• • To improve the labour laws, improve compliance.
    • • To improve condition of labour in India.
    • • To provide conducive environment for industrial development
    • • A dedicated Shram Suvidha Portal:
      • o To allot Labour Identification Number (LIN) to nearly 6 lakhs units and allow them to file online compliance for 16 out of 44 labour laws
    • • Transparent Labour Inspection Scheme for random selection of Units for inspection:
      • o Utilizing technology to eliminate human discretion in selection of units for Inspection
      • o Uploading of Inspection Reports within 72 hours of inspection mandatory
    • • Universal Account Number:
      • o Provident Fund account is portable and universally accessible
    • • Apprentice Protsahan Yojana:
      • o To increase the number of apprentices.
      • o Reimbursing 50% of the stipend paid to apprentices during first two years of their training
    • • Revamped Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana:
      • o Introducing a Smart Card for the workers in the unorganized sector seeded with details of two more social security schemes namely Aam Admi Bima Yojna and National Old Age Pension Scheme. 
    • To incentivize employers promoting employment generation and providing social security benefits to the workers
    • All establishments registered with Employees' Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) can apply for availing benefits. The establishments must have a valid LIN (Labour Identification Number).
    • • It is being implemented by Ministry of Labour and Employment through the Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO).
    • • Under the scheme, Government is paying full employers’ contribution of 12% (towards Employees’ Provident Fund and Employees’ Pension Scheme both), for all sectors for a period of 3 years in respect of new employees who have been registered with the EPFO on or after 1st April 2016, with salary up to Rs. 15,000 per month.
    • • The entire system is online and AADHAR based with no human interface in the implementation of the scheme.
    • • PMRPY has a dual benefit i.e. on the one hand, the employer is incentivised for increasing the employee base in the establishment through payment of EPF contribution of 12% of wage, which otherwise would have been borne by the employer and on the other hand, a large number of workers find jobs in such establishments.
    • provide protection to the freed bonded labourers from eviction from their homestead.
    • To provide economic and social rehabilitation of freed bonded labourers.
    • • It provides financial assistance for rehabilitation of a rescued bonded labour.
      • o ₹1 lakh per adult male beneficiary
      • o ₹2 lakh for special category beneficiaries such as women and children
      • o ₹3 lakh in cases of extreme deprivation or marginalisation such as transgenders, women or children rescued from ostensible sexual exploitation or trafficking, in cases of differently abled persons, or in situations where the district magistrate deems it fit.
    • • The financial assistance for rehabilitation is 100% reimbursed by the Central Government.
    • • District Administration is mandated to restore the bonded labourer to the possession of such homestead or other residential premises as early as practicable.
    • • It provides for creation of a Bonded Labour Rehabilitation Fund at District level by each State with a permanent corpus of at least Rs. 10 lakh.
      • o The entire penalties recovered from the perpetuators of the bonded labour upon conviction, may be deposited in this special fund.
      • o This fund will be utilised for extending immediate help to the released bonded labourers.
    • • The amount of Rehabilitation assistance has been linked with conviction of the accused. However, immediate assistance upto Rs. 20,000/- may be provided to the rescued bonded labour by the District Administration irrespective of the status of conviction proceedings. 
    • • To eliminate all forms of child labour
    • • To contribute to the withdrawal of all adolescent workers from Hazardous Occupations/ Processes and their Skilling and integration in appropriate occupations.
    • • Raising awareness amongst stakeholders and target communities
    • • Creation of a Child Labour Monitoring, Tracking and Reporting System
    • • All child workers below the age of 14 years in the identified target area
    • • Adolescent workers below the age of 18 years in hazardous occupations/ processes
    • • Families of Child workers
    • • It is a Central Sector Scheme.
    • • The overall approach of the project is to create an enabling environment in the target area, where children are motivated and empowered through various measures to enroll in schools and refrain from working, and households are provided with alternatives to improve their income levels.
    • • It will be implemented in close coordination with State, District administration and civil society.
    • • The children engaged in child labour would be identified and withdrawn from the identified areas.
    • • They are then prepared for mainstream education along with vocational training and ensure convergence of services for the benefit of child and family.
    • • The payment of stipend to the children is made on modular basis for a minimum of three months through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT)
    • • Under this Scheme the District Project Societies (DPS) are set up under the Collector/District Magistrate to conduct survey to identify children working in hazardous occupations and processes and for overseeing the implementation of the project 
    • To foster the creation of a child labour free India, which will seamlessly integrate implementing and monitoring mechanisms for both, enforcement of the legislative provisions and effective implementation of the National Child Labour Project (NCLP).
    • • It is an online portal which connects the Centre to the state government, district and to all project societies to combat the menace of child labour and trafficking.
    • • It has five components -- Child Tracking System, Complaint Corner, State Government, NCLP and Convergence.
    • • At the State Government level the monitoring is to be done by State Resource Centre established at State Labour Department. At district level District Nodal Officers (DNOs) are nominated to take action on the complaints of their respective districts 
    • To bridge the gap between those who need jobs and those who want to hire them, between people seeking career guidance and training and those who can provide the counselling and training.
    • • It is the transformation of National Employment Service to provide a variety of employment related services like job matching, career counseling, vocational guidance, information on skill development courses, etc. which are offered through the Employment Exchanges.
    • • The NCS portal provides for registration of employers, job seekers, placement organisations and training providers to offer employment related services online. 
    • For providing unemployment allowance to workers rendered jobless due to the “changing employment pattern”.
    • Employees covered under the Employees’ State Insurance (ESI) Act, 1948 (ESI Act applies to factories with 10 or more workers and it is also applicable to shops, hotels, restaurants, cinemas and road transport undertakings)
    • • It is a scheme approved by the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) that aims to benefit its subscribers, who are mainly formal sector workers who have become unemployed for whatever reason, by providing cash through bank account transfer.
    • • The cash benefit given to the unemployed persons searching for new employment will be to the extent of 25% of the average per day earning during the previous four contribution periods (around 2 years) to be paid up to maximum 90 days of unemployment (once in lifetime of the insured person).
    • • The money will be paid from their own contribution towards the ESI scheme. 
    • To provide pension to unorganized sector.
    • • Unorganised workers whose monthly income is Rs 15,000/ per month or less and belong to the entry age group of 18-40 years are eligible for the scheme
    • o They should not be covered under New Pension Scheme (NPS), Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) scheme or Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO).
      • o Further, he/she should not be an income tax payer.
    • • Pension: They shall receive minimum assured pension of Rs 3000/- per month after age of 60 years.
      • o In case of death during the receipt of pension, his/her spouse shall be entitled to receive 50% of the pension received by the beneficiary as family pension.
      • o In case of death before 60 years of age, his/her spouse will be entitled to join and continue the scheme subsequently by payment of regular contribution or exit the scheme as per provisions of exit and withdrawal. Family pension is applicable only to spouse.
    • • Contribution by the Subscriber: He/she is required to contribute the prescribed contribution amount from the age of joining PM-SYM till the age of 60 years.
    • • Matching contribution by the Central Government: PMSYM is a voluntary and contributory pension scheme on a 50:50 basis where prescribed age-specific contribution shall be made by the beneficiary and the matching contribution by the Central Government.
    • • The contributions from workers per month will change depending on the applicant's age. 
    • To provide monthly minimum assured pension to Laghu Vyaparis, i.e. traders who are self-employed and working as shop owners, retail traders, rice mill owners, oil mill owners, workshop owners, commission agents, brokers of real estate, owners of small hotels, restaurants and other Laghu Vyaparis.
    • The traders:
    • • in the age group of 18-40 years
    • • with an annual turnover, not exceeding Rs.1.5 crore
    • • having a savings bank account in their name and Aadhar number.
    • • who are not a member of EPFO/ESIC/NPS/PM-SYM or an income tax payer.
    • • It is a voluntary and contribution based central sector scheme and is an extension of the PM Shram Yogi Maan-dhan Yojana.
    • • The Central Government shall establish a Pension Fund to be administered by Life Insurance Corporation of India.
    • • Under the scheme, 50% monthly contribution is payable by the beneficiary till the age of 60 years, which will vary depending on the age at which they enter the scheme and equal matching contribution is paid by the Central Government.
    • • Subscribers, after attaining the age of 60 years, are eligible for a monthly minimum assured pension of Rs.3,000/-.
    • • Enrolment to the Scheme is done through the Common Service Centres, with its network of 3.50 lakh Centres across the country.
    • • It envisages a coverage of about 50 lakh enrolments under the Scheme for 2019-20. In order to achieve this, various measures including celebration of Pension Week/ Pension Saptah have been taken.
    • • In case of permanent disability of beneficiary before superannuation age, the spouse can continue in scheme by remitting the balance amount until the loan tenure is reached.
      • o If there is no spouse, then the total contribution along with interest will be paid to the beneficiary.
    • • In case of death occurs after the retirement date, the spouse will receive 50% of the pension as the family pension. After the loss of both the pensioner and the spouse, the fund will be credited back to the nodal agency.
    • To provide protection to employees as defined in the Employees' State Insurance Act, 1948 against sickness, disablement, death due to employment injury, maternity benefit, and to provide medical care to insured persons and their families.
    • • It is a self-financing scheme that caters to the social security and health insurance needs of the employees.
    • • The scheme is funded by both the employer and the employee, which would be remitted into the Employees State Insurance Fund.
    • • The fund is regulated by the ESI Act, 1948, and is administered by the Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC), which is an autonomous body that was statutorily formed by the Ministry of Labour and Employment.
    • • The ESI Act, 1948, applies to organisations with 10 or more employees, drawing a salary of up to ₹21,000.
    • • The Government of India through Ministry of Labour and Employment decides the rate of contribution under the ESI Act.
    • • The rate of contribution is fixed at 4% of the wages with employers’ share being 3.25% and employees’ share being 0.75%.
    • • It is not applicable for seasonal factories, factories engaged in the pursuit of blending, packing or repacking tea or coffee or any other processes as notified by the Central Government. 
  • 26.11. OTHER SCHEMES
  • Samadhan (Software Application for Monitoring and Disposal, Handling of Industrial Disputes) Portal
    • • It is a dedicated web portal for conciliation, arbitration and adjudication of the industrial disputes.
    • • It brings all stakeholders - Government, Industry and Labour - involved in industrial disputes on single integrated platform.
    • • Workers have the option to go to the labour court directly in case no action is initiated within 45 days of raising a dispute online, putting a time limit on the process which presently is missing.
