• To establish India as a global leader in solar energy, by creating the policy conditions for its diffusion across the country as quickly as possible.
    • • To create 100 GW (earlier target was 20 GW) solar power capacity by 2022 with investment around Rs. 6,00,000 cr.
    • • The target will principally comprise of 40 GW Rooftop and 60 GW through Large and Medium Scale Grid Connected Solar Power Projects.
    • • The target also includes setting up of dedicated manufacturing capacities for poly silicon material to annually make about 2 GW capacity of solar cells.
    • • To promote programmes for off grid applications, reaching 2000 MW by 2022 including 20 million solar lighting systems.
    • • To achieve 20 million sq. solar thermal collector area by 2022.
    • • To deploy 20 million solar lighting systems for rural areas by 2022.
    • • The Mission has 3 phases i.e. Phase I (2010-13), Phase II (2013-15) and Phase III (2017-22).
    • • This capital subsidy will be provided for Rooftop Solar projects in various cities and towns, for Viability Gap Funding (VGF) based projects to be developed through the Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) and for decentralized generation through small solar projects
    • • The Government may approach bilateral and international donors as also the Green Climate Fund for achieving this target. 
    • • To provide a huge impetus to solar energy generation by acting as flagship demonstration facility to encourage project developers and investors.
    • • To enable states to bring in significant investment from project developers to meet its Solar Renewable Purchase Obligation mandate and to provide employment to local population
    • • To reduce carbon footprint by avoiding emissions equivalent to the solar park’s installed capacity and generation.
    • • To avoid procuring expensive fossil fuels to power conventional power plants.
    • • It envisages supporting the States in setting up solar parks at various locations in the country with a view to create required infrastructure for setting up of Solar Power Projects.
      • o The solar parks are installations of multiple solar photovoltaic modules by different firms at one set location which provides all infrastructural facilities.
    • • The solar parks will provide suitable developed land with all clearances, transmission system, water access, road connectivity, communication network, etc.
    • • This scheme will facilitate and speed up installation of grid connected solar power projects for electricity generation on a large scale.
    • • 40 GW solar power capacity will be generated under the scheme by 2019-20
    • • It would ensure setting up of at least 50 solar parks each with a capacity of 500 MW and above in various parts of the country.
    • • Smaller parks in Himalayan and other hilly States with difficult terrain will also be considered under the scheme.
    • • All the States and UTs are eligible for benefits under the scheme.
    • • Solar Energy Corporation India (SECI) will administer the scheme under the direction of MNRE. The approved grant will be released by SECI.
    • • The State Governments/UTs are required to select the SPPD (solar power park developer) for developing and maintaining the solar parks. 
    •  ‘Solar Street Lighting Systems’ for public use like lighting roads, bus stops etc and improvement in security & safety through better lightening.
    • • States of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha & Assam
    • • Hilly States of Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh & Uttarakhand
    • North Eastern States including Sikkim
    • • Island of Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep
    • • Aspirational Districts of other states.
    • • It is a sub scheme Under Off –grid and Decentralized Solar Thermal Application scheme of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Services limited (EESL) is its implementing agency.
    • • It will cover rural, semi urban and urban areas.
    • • Solar Street Light with LED capacity of 12 W will be provided as per MMRE specification in areas which do not enjoy adequate coverage of power.
    • • 75% of the cost of Lighting systems through MNRE budget, and the remaining 25% would be provided from MPLADS Funds, Panchayat Funds or Municipalities and other Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) Funds.
    • • Training programmes for maintenance and protection for wide dissemination and to popularize solar technology.
    • • The Phase II is being implemented during 2018-19 and 2019-20 
    • To promote the use of Renewable Energy in Urban Areas by providing support to the Municipal Corporations for preparation and implementation of a Road Map to develop their cities as Solar Cities
    • • The Solar City aims at minimum 10% reduction in projected demand of conventional energy at the end of five years (2012-17), through enhanced supply from renewable energy sources and energy efficiency measures.
    • • The program assists Urban Local Governments by providing financial assistance up to Rs. 50.00 Lakhs per city/town and technical help.
    • • A total of 60 cities/towns are approved to be supported for development as Solar Cities.
    • • The criteria set by the ministry for the identification of cities include a city having population between 50,000 to 50 lakh (with relaxation given to special category states including northeast states), initiatives and regulatory measures already taken along with a high level of commitment in promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy. 
    • To develop the skills of youth, considering the opportunities for employment in the growing Solar Energy Power Project’s installation, operation & maintenance in India and abroad
    • Rural and urban youth - 50,000 solar photovoltaic technicians will be trained by March 2020.
    • • MNRE is the sponsor (100%) and NISE (National Institute of Solar Energy) is implementing the scheme.
    • • It is a skill development program of duration 600 hrs or 90 days.
    • • Special emphasis is given to skill youth from SC/ST/OBC categories.
    • • The qualification required to participate in the program is ITI (Electrical & Wireman)/Diploma in Engineering (Electrical, Electronics & Mechanical). Higher qualified participants such as B. Tech etc. are not eligible for this programme.
    • • Short term training programmes for small hydro, entrepreneurship development, operation & maintenance of solar energy devices and boiler operations in co-generation plants are also organised. 
    • For evacuation & integration of the renewable energy (RE) from generation points to the load centres i.e. to enable the flow of renewable energy into the National Grid Network.
    • • It is grid connected network for the transmission of renewable energy produced from various renewable energy projects.
    • • Two green corridor transmission networks are envisioned in the corridor.
      • o Green Corridor I: Inter-State transmission network is constructed for connecting renewable energy-rich states. Power Grid Corporation of India (PGCIL) is implementing this corridor. Asian Development Bank (ADB) has provided loan assistance.
      • o Green Corridors II: This is intra-state transmission network implemented by respective states and connects solar parks in different states.
    • • Intra-State Transmission System is being implemented by eight renewable energy rich States (Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh)
    • • The first phase of the program is designed to support 33 GW of solar and wind power, while the second phase will link 22 GW capacity.
    • • Germany is providing technical and financial assistance.
    • To provide financial and water security to farmers.
    • Budget 2020-21 has sought to expand the coverage:
    • • Scheme to enable farmers to set up solar power generation capacity on their fallow/barren lands and to sell it to the grid.
    • • 20 lakh farmers to be provided for setting up stand-alone solar pumps
    • • Another 15 lakh farmers to be helped to solarise their grid-connected pump sets
    • • It aims to add a solar capacity of 25,750 MW by 2022. The proposed scheme consists of three components:
      • o Component-A: 10,000 MW of Decentralized Ground Mounted Grid Connected Renewable Power Plants.
        • ✓ Renewable power plants of capacity 500 KW to 2 MW will be setup by individual farmers/ cooperatives/panchayats /farmer producer organisations (FPO) on their barren or cultivable lands referred as Renewable Power Generator (RPG).
        • ✓ The power generated will be purchased by the DISCOMs at Feed in tariffs determined by respective SERC.
        • ✓ The scheme will open a stable and continuous source of income to the rural land owners. Performance Based Incentives @ Rs. 0.40 per unit for five years to be provided to DISCOMs.
      • o Component-B: Installation of standalone Solar Powered Agriculture Pumps.
        • ✓ Individual farmers will be supported to install standalone solar pumps of capacity up to 7.5 Horsepower (HP).
        • ✓ It will be mandatory to use indigenously manufactured solar panels with indigenous solar cells and modules.
        • ✓ Centre and state to share 30 per cent of pump cost each; farmer to provide the remaining 40 per cent (can access bank loan for up to 30 per cent of the cost)
      • o Component-C: Solarisation of Grid-connected Solar Powered Agriculture Pumps.
        • ✓ Individual farmers will be supported to solarise pumps of capacity up to 7.5 HP.
        • ✓ Solar PV capacity up to two times of pump capacity in kW is allowed under the scheme.
        • ✓ The farmer will be able to use the generated energy to meet the irrigation needs and the excess available energy will be sold to DISCOM.
        • ✓ This will help to create an avenue for extra income to the farmers, and for the States to meet their RPO targets.
    • • The Scheme will have substantial environmental impact in terms of savings of CO2 emissions. 
  • Scheme For Biomass Based Cogeneration Projects
    • • It aims to support Biomass based Cogeneration Projects in Sugar mills and Other Industries for power generation in the country.
    • • It will provide Central Financial assistance(CFA) for projects utilizing biomass like bagasse, agro-based industrial residue, crop residues, wood produced through energy plantations, weeds, wood waste produced in industrial operations, etc.
    • • Municipal Solid Waste is not covered under the programme.
    • • The assistance will be provided at the rate of Rs.25 Lakh/MW (for bagasse cogeneration projects) and Rs.50 Lakh/MW (Non-bagasse Cogeneration projects) after successful commissioning and commencement of commercial generation and performance testing of the plant.
    • • Registered Companies, Partnership Firms, Proprietorship Firms, Cooperatives, Public Sector Companies, Government owned Firms are eligible for financial support available under the scheme.
    • • Biomass based cogeneration projects which intend to add capacity to the existing plants will also be considered for grant of CFA.
