Language and education policy - under british

a. Study of ancient texts continued into British administration. Hastings established a madrasa in Calcutta to encourage study of Muslim laws (1781). In 1791, efforts of Jonathan Duncan - Sanskrit College established in Benaras. Till 1830s, development of education took place through traditional institutions. From govt records - 1 school for 400 people in Bengal, similar for whole of India.

b. EIC adopted a dual policy, discouraged indigenous education system and gave importance to western and English education. Charter Act of 1813 gave Rs 1 lakh to spread of education. However was mired in debate, hence not spent. British scholars were divided into Orientalists and Anglicists. William Bentick emphasized the latter when he became G-G in 1829.

i. In 1835, General Committee of Public Instruction divided into 2, chairman Lord Macaulay favored English medium when committee was in dead heat.

ii. In 1854, Charles Wood developed a grand plan on education, known as Wood's Dispatch. Established govt departments and pattern of grant in aids to encourage private participation, schools for technical education, teachers and women education. Establishment of Bombay, Calcutta and Madras University.

c. Since British were afraid of meddling in local culture and institutions and fear of losing people's support - adopted policy of extreme precaution and indifference towards social issues. However from mid-19th century, various campaigns launched against social evils attracted attention of govt. Primarily two areas in which laws were enacted - women emancipation and caste system

1854 : Charles Wood Despatch 

Viceroy : Dalhaousie
The aim of Wood Despatch - to providing European knowledge (information about western culture) to Indians. Creation of public servants from India. Developing practical, vocational skills and intellectual development.

  • Provision for systematic education from primary to university level
  • Set up education department in every province
  • establishment of universities in big cities of India such as Bombay, Calcutta & Madras
  • At least one school in every district
  • Education in Anglo-vernacular Language. Vernacular language at primary level and English language at higher level of education
  • education provided in the government institutions should be secular.
  • A system of grants-in-aid recommended to encourage private enterprise.  

1882 : Hunter Commission
  • Viceroy : Ripon
  • Chairman : William Hunter
  • Objective : Development of Education  
  • This commission was set up to review the effect of Wood Despatch on education in India at that time. It oversight the ignorance of primary and secondary education in India. It suggest to improve Primary education and development of Secondary education.It specially focused on Primary Education.
  • Primary Education
  • Education should be useful, practical and related to life
  • Education through Vernacular language (mother tongue)
  • Management for primary education- responsibility on district board and municipal board.
  • Training school for teachers.
  • Secondary Education
  • Trained graduate teachers for rising the standard of secondary education.
  • medium of education should be in English.
  • Grant in aid system started.
  • Encouraging education of women, muslims and other backward classes.
1902 : Raleigh Commission (University Commission)
  • Viceroy : Curzon 
  • Chairman : Thomas Raleigh
  • Objective : Study of University and introduce reforms
  • This commission was intended to make recommendations for reforms of Universities of India.The recommendations enacted by Curzon as Indian University Act, 1904.
  • Regulations for reform of University senate in India.
  • Government was to have powers to senate regulations. It could amend or pass the regulations.
  • Strict monitoring of affiliated institutions by the University.
  • More attentions should be given to study and research by the Universities.
1917 : Sadler Commission (Calcutta University Commission )
  • Viceroy : Chelmsford
  • Chairman : Michael Sadler
  • Objective : Condition of University
  • Primarily this commission was set up to review the conditions of Calcutta University (also focused on other field). The main objectives of this commission was to improve the University Education by separating Secondary Education from the University Education.
  • The Secondary Education should be separated from the University Education to release the burden.
  • Board for secondary education created in each provinces.
  • School course should cover 12 years.
  • the Intermediate examination should be the admission test for Universities.
  • University should be functions as centralized, unitary residential- teaching autonomous body.

1929 : Hartog Commission
  • Viceroy : Irwin
  • Objective : Development of education
  • Inspite of remarkable steps taken for education, the condition was not satisfactory. Increase in number of educational institution led to the deterioration of quality of education. Hartog committee was set up to observe the development of education .
  • Emphasis on primary education. Concentration on consolidation policy in place of expansion of educational institutions..
  • Duration of primary course fixed to four years.
  • Focus on quality, training, status and pay of the teachers.
  • Curriculum and teaching methods should be related to village life and intended for upliftment of the village.
  • Only deserving students should go for high school and intermediate. So diversified courses introduced for average students.
  • Admission should be restricted for improvement of standard of higher education ( at University level).
1944 : Sargent Plan
  • Viceroy : Wavell
  • Chairman : John Sargent
  • Objective : Raise the standard of education like Britain
  • The goal of the Sargent plan was the reorganization of the entire education system of India. The commission under the chairmanship of the John Sargent submitted its report to the Central Advisory Board of Education CABE in (1944).This scheme of post war educational development was mainly focused on the quality enhancement of higher education (ie. university system)
  • Pre-primary basic school for 3-6 years age group
  • Compulsory and free education for 6-14 year age group
  • High school education of two types -1.Academic, 2.Technical and Vocational
  • Refresher courses for teachers and better salary for them
  • Abolition of intermediate courses
  • Standard of the universities must be raised . Admission should be restricted so only the capable students can go for the higher education
