Judiciary in India

Justice is the legal or philosophical theory by which fairness is administered
124: Establishment and constitution of Supreme court
127: Appointment of ad hoc judges
129: Supreme court as a court of record
130: Seat of supreme court
136: Special leave to appeal by the supreme court
142: SC can pass orders to do complete justice
143: Power of President to consult supreme court
  • Constitutional
    • Rights and Entitlement
    • Constitutional supremacy
    • Rule of law
    • Protector and Guardian of Constitution
  • Social Justice
    • Equality, fraternity and liberty
    • Social harmony
    • PIL
  • Economic
    • Trade and commerce
    • Dispute resolution
  • Governance
    • Legislative
    • Executive
    • Administrative
  • Final court of appeal
  • Decisions are determinative
  • Pronouncement constitute the law of the land
  • Interpreter of the constitution (Article 147).
  • 3.14crore pending overall only in formal courts if we include quasi-judicial and regulatory bodies it is uncountable
  • 2.93 crore cases in subordinate courts, 49 lakh cases, 57K in supreme court.
  • In more than 46% case government is involved (Government litigation)
  • Decline in the number of constitutional benches from 1950(15%) to 2010(0.12%)
  • One criminal case every 5 second.
  • Number of judges 20 per million as compared to 50 as recommended by LCI
  • 70 cases per day in subordinate courts, less than 2 minutes to each case.
  • LCI report in 2009: 464 years to clear cases with present strength of Judges
  • 25% vacancy in subordinate courts: Delhi HC report.
  • SC works only 188 against 225 minimum apex court rules
  • 0.09% of GDP on Court Infra, strength of 15K acco. Against 20K strength.
  • 40% of cases SLP in SC, reduced constitutional time
  • Middle Income Group Scheme
  • Free legal Aid
  • Pro-bono
  • Nyaya Mitra
  • LIMBS: Legal information management and briefing system, web based portal.
  • National Judicial Data Grid
  • E-Courts, Integrated mission mode project.

Appointment of judges

Subordinate courts:

Process of appointment
  • Appointment, posting and promotion of district judges in a state are made by governor after consultation with the high court.
  • Qualifications:
    • He should not already be in the service of the central or the state government
    • He should be an advocate or a pleader for 7 years
    • He should be recommended by high courts
  • Appointment of other judges is made by governor after consultation with SPSC
  • Delay in appointment (79%)

Judicial Appointment
  • Article 124 and 217: Appointment by the president with consultation by the CJI (no mentioning of Collegium)
  • Collegium system: for appointment, transfer and posting
    • CJI and 4 senior most SC judges : recommend the names to the President
Evolution of Collegium:
  • 1st judge case 1981: President can refuse the recommendation of the CJI
  • 2nd Judge case: led to the creation of collegium system and CJI should be given the primary role in appointment 
  • 3rd judge case: led down the guideline for the functioning of the collegium system
  • NJAC case 2015: Primacy of Judiciary in appointment is integral to the independence of the Judiciary
    • MoP will be designed in cooperation of the Executive
      • Merit and integrity
      • Other provisions and standards
      • Executive:
        • can return on some grounds like national security etc.
Why to reform Collegium
  • Justice Chelameshwar opted out of the meetings of collegium, shows that collegium has some clear issues like that of opacity
  • It is there very own creation. (favorable interpretation of constitution---consultation ----concurrance)
  • Lacks transparency, it is inherently secretively.
  • Corruption and Nepotism
  • Conflict of interest: Appoint brothers
  • Provides for no oversight due to which there are no checks and balances.
  • There in no fixed criteria for selection
  • Preference of seniority over merit.
  • Delay
Need for primacy of Judiciary
  • Government is the highest litigant  (50%)
  • Separation of power
  • Independence of Judiciary
  • Politicization
Need for independence
  • Checks and balances 
    • over executive and legislature
    • Keshavananda Bhariti: Doctrine of Basic structure
  • Second Judges case:
    • Functional independence
Other possible solutions
    Reforming Collegium:
    • Need for a "Consultative body" as suggested by justice Kehar which could include jurist, lawyers, or judges outside collegium to assist the collegium.
    • Memorandum of procedure: Guidelines must be drawn for the whole procedure.
      • not working presently
    • Making the collegium deliberation public and annual reporting of the vacancies, appointments etc.
    6 members: 2 judge + CJI+ Law minister+ 2 eminent persons
    • Presence of Law minister
    • Appointment of eminent person
    • Secratariate of NJAC is in Law ministry
    • Veto power : 2 or more then 2 candidates can veto
    New Proposal:
    • A new full time independent body dedicated for selection : recommended by THE CAMPAIGN FOR JUDICIAL ACCOUNTABILITY AND REFORMS
      • Why:
        • Work load for selection (around 100 appointment per year) is huge for both Collegium as well as NJAC and could interfere with their functioning
      • Transparency: procedures and functioning in public domain
      • Member:
        • retired judge or even a lay person
        • to be appointed by a broad based committee of Govt.and judiciary
Other issues 
  • Diversity in appointment is needed eg SC/ST/OBC/Women.
  • Time bound selection process.
  • Age limit: HC is 62 and SC is 65.
    • Both should be increased to 70.
  • Issue of Independence
    • Post retirement appointments: scope for patronage. (governor)
    • There should be a cool down period of 2-3 years after retirement or other measures like formation of a committee which shall take over the task of appointing the retired judges to tribunals or commission
  • Need for young judges: (presently age limit is around 45-50)
    • Law commission in one of its report shows that there is need to bring in the new judges who would bring freshness and vigour to the courts. solution: to consider a 'zone of consideration' which would consist the 5 senior most judges for the respective post.
  • Need for data bank of all the judges for considering their promotion and transfer
  • For survival of rule of law and democracy of the country need for quick action

All India Judicial services:

  • Under Article 312 (already contains judicial services)
  • SC, Parliamentary standing committee and Law commission all have recommended this.

  • HCs are already over burdened
  • Streamlining the appointment 
    • Open competition by independent and impartial agency
  • Attracting the bright minds
  • Quality of Judges at HC as 1/3rd of them come from promotion
  • At par with all India civil services
  • Diversity
  • Better procedure under specialized agency
  • Presently:
    • District judge: appointed by the HC
    • Lower judges: as per exam 
  • SC: need for an All India District Judge Recruitment exam
    • Earlier All India Judicial service was proposed but states opposed it on many grounds like Domicile, language, culture, autonomy etc
    • But all these grounds are not valid as Civil services are performing better despite these grounds j
    • all these issues can be sorted out by designing the exam in a special way
  • 4800 out of 21000 posts are vacant at lower level
  • 25 lakh cases are pending
3 solutions
  • problem lies in poor education, salary and training and other 
  • need to remove inefficiencies and corruption
  • need a special administrative wing under Judiciary to take care of these
  • Federalism 
    • it may reduce the power of the state HCs 
    • challenge of independence
  • knowledge of local laws, customs etc.
Way forward
  • Uncertainty , unprofessionalism , nepotism and corruption has to be resolved also

Male dominated judiciary
  • Under representation of women in judiciary
  • High courts of India has only 62 women compared to 611 male judges
Professional hazards that women lawyers face

  • In an healthy democracy, the judiciary must be mirror of society. This is not argument against merit but argument for inclusion
  • Gender diversity will only enrich the judicial jurisprudence
  • Will infuse public confidence
  • Women litigant will face less intimidated in the presence of women judge
  • Greater sensitivity to their grievances
