Inter-State council
- recently met after 10
- Cooperative Federalism
- Article 263 of the
Constitution of India provides for the establishment of an Inter-State
- It is not a permanent body
(first time established in 1990)
- It can be formed for
specific matters for example Health or Law etc.
- Under this President is
given the duty to form any such council whose mandate will be:
- inquiring and advising
upon disputes between states
- Investigating and
discussing issues of common interest between states
- making recommendation for
better coordination etc.
- Composition
- PM as Chairman
- CMs of states and UTs
- 6 cabinet ministers as
nominated by the PM
- Powers and Performance
- As an institution it was
never taken seriously
- Powers
- Non implementation of
- non binding
- can not investigate (not
given by president)
- do not have resources
like finance or administrative
- Performance:
- not formed or meet
regularly: last meeting after 12 years
- No disputes resolutions
- Political decentralization
- Cooperation
- Rising regional conflicts
- River disputes between Kr
and TN
- Boundary disputes like
Tel and AP
- Can be an effective tool
between center and states interest
- As a collective body can
put forward the combined demands against the center(check on unitary
tendencies of Center)
- Central council on health,
local and urban development are formed in the past
- Sarkaria and Puncchi:
- Powers:
- It should be given power
to investigate interstate conflicts (as mentioned constitution)
- River disputes
- Developmental functions
(similar to NDC)
- Performance:
- regular meeting: thrice
- Experts
- Functional independence
with professional secretariat
Other mechanism
for Cooperative federalism
- Constitutional:
- Inter-state commerce
- Full faith and credit
- GST council
- Statutory:
- Others:
- NITI Ayog
- National Integration
Way forward
- It has a constitutional
backing and must be utilize
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