• To create additional milk processing capacity, invest in infrastructure to modernize and bring efficiency in dairy processing plants and machinery
    • It will benefit 95 lakh milk producers covering 50,000 villages
    • End Borrowers such as Milk Unions, State Dairy Federations, Milk Cooperatives, Milk Producer Companies etc
    • Central Sector Scheme was launched by Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying
    • Fund has been set up under NABARD. Funding will be in the form of interest-bearing loan, implemented by National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) and National Dairy Development Cooperation (NCDC) directly through the End Borrowers.
    • The respective State Government will be the guarantor of loan repayment
    • Recently, government increased the interest subvention or subsidy on loans given to the dairy sector from 2% to 2.5%.
    • The funding period of the scheme is revised (earlier 2017- 18 to 2019-20: now 2018-19 to 2022-23) and the repayment period has been extended up to 2030-31. 
    • To control the livestock diseases the foot and mouth disease and brucellosis in livestock by 2025 and eradicate these by 2030.
    • • It seeks to vaccinate over 600 million livestock including cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats and pigs against the Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD).
    • • It also aims at vaccinating 36 million female bovine calves annually in its fight against the brucellosis disease.
    • • Funding: 100% funding from the Central Government, for a period of five years till 2024.
    • • Ministry of Agriculture, Department (of Animal and Husbandry) had initiated ‘FMD Mukt Bharat’ under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) during 2016-17, a program to cover all the states which were not covered under the six-monthly vaccination scheme.
    • Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is a severe, highly contagious viral disease of livestock that has a significant economic impact. The disease affects cattle, swine, sheep, goats and other cloven-hoofed ruminants.
    • Brucellosis is a bacterial disease caused by various Brucella species, which mainly infect cattle, swine, goats, sheep and dogs. Humans generally acquire the disease through direct contact with infected animals, by eating or drinking contaminated animal products, or by inhaling airborne agents. 
    • • Enhancing milk production
    • • Improving genetic merit of milch animals with high quality seed.
    • • The aim of the program to inseminate over 1 crore bovines in 6 months & ear-tag them with ‘PashuAadhaar’ which is a unique identification provided to the animals so as to enable the Government to identify and track the animals uniquely with all details such as the breed, age, gender and owner details.
    • • Every cow and buffalo under AI will be tagged and can be tracked through the Information Network on Animal Productivity and Health (INAPH) Database.
    • • NAIP is a campaign mode genetic upgradation program covering all breeds of bovines to enhance the milk production using low cost breeding technology for improving genetic merit of milch animals with high quality seed.
    • • The gestation period for getting the benefits from the AI bovine is approximately 3 years.
    • • To enhance the milk production and productivity
    • • To make dairying more remunerative to the farmers
    • • It was launched in 2016 to enhance milk production and productivity and making dairy more remunerative for farmers.
    • • The is being implemented through following four components –
      • o Pashu Sanjivani - It is a wellness program under which each of the milch animals are identified using UID and given a health card (Nakul Swasthya Patra) that will record the breed, its age and details of vaccination, among other details and uploading data on INAPH database.
      • o Advanced Reproductivity Technique - under the component sex sorted semen production facility is being created at 10 A graded semen stations and 50 Embryo Transfer Technology Labs with IVF facilities are being created in the country.
      • o E-Pashu Haat Portal - It is an e-trading market portal for linking farmers and breeders of indigenous breed.
      • o Establishment of National Bovine Genomic Centre for Indigenous Breeds (NBGC-IB) - for enhancing milk production and productivity through genomic selection among indigenous breeds. 
    • • To arrange quality Artificial insemination services at farmer’s doorsteps
    • • To conserve, develop and proliferate selected indigenous bovine breeds of high socio-economic importance
    • • To create and strengthen infrastructure for procurement, processing and marketing of milk and milk products
    • • To create training infrastructure for training of dairy farmers
    • • To strengthen dairy cooperative societies/Producers Companies at village level
    • • The program was initiated in 2014 by merging on-going schemes of National Project for Cattle and Buffalo Breeding (NPCBB), Intensive Dairy Development Programme (IDDP), Strengthening Infrastructure for Quality & Clean Milk Production (SIQ & CMP) and Assistance to Cooperatives (A-C).
    • • The scheme has three components namely –
      • o National Program for Bovine Breeding (NPBB): It will establish MAITRI (Multi-purpose AI Technician in Rural India) to deliver the breeding inputs at doorstep.
      • o National Programme for Dairy Development (NPDD)
      • o Rashtriya Gokul Mission (RGM)
  • Rashtriya Gokul Mission
    • • Breed improvement program for indigenous breeds to improve their genetic makeup and increase the stock
    • • Enhancement on milk production and productivity
    • • Upgradation of nondescript cattle using elite indigenous breeds like Gir, Sahiwal, Rathi, Deoni, Tharparkar, Red Sindhi
    • • Establishment of Integrated Indigenous Cattle Centres or Gokul Grams in the native breeding tracts of indigenous breeds.
    • • Scheme is implemented on 100% grant-in-aid basis.
    • • Significant initiatives:
    • o Gopal Ratna awards: For farmers maintaining the best herd of Indigenous Breed(s) and practicing best management practices.
    • o Kamdhenu awards: For Best managed Indigenous Herd by Institutions/Trusts/ NGOs/ Gaushalas or best managed Breeders’ Societies
    • o Gokul Gram: these are integrated cattle development centres to promote indigenous cattle rearing and conservation in a scientific manner, propagate high genetic merit bulls of indigenous breeds, optimize modern Farm Management practices and utilize animal waste in economical way i.e. cow dung/urine. 
    • To help increase productivity of milch animals and thereby increase milk production.
    • To help provide rural milk producers with greater access to the organized milk-processing sector.
    • Central Sector Scheme being implemented by the National Dairy Development Board.
    • • NDP-I will focus on 18 major milk producing states namely Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh etc. which together account for over 90% of the country’s milk production.
    • • Various Components of the Scheme are –
      • o Productivity enhancement
      • o Village based milk procurement systems for weighing, testing quality of milk received and making payment to milk producers.
      • o Project Management and Learning 
    • • To promote setting up of modern dairy farms for production of clean milk
    • • To bring structural changes in the unorganised sector so that initial processing of milk can be taken up at the village level itself
    • • To upgrade the quality and traditional technology to handle milk on a commercial scale
    • • To generate self-employment and provide infrastructure mainly for unorganised sector.
    • • Dairy Venture Capital Fund (DVCF) scheme has been modified and renamed as Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme (DEDS)in 2010.
    • • This central sector scheme is being implemented by NABARD as a nodal agency.
    • • The Scheme is open to organized as well as unorganized sector. 
    • • To fully tap the total fish potential of the country both in the inland and the marine sector and triple the production by 2020
    • • To double the income of the fishers and fish farmers with special focus on increasing productivity and better marketing postharvest infrastructure including e-commerce and other technologies and global best innovations
    • • To triple the export earnings by 2020 with focus on benefits flow to the fishers and fish farmers including through institutional mechanisms in the cooperative, producer companies and other structures
    • • To enhance food and nutritional security of the country
    • • It is a Core Centrally Sponsored Scheme on Blue Revolution (the Neel Kranti Mission).
    • • It is an umbrella scheme formulated by merging all the existing schemes
    • • It aims at enhancing fish production from 107.95 lakh tonne (2015-16) to about 150 lakh tonne by the end of the 2019-20.
    • • The scheme has the following components:
      • o National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB) and its activities.
      • o Development of Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture.
      • o Development of Marine Fisheries, Infrastructure and Post Harvest Operations.
      • o Strengthening of Database & Geographical Information System of the Fisheries Sector.
      • o Institutional Arrangement for Fisheries Sector.
      • o Monitoring, Control and Surveillance (MCS) and other need based Interventions.
      • o National Scheme on Welfare of Fishermen.
    • • The Mission Fingerling has been launched under Blue Revolution which envisages adopting an integrated approach.
      • o It targets enhancing fisheries production from 10.79 mmt (2014-15) to 15 mmt in 2020-21.
      • o The scheme will facilitate the establishment of hatcheries and Fingerling rearing pond to ensure certain level of production of fish fingerling, post larvae of shrimp and crab in the country. 
    • To achieve Global (Codex) standards for domestic consumption of milk and ensuring traceability & increasing share of milk and milk products in world exports. As of now, India exports only 0.01% of the world dairy export market.
    • To enable all cooperative dairy plants to supply Quality Milk tested on all microbiological/chemical parameters to their consumers
    • Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying (DAHD) launched Quality Milk Programme in July, 2019.
    • In the first phase of the programme during 2019-20, approval has been granted for strengthening of 231 dairy plants under NPDD scheme to equip them to detect adulterants in milk (Urea, maltodextrin, ammonium sulphate, detergent, sugar, neutralisers etc.).
    • Fourier transform Infrared (FTIR) technology-based Milk Analyser (for accurate detection and estimation of milk composition and adulterants) has been granted approval.
    • In addition one each of State Central laboratory for 18 States has been approved. 
  • National Livestock Mission
    • It involves sustainable development of livestock sector and focuses on improving availability of quality feed and fodder.
    • Sub-mission under NLM - Sub-Mission on Livestock Development, Sub-Mission on Pig Development in North-Eastern Region, Sub-Mission on Fodder and Feed Development, Sub-Mission on Skill Development, Technology Transfer and Extension.
  • Fisheries and Aquaculture Infrastructure Development Fund (FIDF)
    • • Funding: The approval entails an estimated fund size of Rs.7,522 crore, majority of which will be contributed by Nodal Loaning Entities (NLEs). Apart from that, there will also be beneficiaries contribution and budgetary support from the Government of India.
    • • Nodal Loaning Entities: National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), National Cooperatives Development Corporation (NCDC) and all scheduled Banks shall be the Nodal Loaning Entities.
    • • Financing investment activities: FIDF would provide concessional finance to State Governments/UTs and State entities, cooperatives, individuals and entrepreneurs etc., for taking up of the identified investment activities of fisheries development.
  • National Action Plan for Control and Eradication of Glanders
    • • Glanders is a contagious and fatal disease of equines (horses, donkeys and mules). Humans can also get the disease.
    • • It is caused by the bacterium Burkholderia mallei. No vaccine is available for the disease.
    • • As per the action plan, infected animal should be eliminated immediately. In case absolutely essential, the positive animal may be transported to appropriate area for destruction and further disposal in closed vehicles. All the zoo-sanitary measures should be followed at the time of culling and disposal of carcasses.
