12 Start of Medieval

  • 1. Early Medieval India (750-1200 AD):
  • a. North India: 36 Rajputs
  • b. East India: Pala Dynasty (350 yrs) and Sena Dynasty (100 yrs)
  • c. Deccan: Rashtrakuta (220y) and Kalyani Chalukya Dynasty (220y)
  • d. South India. (Cholas)

  • 12.1 36 Rajputs:
  • 1. Rajputs were strong political force in North India. Descendants of Huns and Gurjaras who married local women.
  • 2. Six important dynasties: A. Gurjara Pratihara B. Solanki Gujarat. C. Chandella Bundelkhand D. Chauhan Ajmer. E. Gahadwala of Kanauj. F. Paramar of Malwa.
  • 3. Gurjara Pratihara: Ruled from Kanauj capital, Two imp kings. (1) Mahendrapala, Poet Rakshekra was in his court, wrote many books ( Karpura Manjari, Bhuvana kosha, Kavya mimansa, Viddha Shalabhanjika) (2) Rajyapala.
  • 4. Chandella (9-13 AD): Rulers of modern bundelkhand, Capital: Mahoba and Khajurao. Best shikara temple of kHajurao built by chandellas are found here. Kings: Dhanga, Ganda, Vidhyadhara. Temple: Kandariyoa Mahadev Temple, Devi Jagadamba temple, matangeshwar temple. Laxmana temple, viswanatha temple, chitragupta temple, Jain temples, parsvanath temple, adinatha temple. Various sexual position are there, mithuna couple (loving couple). Hindi inscriptions first used by chandellas. Ganda like other kings he didn’t ran away when ghazni invaded.
  • 5. Parmar Dynasty: Ruled Malwa, capital was dhar, Bhoja of Paramar Dynasty: was a great scholar, and had a title Kavi raja, there are about 84 books he wrote, (Saraswati kantabharana, Ayurveda Sarvasya, tatva Prakasa, Raja Mriganka, Yukti kalpataru. Built a new city Bhojpur, Bhojapala called Bhopal. Saraswati kantabharana vidyalaya Sanskrit college built by bhoja.
  • 6. Solanki Dynasty: Ruled Gujarat more than 300 years. Capital Annihilwara. Mount Abu and Delwara temples bult by Solanki Dynasty. (1) Bhima I during his reign ghazani invaded somanatha temple. (2).Kumarapala: Great Jain scholar Hemachandra was in his court. Parisista parvan and kumarapala charita. (3) Bhima II: Mohammad Ghori Invaded, war took place at mount abu, Ghori defeated Bhima II.
  • 7. Chauhan Dynasty: Capital Ajmer, Prithviraj Chauhan, last powerful king. Great Scholar in his court Chand bardai wrote, Prithivraj Raso. Two battles with Ghori. 1191: battle of Tarain/Sthaneshwar, Ghori escaped defeated in battle. 1192: Seconf battle of Tarain: Occupied Delhi and Ajmer. This battle changed the history of India. Appointed Qutub din Aibak as governor.
  • 8. Gahadwala Dynasty: Jayachandra, Ruled from kanauj as capital, in 1194, battle of chnadwar where he was killed in war with ghori. Sanskrit Scholar: Sri Harsha in his court: wrote Naishadha Charita.

  • 12.2 Pala and Sena Dyasty:
  • 1. Pala Dynasty: Ruled Bengal and Bihar for more than 350  years. Capital  Munger. Founded by Gopala who was elected by noble men to end anarchy following harsha times.
  • Kings: Dharmapala Many imp educational institutions built by him. Vikramshila was important university.
  • Devapala: Nalanda copper plate inscription, he donated 5 villages and this inscription issued by Balaputradeva.
  • Madanpala last king, in 1095 was assassinated by Madanpala
  • Sena Dynasty: Ruled for 100 years, Capital Lakaunti (Bengal)
  • Lakshamana Sena: There was a Vaishnava poet saint in court of Lakshamana. Jayadeva: He wrote Gita Govindam. Dasavatar concept was given in this book.

  • 12.3 Rashtrakutas (755-975) 
  • 1. Are of Kannada origin. Dantidurga founder. Defeated Gurjaras of Malwa and Kirtivarman II of Chalukya and became permanent power in Deccan.   

  • 3. Danti Durga: Founder of this dynasty, He Built 2 caves, Dashavtara cave temple and Ravan ka Kai. Krishna I - magnificent rock cut monolithic Kailasa temples at Ellora.  Amoghavarsha I (815-880) - ruled for along period. Follower of Jainism, teacher was Jinasena (composed Parsvabhudaya). Wrote Kavirajmarga (first poetic work in Kannada language) And also wrote Ratnamalika in Sanskrit on Jainism. Built the capital at Malkhed. Krishna III (936-968) - defeated Cholas at Takkolam, captured Tanjore. Built Krishneswara temple at Rameshwram. After his death, power of Rashtrakutas declined. Last King: Karka. 
  • 4. Administration - divided into several provinces called rashtra, districts called vishayas, village groups called bhuktis. Society & economy - Vaishnavism and Saivism - flourished. Jainism under patronage. 1/3 deccans were Jains. Harmony among various religions. Active commerce bw Deccan and Arabs. 
  • 5. Culture - widely patronized Sanskrit literature. Scholars - Trivikarma (wrote Nalachampu), Halayudha (composed Kavirahasya). Saktyana wrote Amogvriti (Sanskrit Grammar). Mathematician MahaViracharya wrote Ganitasaram, Gunabhadra wrote Adipurana (life stores of Jain saints). Kannada literature saw its beginning - Pampa greatest poet, work Vikramasenavijaya, Adi Purana, Pampa Bharta Translation of Mahabharta in Kannada. Ponna wrote Santipurana. 
  • 6. Art and architecture - Ellora and Elephanta. Kailsash temple at Ellora during reign of Krishna I. Elephanta - sculptural art reached its zenith, images of Siva in various forms, Trimurthi imposing figure here. 
  • 12.4 Kalyani Chalukya: (973 – 1189):
  • 1. Kings: Vikramaditya: Two Great Scholars in his court, Bilhana wrote book, Vikramanakadeva Charita. Viganeshwara book mitakshara. Inheritance of property in hindu culture is based on Mitakshara throughout India. In Assam and Bengal there was ancient law called Dayabhaga written by Jimutvahana.
  • 2. Someswara III: He was a great scholar and wrote a book called Manasollasa and Abhilashitartha Cintamani: Encylopedic work on polity, governance, ethics and astrology.
  • 3. Ronna was in Kalyani chalukya court, written Ajitnathapurana
