
  • Soul/Mind of the constitution
  • KM munshi- preamble is horoscope 
  • constitution should be read in the light of the noble vision of the preamble
  • What it tells:
    • Source of power: People
    • Nature of Indian state: Sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic, republic
    • Objective of the constitution or philosophy of the constitutions: 
      • Justice, equality, liberty, fraternity, unity and integrity
    • Date: Nov 26 1949
  • What it is not:
    • neither the source of power to the legislature nor prohibition upon the powers of the legislature
    • Non-Justiciable, i.e. the provisions are not enforceable in the court of law.
  • 42nd, CA, 1976 Amendment:  Socialist, secular and integrity


  • Neither Dominion nor dependent on any other state
  • Democratic socialism
  • Supreme Court: Democratic socialism aims to end poverty, ignorance, disease and inequality of opportunity.
  • Avadi Session , INC- Socialist pattern of economy 
  • New Economic Policy, 1991 dilutes the socialistic credentials
  • Added by 42nd CA,
  • Article 25 to 28.
  • Based on the doctrine of popular sovereignty i.e. possession of supreme power by the people.
  • Direct and indirect
  • Social and economic democracy
  • Way of life which recognises Liberty, equality and fraternity .
  • These cannot be divorced from each other
  • Without equality, liberty would produce the supremacy of few over many. Equality without liberty, would kill individual initiative.

 India has an elected head, called President


  • Distributive justice
    • Social, economic and political justice
  • Russia
  • Absence of restrictions and providing opportunities for the individual development
  • LEF - France
  • Status and opportunity
  • Sense of brotherhood
    • Single citizenship
    • FD
  • To assure diginit of the individual and unity and integrity of the nation.
Unity and Integrity

  • Reflects dreams and aspirations of founding fathers of the constitution
  • Sir Allahdi Krishnaswamy Iyer: “ The Preamble to our constitution expresses what we had thought or dreamt so long”
  • Pandit Thakurdas Bhargava: “It is the soul of the constitution. It is a jewel set in the Constitution”
Part of the constitution
Berubari Union Case (1960): Not a part of the constitution
  • A key to the mind of the makers of constitution
  • can assist in interpretation of const; can't be amended
Keshvananda Bharti Case (1973):
  • Held Preamble is part of constitution and can be amended subject to BS, const shoul be read & interpreted in light of preamble 
LIC of India case (1995)
  • Again held that preamble is part of the constitution
  • Adopted after rest of constitution, not source nor prohibition to source of power, non-justiciable, provision not enforce in court of law

  • We the ppl of Ind having solemnly resolve to constitute India as sovereign socialist, secular, democratic, republic & to secure all its citizen 
    • Justice, socio, political, economic
    • Liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith & Worship
    • Equality of status & opportunity , and to promote among all ;
    • Fraternity assuring the dignity of indiv & 
    • Unity & integrity of the nation 
  • In our const assembly , this 26, nov , 1949 do herby adopt, enact , and give to ourselves this constitution   
