Business Class in Freedom struggle

  • Criticism of British economic policies: Purshotamdas, Thakurdas and G.D Birla attacked colonial control over the Indian economy and supported the Civil Disobedience Movement.
  • Financial assistance and support: 
    • Policy support: FICCI refuse to negotiate with British in economic or political issues without the participation or approval of Congress.
    • Funding the Indian National Congress in organizing protests, conferences. 
      • e.g. Chidambaram Pillai funded the INC branch of Madras state.

  • Swadeshi enterprises: swadeshi goods - alternatives after boycotting foreign goods.
    • e.g. Swadeshi textile mills, soap and match factories, tanneries, banks, insurance companies etc., 

  • Self-reliance:  self-sustenance of Indian economy. 
    • employment opportunities to those who quit British industries after protesting 
  • Lobbying: 
    • economic policies that would promote indigenous enterprises. 
    • advocated import protection and tax benefits for Indian enterprises.
  • FICCI - interest group which played major role in economic policies negotiations.
  • Indian Industries and Commercial Congress was formed in 1920 which became a discussion body and put forth the demands of Industrialists.
  • Economic Planning: in 1944 and 1945, Bombay plan was formulated by a small group of influential business leaders in Bombay for the development of the post-independence economy of India. 
    • in lines of philosophy of Indian freedom struggle.

Role envisaged by Gandhiji:

Gandhiji envisaged a role for business community more than in the economic sphere.
  • Critical role against British policies: The business community must resist the small term economic benefits provided by the British and struggle for long term sustainable economic policies that would help India and the Indians.
  • Swadeshi promotion:  Business class has major role to play in promotion of Indian and traditional products like Khadi and so on.
  • Trusteeship: the business community has the social responsibility alongside profit and must help in sarvodaya and antyodaya. 
    • A long-term vision beyond one generation making the business sustainable.
    • Fostering trust and build reputation will all the sections of the society. Thus, create a value for community.
  • Employment: Gandhiji was against blind mechanization to be imitated by the business community. This would result in the loss of jobs. Thus, he recommended business community to invest in labour intensive industries.
  • Rural development: Gandhiji believed that the real India lives in villages and therefore it is also the responsibility of the Business community in ensuring village development.
