Post Vedic/Pre Mauryan Age or Age of Mahavira and Buddha:

1. Sources: Anguttara Nikaya: Buddhist literature in Palli Language, Jain Literature Bhagvati Sutra.

2. Language: Sanskrit: Intellectual language, Pali and Prakrit Common Language.

3. Some men now became recognized as rajas by performing very big sacrifices. Asvamedha was one such ritual (horse was let loose, if wandered into other kingdoms and they stopped it, those kings had to fight. If horse allowed to pass, suzerainty accepted and gifts offered).

4. Rajas who performed big sacrifices were known as rajas of janpadas. Northern Black Polished Ware is from this time period, was used for special occasions

5. Mahajanpadas were fortified. Armies were maintained with regular salaries. Instead of gifts brought by people, rajas now started collecting taxes

i. 1/6 of crop produce. One man day on craftsperson. Herders had to provide animals and animals produce. Taxes on trade. Hunters had to provide forest produce.

6. Major changes - iron ploughs and transplanting of paddy. Dasas and kammakaras (landless) had to do this work.

7. Rise of Magadha - rivers flowing through it made transport easy, easy supply of water, and fertile lands, elephants in the region for army, availability of Iron.

8. Vajji - capital at Vaishali. Was under gana (republic) or sangha form of govt - many rulers (not women). Both Buddha and Mahavira came from such ganas.

9. Beginning of 6th century BC - 16 mahajanapadas (source Anguttara Nikaya, Buddhist text) Gradual consolidation by mid century into Vatsa, Avanti, Kosala, Magadha.

10. Vatsa - near Allahabad, imp ruler Udayana, annexed to Avanti. Avanti - near Ujjain, imp ruler Pradyota, taken over by Magadha. Kosala - near Ayodhya, imp ruler Prasenajit, taken over by Magadha.

11. Magadha Imp rulers - Bimbisara. Belonged to Haryanka dynasty, consolidated position by multiple marriages. Patronized both Jainism & Buddhism (more). Ajatasatru - remarkable for military conquests. First embraced Jainism then Buddhism. Haryanka ends after some successors and Magadh taken over by Sisunagas.

12. Sisunagas: Avanti was captured by him, great achievement, Kalaashoka: Second Buddhist council.

13. Ended by Nanda dynasty. Mahapadma Nanda - regarded as a great empire builder. Powerful army and enormous wealth. Last ruler - Dhana Nanda. Oppressive tax collection => overthrow by Chandragupta Maurya + Kautilya.

14. Persian + Greek invasions - (1) Cyrus the Great - conqueror of Achaemenian empire, controlled all tribes west of Indus (2) Darius I, grandson, annexed Punjab and Sindh. (3) Xerxes - retreated because of war with Greeks. Persian significance - Indo-Iranian commerce, ground for Alexander's invasion. Darius II was defeated by Alexander. Persian art & architecture, edicts of Ashoka - Kharoshti script (written right to left).

15. Alexander invasion - belligerents were Ambhi (Taxila), Abhisara & Porus - all disunited at this point. Alexander ascends to throne in 330 BC, defeats Persians and moves towards the "end of the land". Crossed Indus in 326 BC. Ambhi surrenders but Porus fights. Battle of Hydaspes (Jhelum) on Karri plains. Alexander impressed by the battle - reinstates him. Reached till Beas but solders refused to march ahead. Died in Babylon in 323 BC on the way back.

16. Significance – helped in political unification of north India under the Mauryas - system of small independent states end. Direct contact between Indians and Greeks. Trade routes opened.
