Right to Freedom of Religion

Article 25
1: freedom of religion on all citizens
  • freedom of conscience: belief and faith
    • also include freedom from religion
    • SC: citizen cannot be compelled to reveal his religion; so technically no need to fill religion in forms
  • Profess, practice and propagate: 
    • Profess: declaring, Practice: symbols and conduct , Propagate: spread the basic tenets
    • subject to reasonable restriction on ground of public order, morality and health
    • No conversion: Reverend Father Stanislaus case 1977
      • Right to propagate doesn’t include right to conversion
      • Criticism: in case of this right to propagate become illusory.
    • Anti religious conversion Act of MP
  • SC distinguished between religious belief and opinion on one hand and religious customs and practices on other. While state cannot interfere on prior but can do on later.
    • intrinsic vs extrinsic
Article 26
Religious denomination:
  • Religious institutions like Trust and boards to manage their own religious affairs. Can acquire and manage properties in accordance with the law
    • This implies that they have the FR to property
Santhara: Invalidated on the basis of doctrine of essential practices.
Article 27
Prohibits the state from levying and collecting the tax, proceeds for which are spends on promoting a particular religion
  • Secular character: neither anti-religious nor irreligious but it is only non-religious.
    • Sarva Dharma Sambhav
    • state can patronize all religions
  • Telangana case
Article 28
religious instruction in education institutions
  • 4 categories:
    • wholly owned and maintained by states: no
    • recognized private and receiving aids: can not be made compulsory
    • recognized but not receiving aids: can not be made compulsory
    • set up under religious endowments: can be made compulsory
  • Narrowly conceived :
    • State centric and not the people centric.
    • Focus on inter-faith discrimination and not intra faith differences like casteism, gender bias etc
    • Focus is on religious toleration and not acceptance. need for celebration of tolerance 
  • Principle institutions for promoting secularism has failed like: education system, families, political parties etc
  • Absence of legal and institutional framework to check communal violence like National integration council which was formed in 1961 is not working. 
    • 2nd ARC: need to give it a clear mandate, yearly plan, and give authority
  • National Integration council was formed after conference on unity and diversity. 
  • Composition: PM, HM, CMs, Political leaders, UGC chairman,  commissioners of SCs and STs, others.
  • Mandate: national integration and make necessary suggestion to deal with it.
  • It was further extended to include industries etc.
  • Presented reports on Regionalism, communalism and linguism
  • 15th meeting was held in 2011.

Communal violence bill still in work
NHRC's recommendation are not implemented
Focus on singular identities
Imbalanced development
Sachar committee: recommended Equal Opportunities Commission which was never set up

  • Short term:
    • Rejuvenate the NIC
    • Effective Communal Violence Act
    • Amend RPA to give EC more teeth
  • Long term:
    • Education system and family system
    • Reform in political system, police etc

Religious conversion

stanislaus Case
    • R to propagate do not include right to convert
    • Conversion can not be secured by force, allurement or fraud
    •  then R to propagate becomes illusionary right
    • Force, allurement or fraud cannot be defined

    • There are anti conversion laws

Section 295A IPC and Section 153A
Criminalises any act which outrages religious feelings
  • Kiku Sarda (MSG)
  • MS Dhoni as a Vishnu on a Magazine
  • FOS
  • Against the Fundamental Duties (scientific temper, humanism, spirit of inquiry )
Real issue
  • Misapplication not the proven
  • Misuse : Politicians are often not held like in Communal speech etc.
  • Need of sensitization of Police and proper guideline to use
  • Balance between Article 19 and 25
