Imperial Cholas:

  • 1. Cholas were feudatories in Uraiyur after Sangam period  -> prominent in 9th century, est empire with capital at Tanjore (+sway in SL and Malay). Sources of history - inscriptions found in temples. Founder - Vijayalaya (captured Tanjore from Muttaraiyars). Son Aditya defeated Aparajita and annexed Tondaimandalam. Parantaka I - early ruler of Cholas, great builder of temples. Provided vimana of famous Nataraja temple at Chidambaram with golden roof. Uttiramerur inscriptions - from his reign (provide details of formation and functions of village councils). Qualification to become ward member - own land, own residence, 30-70 age, know vedas. Disqualify - no submission of accounts, committed sins, stolen property, members of committee for past 3 years.
  • 2. Rajaraja I (985-1014) - under Rajaraja I and son Rajendra I - Cholas reached highest point of glory. Military conquests were against - Cheras and destruction of their navy. Pandya rulers defeated and establishment of Chola authority. Sri Lanka invasion (Rajendra I did it). Western Chalukyas defeated, Raichur doab captured. Maldives islands. Devout follower of Saivism. Completed construction of Rajarajeswara/Brihadeeswara temple at Tanjore. Buddhist monastery at Nagapattinam (port). Mundaichola because captured Northern Srilanka which was known as Mundaichola mandalam.
  • 4. Rajendra I (1012-1044) - demonstrated his military ability by participating with father. Imp wars against - Mahinda V (whole of Sri Lanka part of Cholas now), asserted authority over Cheras and Pandyas. North Indian conquests (see map above) - built Gangaikondacholapuram (in celebration, Siva temple), Rajesvaram temple in the city. Srivijaya (Sumatra) - successful expedition but no annexation, assumed title Kadaramkondan and Gangai Konda. Cholamandalam is now called coromandalam. Empire at peak at death of Rajendra I. Tolerant towards Vaishnava and Buddhist sects.
  • 5. Successors - Kulottunga I (united Vengi w Chola minus SL, embassy of merchants to China and cordial relations with Srivijaya), tax reforms and agriculture reforms and Kulottunga III (central authority weak) preserved the greatness. Rise of feudatories challenge to Chola supremacy and ultimate downfall. Rajendra III defeated by Jatavarman Sundarapandya II, absorbed into Pandya empire.  Rise of two kingdom: Pandya and Hoyasala
  • 6. Chola admin - excellent system. Upper level centralized and lower level decentralized. Extent and resources of Chola empire increased power and prestige of monarchy. Took royal tours to increase efficiency of administration. Elaborate admin machinery of officials called perundanam and sirudanam. Revenue - land dept well organized. Remission of taxes during hard times - Koluttunga became famous by abolishing toll - earned title Sungam Tavirtta Cholan. Military admin - royal troops called kaikkolaperumpadai. Kings guard - called velaikkarar. Naval achievements at its height during Chola rule.
  • 7. Admin of cholas - ur was settlement of peasants. Group of villages formed unit called nadus. Nadus dispensed justice and collected taxes. Vellala caste was dominant. Rich landowners were given titles by kings like - muvendavelan (peasant serving 3 kings), araiyar and gave them important offices in the State. Types of land - vellanvagai (non-Brahaman), brahmadeya (gift to Brahamanas), Shalabhoga (for maintenance of schools), Devadana (temples), pallichchhandam (Jainas institutions). Brahmadeya was looked after by a sabha who recorded decisions on the walls of the temples. Uttaramerur inscription - members of sabha should own the land, 35-70 age, knowledge of vedas, account of himself and relatives, honest, 3 year max term. Association of traders (nagaram) performed admin functions. Periyapuranam (12th century Tamil work) talks about outcastes called Pulaiyas. 
  • 8. Socio economic life - Caste system continues. Two major division among castes - valangai (right hand, farmers) and idangai (left hand, manufacturers) castes. Cooperation among various caste and sub castes. Sati prevalent in royal families. Devadasi system attached to temples emerged. Both Saivism and Vaishnavism continued to flourish. Agricultural prosperity - forest land reclaimed and irrigation tanks. Weaving industry, metals works flourished. Commercial contacts with SE Asia -> trade flourished. Sabha - assembly of brahmin land owners. Ur - village assembly with non-brahmin land owners. Nagaram - association of merchants  
  • 9. Education - Inscriptions at Ennayiram, Thirumukkudal, Thirubhivanai - details of colleges. Vedas + epics + maths + medicine taught. Development of Tamil literature at peak during Chola period. Sivakasintamani (by Thiruthakkadevar and Kundalakesi - 10th century). Ramayana by Kamaban and Periyapuram. Tiruttondarpuranam (Periya Puranam) by Sekkilar - masterpieces of this age. Kalingattupparani (by Jayankondar) - Kalinga war by Kulottunga I. Moovarula by Ottakuthar - life of 3 Chola kings. Nalavenba - by Pugalendi. Works on Tamil grammar - Kalladam (by Kalladanar), Yapperungalam (by Amirthasagarar). Nannul by Pavanandhi. Virasoliyam by Buddhamitra (tamil grammar)
  • 10. Art and Architecture- Dravidian style reached perfection. Chief feature of Chola temples is vimana. Big Temple at Tanjore by Rajaraja I is master piece - consists of vimana, ardhamandapa and mahamandapa, nandimandapa (large pavilion in front). Siva temple at Gangaikondacholapuram by Rajendra I. Later Chola temples - Airavathesvara in Tanjore, Kampaharesvara at Tribhuvanam. Walls of temples - rich contributions to art of sculpture. Bronze statues of Nataraja (dancing Siva).  
  • 14 Spread of Indian Cultures in other Asian Countries:
  • 1. Commercial contacts with countries existed from before. Political adventures even established some Hindu kingdoms in SE Asia. But no colonialism or imperialism, but cultural influence. 
  • 2. Central Asia - Afghanistan - great center of Indian culture during early centuries of CE. Khotan and Kashkar, most important centers of Indian culture - Sanskrit text and Buddhist monasteries were found. Influence in this region till 8th century.
  • 3. China - influence by both land route and sea route. Buddhism reached in the beginning of 1st century AD. Chinese pilgrims - Fahien and Hieun Tsang.  Buddhist monks to China - Gunabhadra, Vajrabothi, Dharmadeva, Dharmagupta. Continued till 13th century (Mongol est rule in China). Tibet - influenced from 7th century. King Gampo found city of Lhasa and introduced Buddhism. Pala dynasty of Tibet + Bengal close contacts. 
  • 4. Sri Lanka - Buddhist missionaries spread religious faith and cultural traditions (eg stone carving). Buddha Ghosha visited SL and consolidated Hinayana Buddhism. Sirigiriya paintings modeled on Ajanta paintings. 
  • 5. South East Asia - influence in Malay Archipelago, Indo-China. Traders' voyages were referred as Suvarnabhumi. Guptas, Pallavas influence in East Asia. Dominated till 15th century till Islam came along. 
  • Cambodia - Early rulers were Saivism and Vaishnavism. Hindu literary works known to people of Cambodia. Called varmans like Pallava kings. Angkorwat - Vishnu temple built by Suryavarman II. Sculptures depict episodes from Ramayana and Mahabharata. South Vietnam - Champa dynasty or Cham people, Hindus with >1000 years of history here. Saivism and Vaishnavism flourished. Thailand - traditional laws of country composed on model of dharmasastras. Many temples in Bangkok have sculptures depicting the Ramayana.
  • Malaysia - Island of Sumatra, kingdom of Srivijaya was conquered by Rajendra I. Great center of trade and commerce. Sailendra rulers after that -> who were Mahayana Buddhists and maintained relations with Cholas and Palas.  Java, Bali, Borneo all were center of Hindu religion and culture. Indo-Java art - Borobudur (Buddha life and incidents - in bas relief) - greatest and largest Buddhist monuments in the world. Bali - Hindus with >1000 years of history here. I-Qing refers to prevalence of Buddhism in 7th century. Burma - Asoka sent missionaries to preach Buddhism. Pali and Sanskrit were languages of Burma till 13th century. Both Hinayana and Mahayana Buddhism practiced.
