, N stabilization fund, privacy protection of personal data in social security org, Aadhar based universal registration , GRM, Transparent & fair financial setup , social audit , CAG audit of intermediaries

  • HDI

  • • 130 / 189 - UNDP- amartya sen
  • • Long & health life - Life expectancy - 69 y
  • • Standard of living - GNI/per capita Nomi - 6500$
  • • Expected y of schooling
  • • Income inequality - 18 % - highest in SE asia
  • • Gender - parliamentary seat - 11%, lfpr - 22

  • • Middle class growth slow
  • • Growth benefited top of social pyramid
  • • Base just lifted out of poverty
  • • Human capital index (wb) - child born in india will be 44% productive compared to if enjoyed full edu, health
  • • 38/100 child stunted

  • • Undp + oxford poverty & HD initiative - MPI

  • Minimum Basic Income

  • • Unicef + sewa - MP pilot project , finland
  • • Conditional , targeted UBI

  • • Definition - Tendulkar - 33/day -> 11-12% gdp , existing subsidy burden - 4-4.5%, fiscal burden , coverage, substitution of scheme, inflation , cash vs kind , demerit -sin good, targeted vs univ, identification of benefici. , no substitute for state capacity , pvtization of basic service , accessibility , worker productivity , implementation - bank outreach - last mile connectivity

  • • Social justice & equity , freedom of choice (agency), poverty alleviation - Eco16-17- 4-5% gdp - 0.5%poverty
  • • Rural distress, HD- edu , health, nutrition , toilet, admin efficiency - gender equity, insurance against shock, financial inclusion , labour efficiency

  • Jan Dhan yojana

  • • Financial inclusion - 99% hh
  • • Bank act, remittance, credit, insurance, overdraft (10k now), pension , ATM, rupay
  • • DBT, JAM, moneylender, leakage plugging,

  • • BC cost, internet connectivity issue
  • • 80 % adult have bank account

  • • Helping bank , women empowerment, falling 0 balnce account - only 15%
  • • 28 crore rupay debit card

  • EWS

  • Tax on super rich
