
  • Energy
    • Affordable, reliable, sustainable, modern
    • Energy mix - coal -50 % , oil 28 , gas 8 , biomass 12, renewable 2.5, nuclear -1.5
    • World 3rd largest energy consumer
    • Per capita 600 KgOE , world - 1860 , china 220 , us 6800
    • Subsidies , taxes - distort market , inefficiencies
    • Energy tax (electricity & crude) not in GST -
    • GST - oil, NG, elec, coal - input credit, same rate - level playing
    • Functional subsidies to end-use - let them choose source
  • Power
    • 24x 7 power to all 2019
    • Installed cap - 335 gw, 65 gw renewable
    • Plants - old, inefficient continue, efficient - underutilized
    • AT&C losses, Discom load shedding
    • Regulatory com - unable to fix tariff
    • Unmetered supply to agri - inefficient
    • State utilities - poor financial health - x investment
    • Tariff & cross-subsidies - impact industry competitiveness
    • WF
      • Smart grid, prepaid meters,
      • PPA - competitive bidding
      • Capacity market - peak demand
      • Pvtizn of state utility - use franchise model (at&C low)
      • Agri upfront subsidy - dbt /acre , KUSUM , net metering
      • Fining discom for load shedding, empower regulator
      • Cross border trade - bhutan bangladesh
      • Performance based incetives in tariff structure
      • Cap cross subsidy & open access
  • Oil & gas
    • Reduce import of oil & gas
    • Pipeline - 16000 km - work on 10000 km
    • Import 82% crude oil & 45% NG
    • Acess - lack of non-discriminatory access of PSU & PVT to a pipeline network
    • Inadequate pipeline , lack ____ prices for old field
    • WF
      • Common career open access to pipeline
      • Sperate development & regulatory function of PNGRB
      • Expedite NG grid, City gas distribution
      • Common Evacuation infra for offshores, the scattered field
  • Coal
    • Open cast mining & rathole minig
    • No competitive coal market
    • WF
      • • Exploration cum - mining lease production /revenue sharing
      • • Land shud be made available by state
      • • Commercial mining increase
      • • 100% FDI in coal minig & associate infra
  • Renewable
    • • 227 renewable energy target
    • • Instlled cap - 335 gw , 65 gw renewable
    • Issues
      • • High cost - old PPAs
      • • Uncertain power offtake
      • • Supply chain undeveloped of biomass power
    • WF
      • • Priority sector to 2g bioethanol project (like solar)
      • • Interstate sale of re, enfore RE purchase obligation
      • • N level market , decentralize re in rural
      • • Hybird with solar + biomass
      • • Commercial biogas
  • Energy efficiency
    • • Reduce energy intensity
    • • 2nd version of ECBC billing code
    • • LED use, 5 star appliance in govt , pvt
    • • UJALA widen PAT
    • • Cluster specific BEE schem for MSME
    • • Public transport & electric
    • • Increase appliance in star labelling prog
  • Ports
  • Roads
    • BharatMAla phase 1 taregt - 25k km by 2022 including coastal road
    • 0.1 % MORTH budget on R& D
    • Pmgsy - quality monitoring
    • NH length double - 2 lakh
    • Brasilia declaration - red road fatalisties by 50% 2020
    • Vehicle registration - AGR - 11 % , recent slowdown
    • NH - 1.22lakh km - 2.2% - traffic -40%
    • 400 road death daily
    • Cost escalation - land acquition cost
  • Project
    • Connectivity - NE connectivity pro -1 , chardham pro ,
    • Dedicated metropolitan urban transport auth in city>1mn population
    • Maintenance & safety - penality on contractory for poor O&M , eliminate 800 black spot / blind spot
    • MORTH - bhumirashi webportal for land acquistion
    • Skilling driver taining , stringent testing - use tech
    • Transport data center for applied r&D, public trnasport
    • Electric toll collection fasttag
    • Mulitmodel logistic passenger station
  • Airports

  • Railways
    • • Largest passenger
    • • 4th largest network
    • • 4th largest freight
    • • Kakodkar com - safety fog safety , tech automation protection , eliminate level crossing
    • • Bibek devroy com
    • Issues
      • • Congestion - 60% route - >100%
      • • Org structure - delay decision
      • • Negligible non fare resources , internal generation of resources, safety , poor terminal quality , underinvestment
    • WF
      • • Fast completion of ongoing pro
      • • Involve pvt sector - freight , locomotive
      • • Rationalize fare , subsidies
      • • Monetize asset (non fair revenue )
      • • Competitive freight tariffs
      • • Railway dev auth (pricing efficiency )
