Investment Model


Investment models.

  • Hybrid annuity model (HAM) revive PP
    • HAM = epc , 40% + BOT 60%
    • EPC - nhai. govt pay to develop infra to pvt player - no role in road ownership , toll collection , maintenance , revenue generation , operation , ex - delhi metro
    • Financial , revenue O&M risk with govt
  • BOT - pvt player - built , operate & maintain a public infra for specified no of y, transfer back to govt, pvt - finance, collect toll revenue or annuity fee from govt, Financial , revenue , o&M risk - pvt, ex- road , flyovers
  • • HAM - 40% total cost given in trenches linked to milestone - 60 5 arranged by developer (20 % himself , 40% debt), no toll right for developer
  • • Finance , o&M risk shared pvt + govt , revenue risk with govt , pvt - focus on construction not revenue
  • • 45 % total award & 65 % by revenue were HAM in 17-18
  • • Kelkar com
