• • Facilitate / stimulate regional air connectivity by making it affordable by supporting airline operation through
      • o Concessions by Central Government, State Governments and airport operators
      • o Financial (Viability Gap Funding or VGF) support
    • • To provide connectivity to un-served and under-served regions through revival of existing air strips and airports.
      • o Under-served airports are those which do not have more than 7 flights a week (14 for priority areas), while unserved airports are those where there are no scheduled commercial flights.
      • o Ministry aims to operationalize 1000 routes and more than 100 airports in the next 5 years.
    • • Airports Authority of India (AAI) is designated as implementing agency
    • • It is a key component of National Civil Aviation Policy, 2016.
    • • The scheme would be in operation for a period up to 10 years from the date of notification of the Scheme Version 1.0.
    • • It has a unique demand and market-based model to develop regional connectivity. RCS will be operational only in States and at airports/aerodromes/helipads which commit and support the scheme by providing concessions as required in the scheme.
    • • Airfares on regional flights are capped at ₹2,500/ hour of approximately 500 km on an aircraft or for a 30 min on helicopter.
    • • Airlines have to provide 50% of the seats (minimum of 9 and a maximum of 40 UDAN Seats) at subsidized rates. Remaining 50% seats will be priced at market rate. For helicopters, if seats are less than or equal to 13 then it is required to provide 100% as RCS seats, but if capacity is more than 13 then maximum 13 will be considered as RCS seats.
    • • Support in the form of Concessions and Viability Gap Funding will be provided to selected operators for RCS routes under the scheme.
      • o Centre will share 80% of the VGF collected by charging a levy of up to ₹8,500 on each departing flight of domestic airlines and the rest 20% will come from the respective state governments (other than NE states, UK, HP and UTs which will contribute 10%).
      • ✓ Regional Connectivity Fund would be created for this purpose.
      • o However, for the routes classified as State RCS Routes and Lakshadweep Specific Route, the State Governments and Ministry of Home Affairs respectively, shall be responsible for reimbursing 100% of the VGF under the scheme.
      • o State governments have to provide free security & fire service, utilities at concessional rates, free land for RCS airports etc.
      • o Airport/Aerodrome/Helipad operators: No landing charges, parking charges and Terminal Navigation Landing Charges will be imposed for RCS flights etc.
    • • In case any rehabilitation/upgradation of infrastructure is required at airports/water aerodromes/helipad to make them operational for RCS operations, it can be undertaken by AAI upon payment of required costs from respective State Government/airport/Water Aerodrome/Helipad operator. Ownership will not change however.
    • • In last 3 rounds, around 700 RCS routes were awarded, 106 airports and 31 heliports were constructed and 232 RCS routes were operationalized.
    • • Recently, 4th round of bidding for UDAN was launched to further enhance the connectivity to remote and regional areas and develop the airports and operationalize the pending routes.
      • o It will focus on priority areas like Hilly states, North East Region, Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir and Islands. (3-14 flights per week as compared to non-priority areas where it is 3-7 flights per week)
      • o Revision of (Viability Gap Funding) VGF cap-
      • ✓ provision of VGF for Category 2/3 aircrafts (> 20 seats) has now been enhanced to all flights that would operate in Priority areas.
      • ✓ VGF cap applicable for various stage lengths for operation through category 1/1 A aircrafts (<20-seater) has also been revised.
      • o Promoting short-haul routes- provision of VGF would be restricted for routes with stage length up to 600 kms for Category 2/3 aircrafts
      • o Well defined Prioritization framework for award of VGF- descending order of priority will be: Airports already developed by AAI, followed by airports not part of the above list but located in Priority Area(s), followed by airports located in areas other than Priority Area(s).
      • o Flexibility to change the frequency of flights by Selected Airline Operator- provided that the total scheduled flights is adhered to within a period of 1 year.
      • o It will allow operation of helicopter and sea planes.

  • Digiyatra Platform
    • It is biometrics-based digital processing system for passenger entry and related requirements at the airport.
    • It facilitates paperless travel and avoid identity checks at multiple points in an airport. Each passenger would get a unique Digi Yatra ID.
  • NABH (Nextgen Airports for Bharat)
    • It seeks expansion of the airport capacity more than 5 times to handle a billion trips a year.
    • It aims to establish about 100 airports in 10-15 years at an estimated investment of Rs 4 lakh crore and a large percentage of the investment is to come from the private sector.
  • Krishi Udan
    • Announced in Budget 2020-21. Yet to be launched.
    • Krishi Udan will be launched by the Aviation Ministry on international and national routes.
    • By assisting farmers in transporting agricultural products it will immensely help improve value realisation (on agricultural products), especially in the north-east and tribal districts.
