Lord William Bentinck (1828-35

Initiated era of progress and reforms. William Bentinck adopted a policy of non-intervention and non-aggression with Indian states. If at all he interfered in the affairs of the Indian states, it was only to end any form of misgovernment and never to annex any territory.

i. Mysore - was taken over as Krishnaraja III proved incompetent and peasants revolted.

ii. Cachar and Jaintia - came under British custody at the end of first Anglo-Burmese War as per Treaty of Yandaboo 1826.

iii. Coorg - Vira Raja was the ruthless ruler at that point, and was deposed quickly and state annexed by British in 1834.

iv. Relations with Ranjit Singh - successful in winning the friendship of Ranjit Singh and the Indus Navigation Treaty was concluded between them, opening Satluj for navigation. Objective to make Afghanistan as buffer state bw British India and Russian invaders.

a. Charter Act of 1833 - Regulating Act 1773 made it compulsory to renew Company Charter every 20 years. Significance -

i. Liberal and utilitarian philosophy of Bentham was made popular with this

ii. EIC ceased to be a commercial agency but political agent of Crown

iii. Governor General of Fort William was now Governor General of India (and Lord Bentinck was the first one)

iv. Law member appointed to Governor-General in Council, Macaulay was 1st one

v. Act allowed native Indians to hold employment and office, thus Indianization of public service

b. Reforms of Bentinck - ushered in new era in annals of India

i. Financial - were weak when he came in, reduced salaries and allowances. Abolished system of double batta (allowance to troops on active service).

ii. Administrative - abolished provincial courts of appeal established by Cornwallis. Introduction of local languages in lower courts and English in higher courts instead of Persian. Revenue settlements of North West Province under RM Bird, period of 30 years made with tillers or landowners.

iii. Social reforms - Abolition of sati in 1829 in Bengal and 1830 rest of presidencies. Suppression of thugs, who were hereditary robbers, by William Sleeman, aka Thuggee Sleeman. Declared female infanticide as punishable crime.

iv. English education - introduction of English education. Macaulay emphasized the promotion of European literature and science through English medium to the people of India. This recommendation was wholeheartedly accepted by Bentinck. The Government Resolution in 1835 made English the official and literary language of India.
