
  • Mauryans ruled entire Indian Subcontinet except Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Extent from Himalayas, Bangladesh, Kaveri Region, Afghanistan.
  • Plenty of indigenous and foreign sources. 
  • Kautilya's Arthashastra. 
    • Part 1 - king and his council. 
    • Part 2 - civil & criminal law. 
    • Part 3 - Diplomacy & war. 
  • Visakadatta's Mudrarakshasa - written during Gupta period. 
  • Megasthene's Indica - Greek ambassador in court of CG Maurya, details administration of Pataliputra and military org. 
  • Rajatarangini-Kalhana (12th c), History of Kashmir, Srinagar was built by Ashoka. 
  • Foreign Texts: 
    • Divyavadana (tibetian language), Mahavamsha and Deepvamsha: Pali Launguage, Buddhist literature. 
    • Natural Histroy by Pliny, Latin language, Military strength of Mauryans: Chaturanga bala: 6 lakh infantry, 30,000 cavalries, 9000: Elephantry, 8000: Chariotry. 
    • Megasthenes 6-wings: navy and transport extra.
  • Megasthenese was an ambassador sent to Chandragupta by Greek ruler of West Asia Seleucus Nicator. Wrote - king surrounded by armed women, never sleeps in same bedroom for 2 nights, trained parrots circle about head of emperor. There is no slavery in India, there are 7 castes in India, there are no famines in India, there is no usury system.
  • Archaeological sources - Edicts of Asoka (deciphered by James Princep). Written in Pali language, total 14 in all (Edict 7 - Dhamma, Edict 13 - war with Kalinga).  Inscriptions have been found all over the country (except maybe NE and TN/KL). Written in Prakrit (Brahmi script).  Kandhar inscription written in two langauges Greek and Aramic. Asohkan name written only in few script, Karnataka: Misky, Udegolam, Nittur; Madhya Pradesh: Gujjara. Kharosti script also used.
  • Type of Edicts: 
    • 1. Rock Edicts: Major (8 places): Yerrgauddi (AP), Sopara (MH), Girnar (GJ), Kalsi (UK), Jaughada (Orissa), Dhauli (Orissa), Manshera (pak), Shahbajgir (Pak). Minor Edict: Bhabru-bairat (Rajasthan, Ashoka’s conversion to Buddhism). 
    • 2. Pillar Edict: Rummendai (Lumbini), Information about tax system, Allhabad Inscription: Used by Ashoka, Samudra Gupta and Jahangir. 
    • 3. Barabara Cave Edict: 
    • 4 caves built by Ashoka and donated to Ajivikas. Nagarjuna cave inscription by Dasaradha (Grandson of Ashoka).
  • Chandragupta Maurya (321-297) BC- founder of Mauryan empire, defeating Nanda dynasty. Took territories around NW India from Seleucus Niketar (Alexander's general) (married his daughter) and north of Narmada. Embraced Jainism towards end of his life and gave throne to Bindusara. Starved himself to death, went South with Bhadrabahu. Sallekana at sravanabelgola.
  • Bindusara - aka Amitraghata. Conquered Deccan till Mysore. Ambassador in court – Deimachus and Dionysius (Egypt).
  • Ashoka the Great - Struggle for throne after Bindusara's death - apparently killed 99 brothers /some served his administration (unclear). Most important - war with Kalinga in 261 BC, no detail on cause or course only effects. Edict 13 150k killed, remorseful -> embraced Buddhism under influence of Upagupta. Ashoka & Buddhism - gave up hunting and organized missions, appointed Dharma mahamattas to speed up progress of Dhamma, sent missions to Sri Lanka (planted Bodhi tree). Sent messengers to Syria, Egypt, Greece and Sri Lanka. Assumed titles devanampiya piyadasi, Chakravartin. Ideas - being gentle with slaves and servants, respecting one's elders, giving gifts to monks, respect other's religion.
  • Dhamma - broad concept, way of life, a code of conduct and set of principles to be adopted and practiced by people. (compare with Confucius) summary - (1) service to father & mother, practice of ahimsa, love of truth, reverence to teachers (2) prohibition of animal sacrifices and meaningless ceremonies (3) efficient org of administration (4) Tolerance among all religious sect
  • Post Ashoka - Ashoka's death later 232 BC - western and eastern kingdom split. The western part was ruled by Kunala and eastern part by Dasaratha, grandsons of Asoka (Bactrian invasions led to collapse). Finally overtaken by Sunga dynasty. 
  • Use of stone started from the time of Asoka. Even of the numerous monuments of Asoka, only a few have remained. Only remaining stupa is at Sanchi. 
  • Administration – highly bureaucratized and centralized. Council of ministers, mantriparishad. Consisted of purohita, mahamantri, senapati, yujaraj. 4 provinces - Taxila, Ujjain, Suvarnagiri and Kalinga. Head of this provinces Aryaputra, Provinces divided into Aharas (Districts). According to megasthenes there were urban councils. 
  • Samharta: head of tax system, Sannidhata: Chief treasury officer, Mahamattara: High rank official, Akara: Mines Dept, Kupya: Forest dept. Civil servants called Amatyas who looked after the day-to-day administration were selected based on merit. Civil Courts: Dharmstya, Criminal Courts: Kantakashodana. Trial by ordeal Agni pariksha. Gudupurasha: Detectives.
  • Art & architecture – Court Art: Pillars and Stupas Popular Art: Caves, Sculpture and Pottery. 
  • prior to Asoka mostly wood - hence perished. Pillars erected by Asoka finest specimen of Mauryan art. Stupas - only few have survived. Caves - Barabar hills near Bodh Gaya. Decline attributed to Asoka's policies and weak successors -> inadequate political and economic institutions. Pro-Buddhist policies antagonized the Brahmins.   
