Pachayati Raj Institution , 5th Schedule , 6th Schedule

Historical Background
  • Harappan
  • Chola
  • British 1688 urban local self govt. in Madras
  • Father of Indian local self-government Lord Ripon
  • DPSP (article 40)
  • Entry 5 in State list
  • Balwant Rai --- Ashok Mehta--- GVK Rao --- LM Singhvi ----
  • Principle of Subsidiarity
  • Democratic decentralization
  • 81% of GPs in Bihar and 33% in UP do not have their own buildings
  • Grass root democrcy
  • Direct democracy
  • Bottom-up approach to Adminstration
  • More economical (local resource, Vigilance)
  • Empowerment of People
  • Lowers down the burden
  • Decentralised Planning
Constitutional Provisions
  • Community Development Programme 1952
  • 73rd Amendment
    • Part IX and Schedule
      • Mandatory Provision
      • Mandatory Provision with flexibility
      • Voluntary Provision
  • Gram Sabha
    • Functions 
      • Democratic Function (Right to recall MP, Ch)
      • Administration
      • Identification
      • Report verification
      • Finance (Audit and tax)
      • Social Audit
      • Fixing of priorities for spending fund
      • Transparency and accountability
      • Awareness
    • Problems
      • Large size
      • Low awareness (treated more like a meeting)
      • No discussion. debate
      • Low women participation
      • Irregular meeting
      • Class, caste and gender discrimination
      • Power distance (poor and marginalised has low say)
    • Solution
      • Relation has to restructure like Parliament-Cabinet
      • NGO involvement in management
      • Mandatory Provision for meeting
      • Flow of Information
      • Civil society involvement like Principle. Govet servant
      • Capacity building, low awareness 
  • State Control
    • For technical. Financial, administrative …… support
    • Regulation (inspect, supervise)
    • Administration (employee)
    • Pre-mature dissolution
    • Audit, account
    • Binding directions
  • 4F
  • Functions
    • 93% funds are tied (reduced to implementing agency)
    • No devolution of power

  • Funds
    • State Finance Commission
      • Temporal: Not in sync with UFC
      • Politicisation:
      • Competency
      • Recommendation are not implemented
    • Auditing
    • Lack of untied funds
    • Poor finance
      • Low taxation power and whatever given not utilised
  • Functionaries
    • Employees

  • Framework
    • SFC, SEC, DPC
  • Lack of will and vision on part of State
  • Ineffective participation
    • Caste (Proxies of general category), Class (land owners, influential in) and Gender(only on paper, BBB Brigade, Panchyat Pati) discrimination
  • Rotational Policy of reservation of seats
    • 2nd ARC reserve for 10 Years
  • Reservation Policy
    • ST, SC has been fixed to 22% against the Provisions of population
    • Creamy layer benefitted
    • Proxy of General
  • Restrictive Qualification like education, Toilets etc.
  • Corruption in PRIs (poor accounts and audit)
  • Continuation of Parallel agencies and programmes (DM, Parastatal agencies, MPLAD, MLALADs, SHG, NGOs etc)
  • Criminalisation
  • Domination of senior political leaders
  • Poor resources (infra(no building for 30%), human)
  • Compulsory voting
  • Financial Incentive for being elected without consent
  • Extra Judicial Bodies (Khap Panchyats)
  • PESA

  • Devolution Index by Ministry of Panchyati Raj (Kerala)
    • 90% of state have less than 0.5
2nd ARC
  • Optional provision to be made mandatory
  • Legislative council in every state with a representation of local bodies (Voice)
  • SEC: Committee recommendation appointment
  • Interference: local legislators should not be made members of local bodies
  • Framework law: laying down a principle for devolution based on Activity mapping and Subsidiarity
  • Capacity Building
  • Time-bound ATR of SFC
  • Removal of MPLAD, MLALAd, ParaStatal bodies
  • District level department should do away function assigned to PRIs
  • Human Resource: right to recruit
  • Increase revenue base
  • No Pan India judgement (regional variations)
  • Women Empowerment
    • Positive
      • 10 lakh elected women
      • Women oriented distribution of finance
      • Eradication of social evil
    • Issue
      • Panchayat Pati
      • Dual Responsibility
      • Illiteracy and lack of knowledge
      • Limited exposure and lack of motivation
      • Rotational policy issue
  • Developmental impact
    • Mixed for agriculture
    • Depends on
    • Weaker section: no significant impact
      • Social and economic prosperity still lacking
    • Education : no

  • Demand for 33% constitutional reservation for the Women in ULBs
  • Issues:
    • 243T Vs 371A(religion, social practice, customary laws etc are to be considered as far as state has not allowed)
    • Poor governance
    • Gender equality
  • Arguments for:
    • violation of constitution
    • already there in village development board
    • HC: not a customary practice
    • Gender sensitivity
    • Poor political representative
  • against:
    • customary law
    • accepting nomination and not standing
  • Way forward:
    • reform customary laws

Gram Uday se Bharat Uday (Village self-Governance Campaign)
Aimed at improving social Harmony, rural livelihood and strengthening Panchayti Raj across the country by Ministry of Panchayti Raj and Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
  • 11 day nation-wide village self-governance campaign from April 14 to April 25
  • Between April 14 and 16 a social harmony programme through which village will honour Dr. Ambedkar.
  • Between April 17 to 20 'village farmer assemblies' will be organised to inform regarding the agricultural schemes
  • National meeting of Tribal women Gram Panchayat women President

 Gram Panchayat Development Programs
 Central Government launched a program Sabki Yojana, Sabka Vikas:
Preparation of annual structured gram panchayat plan
Involve audit of work done in last few years
Annual Plan where village panchayats would decide where the money should go
2.5 crore SHG women and 31 lakh elected panchayat leaders
Human Development (IMR, MMR, malnutrition, literacy, communicable diseases
Marginal Deprived sections, (SC, ST, Women and destitute)
Civic Services: Sanitation, Street light, playground, internet connectivity
Economic development: Agriculture and irrigation, market, godown
Disaster Vulnerability Assessment: For disaster mitigation plan
Stakeholder Involvement
Consolidation of all financial services at Gram Panchayat level
Development works: undertaken in prioritized manner, through collective provisioning
Responsive government: strengthen bond between government
Lack of awareness
Over emphasis on investment
Inadequate public service
Review of GPDP non existent
Lack of integration in plans at block and district levels

Step Taken
  • 73rd and 74th amendment Act
  • Ministry of PR
  • Index of devolution based rewards
Regressive steps
  • Haryana and Rajasthan education and other qualification for election to be contested
  • Financially incentivising for Panchayat being elected without consent e.g. Gujarat
  • Compulsory Voting in Gujarat

  • Rajmala vs State of Haryana
  • Right to contest is a constitutional right, nor a fundamental neither statutory
  • States have power to curtail it by law
  • Minimum education qualification
  • Functional toilets
  • Not have defaulted in cooperative loans
  • Not have outstanding due on domestic rural electricity bills
  • Insolvency and unsound mind
Objective of PRI
  • Basic objective was to empower the people at grass root level specially socially and educationally backward
  • This excludes 80% of Dalit women of Haryana
  • For Educational and Social empowerment
    • Only education can power the human of discrimination of right and wrong
    • 2003 verdict of necessary conditions of two children shows they wanted to use electoral process for promoting family planning
    • Toilets
  • Procedure Established by law:
    • Article 40 and 246(3) powers the state make laws to enable functioning of self-government
  • Better Decision Making and problem solving
  • Spill Over Effect
  • Leadership Quality may improve
  • Equality before the law and Equal Protection of law
    • Amendment are discriminatory and criteria are arbitrary
    • Only 57% of the adult population will be qualified
      • Still 30% people don't have functional toilet
      • Literacy rate is 76%
      • Poor and backwards and women  will be most of the disqualified
      • Different qualification for different caste seems to be irrelevant
      • What about MLAs and MPs
  • Against the Right to Contest Election
  • Unethical Practices
    • Bogus certificates
    • Corruption
  • Further Aggravate the already existing Inequalities
  • Wisdom plays greater role than education
    • Ambedkar criticised based on two mistakes
      • Illiterate seen to unintelligent
      • Literate seen to be intelligent
      • If this would be the case then upper class considered traditionally intelligent but they ever used the intelligence ever for low
  • Explicit Objective is not seems to improve governance but others like family planning, toilets, education  etc. of
Way Forward
  • More ground reform needed before such law like Education
  • Capacity Building and Training
  • Awareness with Social Society
  • Such condition can be made for other government service and Programme like Bolsa Familia rather in PRIs

  • In an economically and socially unequal society, exclusion from the democratic process on the basis of social Indicator is tampering with Basic Structure of the Constitution
  • Ends are commendable but not means
  • People penalised for failure of state

Scrapping of Ministry of Panchayti Raj

  • Bringing state ministers together
  • Promoting best practices
  • Convening academic experts and field level NGOs
  • Monitoring special interest of women representatives, Dalits and tribals
  • Periodic reports
  • Better coordination, synergy and effectiveness of programmes
  • FFC increased devolution can be used for funding
  • Every states have different needs and one-size fits all approach do not work in India, therefore state will have more autonomy and can tackle their specific need
  • Above functions will be seriously diluted
  • In the guise of MoRD centre can interfere in the activities of Panchayats and it is against the principle of federalism and decentralisation
  • Against the constitutional mandate, which provides for joint responsibility of centre and states for decentralisation

 Rajasthan Scrapped the criteria for education


  • Rajasthan Panchayati Raj (Second Amendment) Act, 2015
  • In Rajbala vs State of Harayan, SC upheld the educational qualification criteris
  • Right to contest is constitutional, neither statutory nor fundamental
  • Can be curtailed by suitable legislation

  • Against grassroot democracy, not for MLA or MP
  • Misplaced focus: have to put forward public demand, rather than knowing technicalities
  • Discriminatory towards women and weaker section
  • Exclusionary Move: In rajasthan 70% of all population got barred from contesting
  • State responisibility: to educate people, can’t punish them

  • Progressive legislation: encourage focus on education
  • May put topic of MP MLA educational qualifications on front
  • Improvement in social indicator, will lead to betterment
  • Role model effect
Way forward

  • memorandum to the Simon Commission in 1928, B.R. Ambedkar said, “Those who insist on literacy as a test and insist upon making it a condition precedent to enfranchisement, in my opinion, commit two mistakes. Their first mistake consists in their belief that an illiterate person is necessarily an unintelligent person…Their second mistake lies in supposing that literacy necessarily imports a higher level of intelligence or knowledge than what the illiterate possesses…”.
  • Find ways and means of making elected bodies more representative

5th and 6th Schedule Area


  • New constitutional Amendment bill 125 was tabled in RS to increase financial and executive powers of the 10 Autonomous district councils
6th schedule
  • Article 244
  • Special provisions regarding the administration of the tribal areas of 4 states Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Tripura 
  • Why: to preserve their cultural identities.
  • Have not assimilated properly with the lives of people of mainland
  • Other tribes have assimilated
  • Areas are treated differently, by constitution
  • Territorial recognition:
    • Assam Governor
    • Rest: president
  • autonomous district councils, regional councils and village
  • laws on land forest, inheritance, cultivation and administration
  • Parliamentary laws can be applied only with modification and exception
  • Inadequate decentralization
  • not everywhere councils are set up
  • Governor's assent leads to delay etc.
  • Prevalent of state laws

Judicial Powers
  • Trials of suits and cases with in tribe
  • Village courts
  • Districts councils failed to form village courts
  • Difficulties in the functioning of the local courts due to lack of finance 
  • Most of the courts manned by those who don't even have judicial background.
  • Political patronage, despotism and money power
  • Lack of development 
  • Power of nominating members to the councils has been actually practiced by the ministers and not the governors
  • Very little representation of the ethnic minorities
  • Corruption and illicit activities eg. north Chacher is under NIA scrutiny
  • Discretionary powers of the government
  • no timely election
  • not representative bodies

  • tax revenue collection
  • non involvement of state finance commission
  • Dependent of Grant-in-aid of the state government: delays in receiving
  • Much less when compared to Other local government
  • Missuse: by diversion, Miss-management, Lack of planning 
  • Non-payments of the royalty share by the State govt. to them
  • Education
  • dispenceries
  • market
  • Education:
    • Still poor parameters 
  • No provision of coordination of work between district council, regional council and state government
Steps taken
  • Elected village council in all areas
  • SEC, SFC
  • women inclusion and ethinic minorities
  • Transparency, accountability etc

5th Schedule
6th schedule
Tribal council: creation of state legislature
Autonomous district council, creation of consti
No financial power to prepare budget
Financial power to prepare budget
Limited devolution of power
Greater devolution of power.

  • Bhooriya committee: it was enacted in 1996 in part 11 of the constitution
  • It was for the extension of Local governance to schedule 5 areas with flexible approach by balancing the cultural autonomy and modern political decentralization principle
