• Broadband access to all villages by 2022
    • Laying of incremental 30 lakhs route km of Optical Fiber Cable and increase in tower density from 0.42 to 1.0 tower per thousand of population by 2024
    • Creation of a digital fiber map of the Digital Communications network and infrastructure, including Optical Fiber Cables and Towers
    • Significantly improve quality of services for mobile and internet
    • Develop a Broadband Readiness Index (BRI)
    • Address policy and regulatory changes required to accelerate the expansion and creation of digital infrastructure and services
    • It gives emphasis on the three principles of universality, affordability and quality
    • Vision: to fast track growth of digital communications infrastructure, bridge the digital divide, facilitate digital empowerment and inclusion and provide affordable and universal access of broadband for all.
    • Funding: Investment of USD 100 billion (Rs 7 Lakh Crore) will come from different stakeholders like government and industry, including Rs 70,000 crore (10%) from Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF).
    • USOF is a statutory fund (under Indian Telegraph (Amend.) Act, 2003) and is utilized exclusively for meeting Universal Service Obligation i.e. ensuring that un/underserved rural areas are effectively connected through a reliable and ubiquitous telecommunications network.
    • To provide broadband connectivity to Gram Panchayats (GP) through optical fibre network.
    • • It aims to provide a minimum bandwidth of 100 Mbps to each of the 2.5 lakhs GPs.
    • • It will facilitate delivery of e-governance, e-health, e-education, e-banking, public internet access, G2C, B2B, P2P, B2C etc., weather, agricultural and other services to rural India.
    • • It is the new brand name of NOFN (National Optic Fibre Network) which is being implemented in three phases.
      • o First phase – Envisaged to provide one lakh gram panchayats with broadband connectivity by laying underground optic fibre cable lines with deadline of 31st December 2017, which was achieved.
      • o Second Phase – It will provide connectivity to all 2,50,000 Panchayats using an optimal miz of underground fibre, fibre over powerlines, radio and satellite media to be completed by March 2019.
      • o Third Phase – It will be implemented from 2019 to 2023 during which state-of-the-art, future-proof network, including fiber between districts and blocks, with ring topology would be created.
    • • It is being implemented by a special purpose vehicle named Bharat Broadband Network Ltd. set up under Companies Act.
    • • It is being funded by the Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF).
    • To supplement telecom skilled manpower creation for the growth of telecom sector and to generate livelihood for the youth of the nation.
    • • In pilot phase, it will train 10,000 people from UP, MP, Bihar, Odisha, Punjab and Haryana and train 10,000 people in 1st phase on a pilot basis.
    • • DoT plans to establish more than 1,000 Sanchar Kaushal Vikas Pratisthan which will train youth according to the National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF) and local needs of the telecom sector.
    • • The government will also reward people doing innovative work in the telecom space.
    • • It is a web portal for information sharing on Mobile Towers and Electromagnetic frequency (EMF) Emission Compliance.
    • • It has been developed in Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode by Department of Telecommunications with Industry.
    • • Indian norms had prescribed 10 times stricter limits for radiation emission in comparison to global standards.
    • • Any person can request for EMF emission measurement at a location.
  • DARPAN (Digital Advancement of Rural Post Office for A New India) Project
    • • It aims to improve the quality of service and achieve “financial inclusion” of un-banked rural population.
    • • As part of IT modernization project, it intends to provide a low power technology solution to each Branch Postmaster (BPM) which will enable 1.29 Rural Lakhs Branch Post Offices (BOs).
    • • Recently, DARPAN-PLI application was launched for seamless collection of premium for Postal Life Insurance (PLI) and Rural Postal Life Insurance (RPLI) policies.
  • Sampoorna Bima Gram Yojana
    • • It aims to provide affordable life insurance services to people living in rural areas of the country through the postal network.
    • • It will identify at least one village (having a minimum of 100 households) in each of the revenue districts of the country and cover all households with a minimum of one RPLI (Rural Postal Life Insurance) policy.
    • • All villages under Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana would also be covered under the scheme to turn them into Sampoorna Beema Gram.
  • Deen Dayal Sparsh Yojana
    • • SPARSH stands for Scholarship for Promotion of Aptitude & Research in Stamps as a Hobby.
    • • It is a pan India scheme launched by the government to increase the collection and study of postal stamps.
    • • It would award annual scholarship of INR 6000 to children of Standard VI to IX having good academic record and also pursuing Philately as a hobby through a competitive selection process in all postal circles.
  • Cool EMS Service
    • • Cool EMS (Express Mail Service) is one-way service from Japan to India which allows customers in India to import Japanese food items for personal use which is allowed under Indian regulations.
    • • Initially, it will be available in Delhi only. Food items will be carried by Japan Post in special cool boxes containing refrigerant to preserve the quality of the food items.
