• • Create an end-to-end implementation framework for beekeeping skill development, which provides
    • employment rural & urban unemployed youth.
    • • Enforce nationally acceptable standards of Good Beekeeping Practices (GPB).
    • • Develop a network of quality master trainers.
    • • Offer a passage for overseas market for hive products.
    • • Enable pathways from novice beekeepers to viable commercial beekeeping by handholding to credit linkages.
    • • Promote convergence and co-ordination between all the stakeholders of beekeeping in India.
    • • 'Honey Mission' was launched in August 2017 in line with Prime Minister‘s call for 'Sweet Revolution' in 2016 while introducing Banas Honey project at Deesa in Gujarat's Banaskantha district.
    • • The Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) provides beekeepers practical training about examination of honeybee colonies, identification and management of bee enemies and diseases, honey extraction and wax purification, etc.
    • • KVIC being the nodal agency of Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) provides loans for setting up units of processing, packaging and labelling units for the honey.
    • o Honey is a Minor Forest Produce (MFP) under The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006.
    • • Recently, ‘Apiary on Wheels’ was designed by the KVIC for the easy upkeep and migration of Bee Boxes having live Bee colonies.
      • o It is like an attachment which can be easily connected with a Tractor or a Trolley and may be pulled to any suitable destination.
      • o It is designed to reduce the labour and cost of maintaining and upkeeping Bee Boxes and live bee colonies across India. 
    • To facilitate technology to MSEs through institutional finance for induction well established and proven technologies in the specific sub-sector/products approved under the scheme.
    • • The scheme provides an upfront subsidy of 15 per cent on institutional credit up to Rs 1 crore for MSMEs units in the specified 51 sub-sectors including tiny, khadi, village and coir industrial.
    • • It is a demand-driven scheme without any upper limit on overall annual spending on the subsidy disbursal.
    • • There is an additional 10 per cent subsidy for SC-ST entrepreneurs while special provisions have been made for 117 'aspirational' districts, hill states and the north- eastern region
    • • It is crucial in raising MSME contribution to gross domestic product and increasing exports from the sector.
    • • It also includes installation of improved packaging technique as well as anti-pollution measures, energy conservation machinery, in-house testing and on-line quality control.
    • • It is linked with term loans availed by the MSEs from Banks or Financial Institutions and it is being implemented by 12 nodal banks/agencies including SIDBI and NABARD.
    • • To claim subsidy under CLCSS, eligible MSEs are required to apply online through Primary Lending Institutions (PLIs), from where the MSEs availed term loan for up-gradation of technology.
    • • It is a component of Credit Linked Capital Subsidy and Technology Up-gradation scheme (CLCS-TUS).
    • • The Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS) was launched in 2000 and the changes in ceiling of credit from ₹ 40.00 lakhs to ₹ 1.00 crore with the rate of subsidy enhanced from 12% to 15% was approved in 2005. 
    • • To develop and implement a ‘ZED’ culture in India based on the principles of:
      • o Zero Defect (focus on customer) i.e. Zero non-conformance/non-compliance and Zero waste
      • o Zero Effect (focus on society) i.e. Zero air pollution/liquid discharge (ZLD)/solid waste and Zero wastage of natural resources
    • • To enable the advancement of Indian industry to a position of eminence in the global marketplace and leverage India’s emergence as the world’s supplier through the ‘Made in India’ mark.
    • • There are 50 parameters for ZED rating and additional 25 parameters for ZED Defence rating under ZED Maturity Assessment Model.
    • • The MSMEs are provided financial assistance for the activities to be carried out for ZED certification i.e.,
    • Assessment / Rating, Additional rating for Defence angle, Gap Analysis, Handholding, Consultancy for improving the rating of MSMEs by Consultants and Re-Assessment / Re-Rating.
    • • Quality Council of India (QCI) is the National Monitoring & Implementing Unit (NMIU) for implementation of ZED.
    • • More than 22,288 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have registered themselves under this scheme. 
    • • To ensure inclusive growth by generation of employment, especially for women and youth, and sustainable development through solar charkha clusters in rural areas.
    • • To boost rural economy and help in arresting migration from rural to urban areas.
    • • To leverage low-cost, innovative technologies and processes for sustenance.
    • • It is the employment-generating venture to train rural people in weaving/spinning
    • • The Mission will cover 50 clusters and every cluster will employ 400 to 2000 artisans.
    • • Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) is the implementing agency.
    • • The looms and spindles will be completely powered by Solar energy.
    • • The Scheme would cover three types of interventions, namely-
      • o Capital subsidy for individual and for Special Purpose Vehicle.
      • o Interest subvention for Working Capital.
      • o Capacity building.
    • Solar Charkha units have been classified as Village Industries. 
    • • To develop clusters of traditional industries in the country over a period of five years.
    • • To make traditional industries more competitive, market-driven, productive and profitable.
    • • To strengthen the local governance system of industry clusters, with active participation of the local stakeholders, so that they are enabled to development initiatives.
    • • To build up innovated and traditional skills, improved technologies, advanced processes, market intelligence and new models of public-private partnerships, so as to gradually replicate similar models of cluster-based regenerated traditional industries.
    • • Artisans, workers, machinery makers, raw material providers, entrepreneurs, institutional and private business development service (BDS) providers.
    • • Artisan guilds, cooperatives, consortiums, networks of enterprises, self-help groups (SHGs), enterprise associations, etc.
    • • Implementing agencies, field functionaries of Government institutions/organisations and policy makers, directly engaged in traditional industries.
    • • Khadi & Village Industries Commission (KVIC) is the nodal agency(NA) for Khadi and Village Industry clusters and Coir Board (CB) shall be the NA for Coir based clusters.
    • • The Scheme would cover three types of interventions namely ‘soft interventions’, ‘hard interventions’ and ‘thematic interventions
    • • Hard Interventions include creation of Common Facility Centres (CFCs), Raw material banks (RMBs), Up-gradation of production infrastructure, Tools and technological up-gradation etc.
    • • Soft Interventions include counselling, trust building, skill development and capacity building etc.
    • • Thematic intervention include Brand building and promotion campaign, New media marketing, e-Commerce initiatives, Innovation, Research & development initiatives and Developing institutional linkages with the existing & proposed clusters. 
    • • To generate employment opportunities in rural as well as urban areas of the country through setting up of new self-employment ventures/projects/micro enterprises in non-farm sector.
    • • To provide continuous and sustainable employment to a large segment of traditional and prospective artisans and rural and urban unemployed youth in the country, so as to help arrest migration of rural youth to urban areas.
    • • To increase the wage earning capacity of artisans and contribute to increase in the growth rate of rural and urban employment.
    • • To facilitate participation of financial institutions for higher credit flow to micro sector.
    • Any individual, above 18 years of age.
    • Minimal qualification of passing VIII standard is necessary for project above Rs.10.00 lakhs in manufacturing and above Rs. 5.00 lakhs for Service Sector.
    • • Self Help Groups and Charitable Trusts.
    • • Institutions registered under Societies Registration Act,1860.
    • • Production based Co-operative Societies.
    • • Launched in 2008, it is central sector scheme
    • • It is a credit linked subsidy programme launched by merging the two schemes namely Prime Minister’s
    • Rojgar Yojana (PMRY) and Rural Employment Generation Programme (REGP).
    • • Implemented by
      • o Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) at National Level and
      • o State KVIC Directorates, State Khadi and Village Industries Boards (KVIBs) and District Industries Centres (DICs) and banks at State Level.
    • • No income ceiling is there for assistance for setting up projects under PMEGP.
    • • Assistance under the Scheme is available only to new units to be established.
      • o Existing units or units already availed any Govt. Subsidy either under State/Central Govt. Schemes are not eligible.
    • • The Government subsidy under the scheme is routed by KVIC through the identified Banks for eventual distribution to the beneficiaries/entrepreneurs in their Bank accounts.
    • • Per capita investment should not exceed Rs. 1.00 lakhs in plain areas and Rs. 1.50 lakhs in Hilly areas.
    • • The scheme's targets are fixed taking into account the extent of backwardness of state; extent of unemployment; extent of fulfilment of previous year targets; population of state/union territory; and availability of traditional skills and raw material.
    • • A minimum target of 75 projects/district is awarded to all districts of the country to achieve inclusive growth.
    • • Higher rate of subsidy (25-35 per cent) will be applicable for women, SC/ST, OBC, Physically Disabled, NER applicants in rural areas
    • • Under the scheme, beneficiaries can get loans up to ₹25 lakh in the manufacturing sector and ₹10 lakh in the service sector.
    • • Since its inception in 2008-09, a total of about 5.70 lakh micro enterprises have been assisted providing employment to an estimated 47 lakh persons, till 2019-20. 
    • To increase productivity andprovides incentives to MSMEs for onboarding on GST platform which helps in formalization of economy, while reducing the cost of credit.
    • • Launched in 2018, the scheme provides a 2% interest subvention on fresh or incremental loans for all GST registered MSMEs having valid Udyog Aadhar Number (UAN).
    • • It aims at encouraging both manufacturing and service enterprises.
    • • It will be in operation for a period of two financial years FY 2019 and FY 2020.
    • • Term loan/ working capital extended during the FY 2019 and FY 2020 would be eligible for coverage.
    • • The term loan or working capital should have been extended by Scheduled Commercial Banks.
    • • In order to ensure maximum coverage and outreach, all working capital or term loan would be eligible for coverage to the extent of Rs100 lakh during the period of the Scheme.
    • • Exceptions: MSMEs already availing interest subvention under any of the Schemes of the State/ Central Government will not be eligible under the proposed Scheme.
      • o The loan accounts on the date of filing claim should not have been declared as NPA.
    • • Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) is the national-level nodal implementation agency for the scheme.
    • Recent Modifications:
    • • Trading activities without UAN have also been made eligible for the scheme. Requirement of UAN has been dispensed with for units eligible for GST
  • Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum
    • • to improve the ease of doing business.
    • • It is an online portal which facilitates the registration of entrepreneurs in the MSME sectors.
    • • Upon the registration, the user will be allocated an unique Udyog Aadhar Number (UAN).
  • Regulation of MSME functions:
    • MSME SAMADHAAN Portal- for empowering micro and small entrepreneurs across the country to directly register their cases relating to delayed payments.
    • MSME SAMBANDH Portal- to help in monitoring the implementation of public procurement policy for micro and small enterprises.
    • MSME SAMPARK Portal – A digital platform wherein jobseekers (passed out trainees/students of MSME Technology Centres) and recruiters get connected.
  • A Scheme for Promotion of Innovation, Rural Industry & Entrepreneurship (ASPIRE)
    • • to set up a network of technology centers, incubation centres to accelerate entrepreneurship and also to promote start-ups for innovation and entrepreneurship in rural and agriculture based industry
    • • the planned outcomes of ASPIRE are setting up Technology Business Incubators (TBI), Livelihood Business Incubators (LBI) and creation of a Fund of Funds for such initiatives with SIDBI.
  • 'Udyami Mitra' Portal
    • • It was launched by SIDBI to provide easy access to credit and hand-holding services for micro small medium enterprises (MSME).
    • • to enable access to contact less loans, convergence with different agencies (including state/central subsidy agencies), co-lending, wholesale capital access to lenders from SIDBI as well as MUDRA
    • • Now new age FinTechs, non-banking finance companies and small finance banks are being on-boarded on the platform for enhancing flow of credit to MSMEs
  • SIDBI Assistance to Facilitate Emergency (SAFE)
    • • SIDBI is supporting MSMEs manufacturing products or providing services related to fighting the Coronavirus with the launch of this new scheme.
    • • Under the scheme, loans are being extended at a low rate of interest of 5% within 48 hours.
    • • Both, existing SIDBI customers and new to SIDBI customers can avail of this loan up to INR 50 Lakh as either a term loan or a working capital term loan, with no collateral property required
    • • Coverage: Expenditure related to roduction or service of permitted drugs, sanitisers, masks etc. However, greenfield projects and items not directly related to Covid19, Traders etc. are not covered.
