
  • Mahavira - kshatriya prince of Lichchhavis (Vajji sangha). Symbol Lion, Norn in 540 BC at kundalgrama, Father: Taught in Prakrit. 
  • Jain tradition - Mahavira was preceded by 23 other tirthankaras - meaning those who guide people across river of existence. Most important idea in Jainism is that entire world is animated. Non-injury to living beings is central to the philosophy. Principle of ahimsa, emphasized within Jainism. Cycle of birth and rebirth is shaped through karma; to free oneself asceticism and penance is required. Which can be achieved only by renouncing the world hence monastic existence is necessary condition of salvation. 
  • Vardhamana Mahavira 24th Tirthankara. Attained highest spiritual knowledge - keval jnana. Followers called Jain and religion Jainism. 3 principles (triratnas, KFC) - right faith (belief in wisdom of Mahavira), right knowledge (accept there is no god and all objects possess soul), right conduct (not - injure life, lie, steal, acquire property, immoral life). Rejected authority of vedas - holy and ethical code of life. 
  • Jain monks and nuns took 5 vows Abstain from killing (Ahinsa), stealing (Asteya), lying (asatya); observe celibacy(Brahmacharya) and abstain from possessing property (Aparigraha). //Uttaradhyayana Sutta - queen Kamalavati tried to persuade her husband to renounce the world.
  • Spread of Jainism - scholars produced wealth of literature in - Prakrit, Sanskrit and Tamil. Earliest stone sculptures associated with religious traditions were from Jain devotees. Jainism was supported mainly by traders as farmers had to kill insects to protect crops.
  • Spread - dedicated work by members of Sanghas. Chandrgupta Maurya, Kharavela & dynasties - Kadambas, Chalukyas, Rashtrakutas patronized. Parisistaparvan written by Hemachandra Sthulabhadra - stayed back in North and changed code of conduct; svetambaras (white clad). Digambaras (sky-clad) - led by Bhadrabahu, who predicted 12 year famine and moved to South. He was also last acharya of undivided Jains. 1st Jain council - Pataliputra around 4th century BC. 2nd - in 5th century in Valabhi. Twelve Angas written at 2nd council, Digambaras rejected them. 
  • Shrutakevalin is a term used in Jainism for those ascetics who have complete knowledge of Jain Agama. Agamas are texts of Jainism based on the discourses of the tirthankara. Composed of 12 angas (departments). It is generally represented by a tree with twelve branches. This forms the basis of the Jaina Agamas or canons.
  • According to the Digambara sect of Jainism, there were five Shruta Kevalins in Jainism. Svetambaras believe the last Shruta Kevalin was Acharya Sthulabhadra, but was forbade by Bhadrabahu from disclosing it.

6.3 Other Heterodox Schools:
  • Fatalists - tradition of Ajivikas (teacher Makkhali Gosala); says that the wise and the fool cannot come out of karma. It can neither be lessened nor increased. So fool and wise alike will take their course and make an end of sorrow. Niyati: Everything is predetermined.
  • Materialists reject Vedas, Vedic ritualism, and supernaturalism - tradition of Lokayatas (or Charvaka), philospher Ajita Kesakambalin and Brihaspati). Believe that everything is not predetermined. Human being is made up of the four elements. 
