Inter-State council, NITI Aayog, Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat

Inter-State council
  • recently met after 10 years
  • Cooperative Federalism
  • Article 263 of the Constitution of India provides for the establishment of an Inter-State Council. 
  • It is not a permanent body (first time established in 1990)
  • It can be formed for specific matters for example Health or Law etc.
  • Under this President is given the duty to form any such council whose mandate will be:
    • inquiring and advising upon disputes between states
    • Investigating and discussing issues of common interest between states
    • making recommendation for better coordination etc.
  • Composition
    • PM as Chairman
    • CMs of states and UTs
    • 6 cabinet ministers as nominated by the PM
  • Powers and Performance
  • As an institution it was never taken seriously
    • Formed in 1990
  • Powers
    • Non implementation of recommendation
    • non binding
    • can not investigate (not given by president)
    • do not have resources like finance or administrative
  • Performance:
    • not formed or meet regularly: last meeting after 12 years
    • No disputes resolutions
  • Political decentralization
  • Cooperation
  • Rising regional conflicts like 
    • River disputes between Kr and TN
    • Boundary disputes like Tel and AP
  • Can be an effective tool between center and states interest
  • As a collective body can put forward the combined demands against the center(check on unitary tendencies of Center)
Important functions
  • Central council on health, local and urban development are formed in the past
  • Sarkaria and Puncchi:
    • Powers:
      • It should be given power to investigate interstate conflicts (as mentioned constitution)
      • River disputes
      • Developmental functions (similar to NDC)
    • Performance:
      • regular meeting: thrice
      • Experts
      • Functional independence with professional secretariat
Other mechanism for Cooperative federalism
  • Constitutional:
    • Inter-state commerce commission
    • Full faith and credit clause
    • GST council
  • Statutory:
    • Zonal council
    • NE council
  • Others:
    • NITI Ayog 
    • National Integration Council
Way forward
    • It has a constitutional backing and must be utilize 

NITI Aayog
  • Premier Policy Think Tank of GoI which replaced the PC in the spirit of market economy and cooperative federalism
Role and Function
  • Still evolving
  • According to Cabinet resolution 13 task into 4 Categorisation
    • Cooperative Federalism
      1. Concurrent List : Tackling of overlapping legislative and executive function 
      2. CSS
      3. Subgroup of CM and Task Forces
      4. Union list and State list
    • Formulation of Strategic vision and long term policy and Programme Framework
      1. Decentalised planning
      2. Law, Policy Frameworks for State
      3. Model Laws
    • Innovation and Knowledge hub
      1. AIM, NITI Lecures, SETU
    • Coordination
      1. Horizontal : Intergovernmental and Interdepartmental coordination
Steps Taken
  • Restructring of CSS
  • Competitve Federalism (Health and Educatio index)
  • Vision and Strategy for NEW India
  • Policy and plans (Health, eudcatio, Private)
  • Sharing of best practices
  • Resolution of issues (State of Telegana-Centre)
  • Fund Disbursal (earlier done by Planning commission)
  • Centralisation concern (Absence of Parallel Institutions in States like State Planning Boards earlier)
  • Inter-ministerial Tussle with NITI (difference in policies of Health)
  • Danger of Bureaucratisation of NITI Aayog
  • Overlapping of ISC and Cabinet secretariat
  • Authenticity (Non-constitutional nature )
  • Gap Policy formation and implementation due to lack of resources
Way forward
  • Revamping Role of DPC and MPC in new environment
  • Coordination of NITI and ISC
  • Fund disbursal in line with its policy
  • Compliance, monitoring and evolution must be included
  • Success will depend on the trust and Confidence it garners from the state
  • Catalytic role
  • Not binding but guiding role with focus on felaxibility and innovation

Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat
  • "Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat" programme will be launched to link States and Districts.
  • It is an annual programme that will connect people through exchanges in areas of language, trade, culture, travel and tourism.
  •  good governance proposes to create a closer engagement between different States and Districts in a structured manner.
  • The programme aims to further strengthen the existing cultural connect between different parts of the country and enhance interaction between people living in different state
