India Geographical Features & their impact on History

3 major regions 
  • Himalayan mountains - length of 2560 km & avg breadth of 240-320 km. 
    • Natural wall and protects the country against cold arctic winds of Siberia -> hence north India warm. 
    • India & central Asia passes - Khyber, Bolan & Gomal. Swat valley (Alexandar came from here)
    • East Himalayas - Pat Koi, Nagai and Lushai (thick forest & heavy rains)
  • Deccan plateau - volcanic rock different than the northern mountains.
    • Easy to cut -> hence rock-cut temples in Deccan. 
    • Western ghat passes - Palakkad/Palghat.
    • Eastern ghats - Krishna & Tungabhadra doab (Raichur) - contested 
      • famous under Satavahanas.
  • India - a land of unity and diversity - 
    • pre-Aryans, Indo-Aryans, Greek, Scythians, Huns, Turks, etc - each ethnic group - contributed to Indian culture.
  • Prakrit & Pali were the lingua franca during 3rd century BC.
