Right to Freedom - Fundamental Rights (A19-22)

Article 19
1: 6 types
  • Speech and expression
    • Express the views without fear and favour silence
    • Media
    • RTI
    • To make informed choices: contesting candidates details must be their
    • NOTA
    • Political dissent
    • SC: inalienably adjunct to right to life of Article 21
  • Assemble: peaceful and without arms, procession
  • association: form union, cooperative etc
    • Bandh or shutdown is not allowed
    • Strike is allowed but is a legal right
  • movement
  • reside
  • profession
2: Reasonable restriction:
  • sovereignity , territorial integrity and security
  • maintainance of friendly relationship with foreign states
  • public order, morality and decency
  • contempt and defamation
Issues related to Article 19
  • Contempt of court
  • defamation
  • cinematic freedom
  • Sec 95 of CrPC: books and publication
  • Sec. 124 A of IPC: Sedition
  • Sec 295 A: outrage the religion feelings of any class
  • Sec 66A: IT Act
  • Threat to freedom of speech and expression
    • Colonial law
    • Police
    • Judiciary
    • Insensitive political class
    • media 
  • Media
    • Print media:
      • FDI should be increased
  • Reasonableness of restriction:
    • depends on space and time
    • should not be arbitrary
    • should be tested on both substantial and procedural grounds
 Article 20
  • No ex-post fact criminal law 
  • No double jeopardy
  • No self-incriminating evidence
    • but allowed thumb print , sample etc
    • Current: DNA profiling 
Article 21
  • The state cannot deprive the individual of his life and personal except according to the procedure established by the law
  • now extended to many domain
    • environment
    • corruption
    • fair and speedy trial
    • Right to Privacy (Puttaswamy Judgement)
  • Fundamental of all the fundamental rights
  • backbone of part 3 and 4
Issues related to Article 21
Debate 1: Procedure established by the law or due process of the law
  • If liberty is deprived: court apply the following tests
    • whether there is a law that authorized executive for this
    • whether the legislature have the competence to pass such law
    • Whether the legislature while enacting the law followed the prescribe procedure under the law
  • Procedure established by the law: only apply the above 3 principles
  • Due process of law:
    • apart from the above principles the court will also check:
      • fair, just and reasonability: on the principle of natural justice (not part of basic structure)
  • Thus Procedure... protects against the executive but due process also protect from the legislature
  • Hence it is wider, and follow natural Justice

Debate 2: Right to die with dignity
  • SC in Rathinam case: yes
    • And held sec. 309 of IPC for criminalizing the suicide as unconstitutional
  • SC in Gian kaur case in 1996: no 
  • There are 2 ways like Active and passive Euthanasia: both invalid
  • SC in Aruna Shanbaugh case 2011: allowed passive on case by case basis
  • Sec. 309 is repealed and new Bill was proposed
  • Other concern: advance consent on Euthanasia
  • Medical Treatment of Terminally Ill Patients
Under trial:
Section 377: Navtej Singh Johar and others versus Union of India
  • violates 14, 21, 19 (A), 
Animal rights
Article 21A
  • 6-14: free and compulsory education under manner provided by the law
    • in neighbourhood
    • state's responsibility
    • National commission for protection of child rights
    • It remained right to schooling rather then education
    • not outcome based.
  • SC first held it as fundamental in Unnikrishanan case 1993 ---86 th CA Act of 2002---RTE in 2009
Article 22
  • Protection against arrest and detention
  • Cases of preventive detention:
    • POTA 2002
    • TADA 1985
    • NSA 1980
    • M Khosla: It is like a semi-emergency like provision 

Right to Choose : article 21
Right to personal autonomy which means personal decision regarding the personal rights are respected as long as he is not a nuisance to the society. (liberty of one must not take away liberty of other)
  • Right to consume food of one's choice eg. beef, alcohol
  • Bodily autonomy
  • Sexual orientation
  • Article 21
  • Article 19 (right to profession)
  • No uniformity in the SC's judgement
Other side:
  • DPSP
  • Public morality
Restriction on trade in cattle

Right to internet access
  • SC: Under 19
  • can not be curtailed unless it is illegal and immoral eg. PCPNDT advertise
  • UN: Internet access as a human right
  • Kerala: Basic right for every citizen
Respecting National symbols
  • SC direction for all National anthem in cinema halls
  • Other provisions for this :
    • FD, Flag code, Prevention of insult to national honor Act
  • Good:
    • FD (51A), DPSP()
    • Nationalism
  • Negative:
    • FD can not be enforced
    • Forced/external 
    • Practical problems
    • Awareness
    • Moral policing
National song
  • SC: no (dictating patriotism)
Madras HC: schools, government offices
  • FD can not be made necessary
  • it is not a part of FD
  • not an ethical way
  • Gradual social and moral changes through education and media
