
Insurance sector

  • • Lloyd - insurance gap - <total / insurance asset>widened - 27$, insurance penetration increased - (3.5% - premium underwritten )
  • • Life insurance - biggest - CAGR 12 -15%
  • • FDI limit 49%
  • • Safety , security, financial resources, eco growth , spread finance service <rural>
  • Issues
    • • Poor distribution outside large cities
    • • Low awareness, - ve attitude
    • • Pricing - focus on sale
    • • -ve perception by media, movies
    • • Fewer product innovation
  • Importance
    • • N health insurance scheme - ayushaman bharat - 5 lakh - 10 crore family
    • • PM jeevan jyoti Bima yojana
    • • PM surakshit Bim yojana
    • • PMFBY, PMJDY

Circular economy

  • 1.5 cr job - niti ceo in 5 -7 y
  • Involves sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing , refurbishing, recycling existing material & product
  • Life cycle of product extended

  • • Rising consumerism , import dependence , -ve externalities , waste creation , high resource demand , GHG, safeguard supplies, eco gowth volatilities, safe guard supply
  • • 0 effect , 0 defect in manufacturing
  • • N electricity mobility mission
  • • Waste management rules
  • • sdgs


  • • Ind BPO promotion sch- 1.5 lakh job tier2,3
  • • NE BPO promotion, 40 % global - India
  • Dpiit registered startup exempted from angel tax
  • Govt to clear pending payment
