Indian National Movement (1917-47)

  • Gandhian era - undisputed leader of National Movement. 
  • Principles of violence and Satyagraha were employed against British, he also made it a mass movement. 
  • came to India in 1915 after two decades of fighting apartheid in South Africa.

i. Mahatma Gandhi began his experiments with Satyagraha against oppressive European indigo planters at Champaran in Bihar in 1917

ii. In 1918, in Kheda Gujarat in support of peasants who couldn't pay land tax due to crop failure

iii. In 1918, fast unto death for cause of Ahmedabad Mill Workers

iv. Help him become leader of the masses

a. Rowlatt Act - in 1917 committee was set up under Sydney Rowlatt to look into militant nationalist activities. On the basis of his report, Rowlatt Act was passed in 1919 by Central Legislative Council.

i. Censorship of the press
ii. Any person can be arrested on suspicion
iii. No appeal or petition could be filed against such arrests

Act was called Black Act and widely opposed, people were arrested including Gandhi

Jallianwala Bagh - Unprecedented support for Rowlatt Satyagraha, administration under military command. General Dyer banned all public meetings and detained all political leaders. On Baisakhi day, Dyer marched in and fired in and opened fire on crowd, around 400 dead. Rabinandranath Tagore renounced his knighthood in protest.

b. Khilafat Movement - chief cause was defeat of Ottoman Empire in 1st World War. Treaty of Sevres imposed harsh terms which were considered insulting by Muslims. Movement was based on belief that Caliph was religious head of Muslims all over the world.
i. Maulana Azad, M.A. Ansari, Saifuddin Kitchlew and Ali brothers were leaders of this movement.
ii. Gandhi was interested in bringing together Hindu and Muslims to achieve country's independence, hence merged Khilafat with Non-Cooperation Movement

c. Non-Cooperation Movement - as a sequel to Rowlatt, Jallianwala Bagh and Khilafat. Nagpur 1920 session.
i. Surrender of titles and honorary positions, resignation of membership form local bodies
ii. Boycott of elections to be held under provisions of Govt of India Act 1919 and boycott of government courts, colleges, schools, functions
iii. Boycott of foreign good, popularizing swadesi goods and khadi
iv. National schools such as Kashi Vidyapeeth, Bihar Vidyapeeth, Jamia Milia Islamia were set up.
v. Prominent leaders gave up their lucrative legal practice, mass demonstration held against Prince of Wales tour of India in 1921.
vi. Chauri Chara incident led to movement being abruptly called off when angry mob burnt down police station. Top leaders of the country were stunned with sudden suspension.

Significance of NCM
i. Real mass movement with participation of different section of workers
ii. Witnessed spread of nationalism to remote corners of India
iii. Height of Hindu-Muslim unity as a result of merger of Khilafat movement
iv. Willingness and ability of masses to endure hardships and make sacrifices

d. Swaraj party - Gaya session in 1922 led to split with Motilal Nehru and Chittaranjan Das forming separate group in 1923 who wanted to contest council elections and wreck govt from within. In Central Legislative Council, Nehru became leader of the party and CR Das head in Bengal.

i. Demanded setting up of responsible govt in India and changes in 1919 Act, passed resolutions against repressive laws of British govt. Weakened after passing away of CR Das in 1925.

e. Simon Commission 1927

i. Act of 1919 included provision for review after 10 years. All 7 members of Simon Commission were Englishmen.
ii. In 1928, when Commission reached Bombay, it was greeted with black flags and cries of Simon Go Back. Anti-Simon demonstration, lathi charge led to death of Lala Lajpat Rai
iii. Simon Commission report in 1930 stated that Dyarchy was unsuccessful and recommended autonomous govt. Basis for enacting Govt of India Act 1935.

f. Nehru Report 1928

i. Secretary of State, Lord Birkenhead, challenged Indians to produce a constitution that will be acceptable to all. Challenge accepted by Congress and convened meeting in 1928. Committee of 8 led by ML Nehru to draft blueprint of future constitution. Report is known as Nehru Report -

(a) Dominion status as next immediate step, full responsible govt at the center
(b) Autonomy to provinces and clear cut division of power bw center and provinces
(c) Bicarmel legislature at the center
ii. However leader of Muslim League, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, regarded it as detrimental to interests of Muslims. He drew up a lists of Fourteen Points as demands of League.

g. Civil Disobedience Movement
i. Lahore Session 1929 passed Poorna Swaraj resolution. Govt failed to accept Nehru Report so Congress gave call to launch CDM. Congress announced January 26 1930 as Day of Independence.
ii. Dandi March - People were not allowed to make salt even for domestic use. Salt was taxed at 14 times its value - what couldn't be sold was destroyed instead of sold at less profit. Gandhi marched for 24 days to Dandi and formally launched CDM by breaking salt laws. Gandhi laid out program of movement which included making of salt in every village in violation of salt laws, picketing of liquor shops and foreign goods store, resigning from govt job and not pay taxes. March was notable for 3 reasons

(a) Event brought Gandhi to world attention, widely covered in American and European press
(b) 1st nationalist activity in which women participated in large numbers. Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay was instrumental
(c) Realization of British that their Raj will not be forever and would have to devolve some powers

iii. Round Table Conference - govt strategy of talking to different political parties by convening Round Table Conference. 1st held in Nov 1930 and was boycotted by Congress. In March 1931, Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed. CDM suspended and participation in 2nd RTC in London in Sep 1931. But failed due to lack of consensus on demand of complete independence and communal question. Movement relaunched but failed as leaders jailed and Congress banned.

h. Poona Pact -

i. BR Ambedkar was championing cause of depressed people. Demanded separate electorate for depressed classes in 1st RTC.
ii. PM MacDonald announced Communal Award - which provided SC separate electorate. Gandhi went on fast unto death in jail in 1932
iii. Agreement bw Ambedkar and Gandhi is Poona Pact which reserved 148 seats in different provincial legislatures for depressed classes.
iv. 3rd RTC in 1932 - Congress didn't take part. In 1933, govt issued white paper which became Govt of India Act 1935

i. Second World and National Movement

i. In 1937 elections were held under provisions of 1935 Act. Congress ministries formed in 7 states. When 2nd World War broker out, British involved India in war without consulting Indian leaders. Congress protested and resigned from provincial ministries. Muslim League was elated at this and celebrated it as Day of Deliverance.

ii. August Offer - in August 1940. After war, a representative body of Indians set up to frame new constitution. Gandhi was unsatisfied with this offer and launched individual satyagraha. It was limited, symbolic and non-violent in nature. Acharya Vinoba Bhave was first to offer satyagraha and was jailed. JL Nehru was 2nd and jailed.

iii. Cripps Mission - Viceroy Linlithgow expanded his Executive Council by including 5 more Indians into it in 1941. British govt to secure Indian cooperation in war time, sent Stafford Cripps in Mar 1942.

(a) Promise of dominion status to India
(b) Setting up of Constituent Assembly with representative of princely states and British provinces
(c) Provision for any province to not accept this constitution, retain existing or frame new

Parties rejected Cripps proposal. Gandhi called it a post dated cheque. Didn't like rights of princely states to send their representative or stay out of Indian Union. Jinnah was dissatisfied as demand for Pakistan was conceded.

j. Quit India Movement (1942-44)

i. Failure of Cripps mission and fear of impending Japanese invasion led Gandhi to begin Quit India campaign. Believed interim govt could only be formed only after British left India.
ii. Congress met in Bombay in August 1942 and passed Quit India Resolution. Gandhi gave his call of do or die.
iii. Govt arrested all prominent leaders of Congress. Rammanohar Lohia and JP Narain rose up to lead people.
iv. Many people were jailed and 7000 killed. Paved way for India's freedom.

k. Indian National Army

i. Bose reached Singapore in 1943 and gave war cry of Dillhi Chalo. Made president of Indian Independence League and soon became supreme commander of Indian National Army. Gave the slogan of Jai Hind. Marched towards Imphal after taking Kohima. But after Japanese surrender, failed in its efforts.

ii. Bose escaped to Taiwan and died in a plane crash on his way to Tokyo

l. Cabinet Mission
i. Lord Clemet Atlee is new PM after WW2. On 15 Mar 1946, right to self determination and framing of constitution of India conceded. Cabinet Mission consisting of Lawrence, Cripps and Alexander sent.
ii. Provision was made for 3 groups of provinces to possess their separate constitution, proposed formation of Union of India comprising British India and Princely States. Union to keep foreign affairs, defense and communication leaving residuary powers with provinces.
iii. Proposal for interim govt which would remain in office till new govt on basis of new constitution by constituent assembly was framed. Both Congress and Muslim League accepted. Interim govt under JLN formed in Sep 1946.

m. Mountbatten Plan -Atlee in Feb 1947 announced, transfer of power to responsible Indian hands not later than June 1948. Sent Mountbatten as Viceroy. Partition of India appeared inevitable to him. Put forth the plan of partition on 3 June 1947.

n. Indian Independence Act 1947 - enacted on 18 July 1947.

i. Partition of India into India and Pakistan from 15 Aug 1947.
ii. British govt would transfer all power to these 2 dominions, whose constituent assemblies will have full authority to frame respective constitutions.
iii. Boundary Commission to demarcate boundaries of provinces of Punjab and Bengal. Radcliff Boundary Commission drew the line separating India and Pakistan. Lord Mountbatten was first Governor-General of India.
