National Income Accounting and Statistics

  • GNA = GDP - net factor income 
  • GDP deflator = Nominal / Real * 100 -
    • quarterly available, 
    • broad coverage of inflation  
  • Product/ Value added method
  • Expenditure  method 
  • Factor Income method
  • GVA include Taxes & subsidies, it is sector-specific


  • Data availability
  • Product barter - rural - agri ,
  • Self-consumption
  • Valuation of new goods @constant price
  • Lack of income accounting, occupation classification, Non-paying work 
  • Transfer payment
  • Double counting 


  • Better M, F Policy
  • Sovereign rating 
  • FDI 
  • IMF quota 50%,


  • CSO GVA (Market price instead of factor cost)
  • UN System of N Accounts,2008
  • Base Y (2011-12 from 2004-05)
  • Effective labor Input method, MCA21 database,  
  • Broader coverage -  Finance (insurance, MF, AMC, SEBI, PFRDA, IRDA  stocks), Agri (farm value addition) 
  • New surveys - Agri census, AI livestock census


  • CEA Arvind Subramaniam - GDP overestimated - 2.5% (f11-f16)
  • Senior official resigned over holding job data - NSC?
  • MOSPI constitute Pronab Sen committee on eco statistics - 
  • -employment, industry and services sector
Issues with stats

  • Legacy problem unaddressed
  • Volatile revisions 
  • a large unorganized sector, 
  • erosion of autonomy, 
  • inapt deflator - 
    • WPI for service, 
    • Common deflator for input-output - ex Oil
  • MCA21 
    • lacks state-wise data , distort SGDP, 
    • 'enterprise ' definition 
  • Transparency & auditing,
  • Capability 
  • Lag 
  • x Long term series 
Implication -

  • Trust deficit , investor confidence ,
  • Industrial planning, ineffective policy response
  • Public accountability

Way Forward

  • Finalize Draft N Policy on Official Stats 
  • All Ind stat service, merge C&S
  • Reconstitution & empowerment of NSC
  • Rangarajan com- NSO nodal agency - acct to parliament not exec
  • New data source - GST
  • N Stat development council, Speedy & Real-time DB
  • Info federalism (cooperate, compete, coordinate) 
  • On methodology update, old series should continue
  • NL Sard com- 1 single DB for inflation, employment, Industrial output 
