• • To trigger processes which lead to holistic development of the identified Gram Panchayats
    • • To substantially improve the standard of living and quality of life of all sections of the population through –
      • o improved basic amenities
      • o higher productivity
      • o enhanced human development
      • o better livelihood opportunities
      • o reduced disparities
      • o access to rights and entitlements
      • o wider social mobilization
      • o enriched social capital
    • • To generate models of local level development and effective local governance which can motivate and inspire neighbouring Gram Panchayats to learn and adapt.
    • • It aims to develop three Adarsh Grams by March 2019, of which one would be achieved by 2016. Thereafter, five such Adarsh Grams (one per year) will be selected and developed by 2024.
    • • Gram Panchayat would be the basic unit for development. It will have a population of 3000-5000 in plain areas and 1000-3000 in hilly, tribal and difficult areas.
    • • Member of Parliament (MP) will identify one Gram Panchayat to be taken up immediately, and two others to be taken up a little later.
      • o MPs cannot pick villages which belong to themselves or their spouses
    • • Lok Sabha MP has to choose a Gram Panchayat from within his/her constituency and Rajya Sabha MP a Gram Panchayat from the rural area of a district of his/her choice in the State from which he/she is elected.
    • • Nominated MPs may choose a Gram Panchayat from the rural area of any district in the country.
    • • In the case of urban constituencies (where there are no Gram Panchayats), the MP will identify a Gram Panchayat from a nearby rural constituency.
    • • The scheme will be implemented through a village development plan that would be prepared for every identified gram Panchayat.
    • • Model of development strategy from supply-driven to demand-driven
    • • SAANJHI aims at instilling certain values, such as
      • o People’s participation,
      • o Antyodaya,
      • o Gender equality, dignity of women,
      • o Social justice, spirit of community service,
      • o Cleanliness, eco-friendliness, maintaining ecological balance,
      • o Peace and harmony, mutual cooperation,
      • o Self-reliance, local self-government,
      • o Transparency and accountability in public life, etc. 
    • • To provide Connectivity, by way of an All-weather Road to the eligible unconnected Habitations in the rural areas with a population of
      • o 500 persons and above in plain areas.
      • o 250 persons and above in respect of the Hill States, the Desert Areas, the Tribal areas and selected Tribal and Backward Districts.
      • o For critical Left Wing Extremism (LWE) affected blocks in nine States of Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal (as identified by MHA), additional relaxation has been given to connect habitations with population of 100 persons and above.
    • • Initially the targets of PMGSY were to be achieved by March 2022, however, the sunset date of achievement of PMGSY-I was preponed to March, 2019, with enhanced fund allocation and changed funding pattern i.e. in the ratio of 60:40 between the Centre and State for all States except for 8 North Eastern and 3 Himalayan States (Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh & Uttarakhand) for which it is 90:10.
    • • 75 paise per liter has been earmarked for this scheme out of cess levied on high speed diesel.
    • • The unit for this program is a habitation and not a revenue village.
    • • It also has an upgradation component with a target to upgrade existing rural roads in order to ensure full farm to market connectivity.
    • • PMGSY-II aims to cover upgradation of existing selected rural roads based on a criterion to make the road network vibrant.
    • • Maintenance of rural roads constructed under PMGSY is the responsibility of the State Government.
    • • PMGSY is aggressively encouraging use of “Green Technologies” and non-conventional materials like waste plastic, cold mix, geo-textiles, fly-ash, iron and copper slag etc. in rural roads.
    • • The State Governments are required to propose minimum 15% of total length of annual proposals under New technologies such as Cement stabilization, Lime stabilization, Cold mix, Waste plastics, Cell filled concrete, Paneled cement concrete pavement, Fly ash etc.
    • • The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs approved the launch of Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana-lll (PMGSY-III). It involves consolidation through routes and major rural links connecting habitations to Gramin Agricultural Markets, Higher Secondary Schools and Hospitals. 
    • To stimulate local economic development, enhance basic services, and create well planned Rurban clusters
    • • It aims to create 300 rural growth clusters across the country to:
      • o bridge the rural urban divide- economic, technological and those related to facilities and services.
      • o spread development in the region.
      • o attract investment in the rural areas.
      • o stimulate local economic development with emphasis on reduction of poverty and unemployment in rural areas.
    • • A ‘Rurban cluster’, would be a cluster of geographically contiguous villages with a population of about 25000 to 50000 in plain and coastal areas and with a population of 5000 to 15000 in desert, hilly or tribal areas.
    • • Clusters will be selected by the state governments.
    • • The State Government shall identify existing Central Sector, Centrally Sponsored and State Government Schemes relevant for the development of the cluster and converge their implementation in an integrated and time bound manner.
    • • Central Government shall provide Critical Gap Funding (CGF) to the clusters to supplement the shortfall in funding available through various Government schemes in achieving the outcomes.
    • • The scheme will function with 14 mandatory components which include skill development training linked to economic activities, digital literacy, fully equipped mobile health unit and inter-village road connectivity. 
    • • Providing not less than 100 days of unskilled manual work as a guaranteed employment in a financial year to every household in rural areas as per demand, resulting in creation of productive assets of prescribed quality and durability;
    • • Strengthening the livelihood resource base of the poor;
    • • Proactively ensuring social inclusion and
    • • Strengthening Panchayati Raj Institutions.
    • • Its goals are:
      • o Social protection for the most vulnerable people living in rural India by guaranteeing wage employment opportunities.
      • o Enhance livelihood security of the rural poor through generation of wage employment opportunities in works leading to creation of durable assets.
      • o Rejuvenate natural resource base of rural areas.
      • o Create a durable and productive rural asset base.
      • o Empowerment of the socially disadvantaged, especially, women, Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs), through the processes of a rights-based legislation.
      • o Strengthen decentralised, participatory planning through convergence of various anti-poverty and livelihoods initiatives.
      • o Deepen democracy at the grassroots by strengthening Panchayati Raj Institutions.
    • • The Gram Panchayat registers households after making enquiry and issues a job card.
    • • Social Audit of MGNREGA works is mandatory
    • • At least one-third beneficiaries shall be women.
    • • The employment will be provided within a radius of 5 km and if it is above 5 km extra wage will be paid.
    • • Wages are to be paid according to the Minimum Wages Act 1948 for agricultural labourers in the State, unless the Centre notifies a wage rate. The proposal of indexation of MGNREGS wages to Consumer Price Index (Rural) is under examination in the Government.
    • • Right to get unemployment allowance in case employment is not provided within fifteen days of submitting the application or from the date when work is sought. Unemployment allowance is borne by the state governments.
    • • A 60:40 wage and material ratio has to be maintained. No contractors and machinery are allowed.
    • • The central government bears the 100 percent wage cost of unskilled manual labour and 75 percent of the material cost including the wages of skilled and semi-skilled workers.
    • • Government has also approved additional employment over and above 100 days per household to upto 150 days in notified drought-affected districts in various states.
    • • In addition to job creation, the Scheme would now aim at improving quality of assets, skilling workers for entrepreneurship and hiring youth for jobs like GIS mapping and block-level monitoring of work
    • • GeoMGNREGA is a unique endeavor of the MoRD in association with National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), ISRO and National Informatics Centre for geotagging of assets created under MGNREGA. 
    • • Provide a pucca house, with basic amenities, to all houseless householder and households living in kutcha and dilapidated house in rural areas by 2022.
    • • Immediate objective was to cover 1 crore households which are houseless or living in kutcha house/dilapidated house in three years from 2016-17 to 2018- 19
    • • Total target for construction- of 1.95 crore houses under PMAY-G Phase-II upto 2022.
    • • The scheme originally was meant to cover people in the EWS (annual income not exceeding Rs. 3 lakh) and LIG (annual income not exceeding Rs. 6 lakh) sections, but now covers the mid-income group (MIG) as well
    • • Identification of beneficiaries- Done using information from Socio Economic and Caste Census (SECC) subject to 13 point exclusion criteria.
    • • Role of Gram Sabha- The list will be presented to Gram Sabha to identify beneficiaries who have been assisted before or who have become ineligible due to other reasons.
    • • Cost Sharing- The cost of unit assistance to be shared between Central and State Governments in the ratio 60:40 in plain areas and 90:10 for North Eastern and hilly states.
    • • Use of Technology- Inspection and uploading of geo referenced photographs will be done though a mobile app.
    • • It allows for construction using local materials and local house design.
    • • Unit assistance of Rs. 1.20 lakh in plain and Rs 1.30 lakh in hilly states, difficult areas and IAP district. Beneficiaries can also avail loan upto Rs. 7000 from financial institutions.
    • • Provision of assistance for toilets (Rs. 12000) for construction of toilets though convergence with Swacch Bharat Mission-Gramin, MGNREGS or any other dedicated the source of funding.
    • • Beneficiary is entitled to 90/95 person day of unskilled labour from MGNREGS.
    • • A pan-India training and certification programme of Masons has been launched in the States/UTs.
    • • The programme implementation is to be monitored through community participation (Social Audit), Member of Parliament (DISHA Committee), Central and State Government officials, National Level Monitors etc.
    • • Reduction has been done in administrative expenses from 4% to 2% of programme funds.
    • To address the multidimensionality of poverty in a time bound manner through a convergence of resources, both financial and human to provide an opportunity for transformational changes.
    • • It is a State - led accountability and convergence framework for rural transformation to make a real difference based on measurable outcomes to the lives of 1,00,00,000 households in 5,000 rural clusters or 50,000 Gram Panchayats in 1,000 days.
    • • Gram Panchayat is the basic unit for monitoring transformation and for ranking on the basis of objective criteria.
    • • Key Outcomes envisaged
      • o Strong infrastructure base for selected GPs/clusters through prioritised implementation of schemes in line with the GPDPs/cluster development plans.
      • o Effective social capital promoting participatory planning and implementation of the schemes engaging wide range of stakeholders at GP/cluster.
      • o Enhanced economic opportunities through diversified livelihoods including non-farm sector, skilling of rural youth and women, development of value chains and promotion of enterprise.
      • o Strengthened democratic processes through capacity building of PRIs, public disclosures, GP level formal and social accountability measures such as social audit.
    • • Key Processes under Mission Antyodaya:
      • o Carry out baseline survey of households and monitor the progress periodically.
      • o Ensure convergence of programmes/ schemes targeted towards development of rural areas.
      • o Institutionalize partnerships at Gram Panchayat/cluster between PRIs, community organizations, NGOs, SHGs, institutions and field level functionaries of different departments (e.g., ASHA workers, Anganwadi Workers, etc.)
      • o Promote enterprise through partnership with institutions and professionals.
    • • In partnership with State Governments, Department of Rural Development has completed the ranking of 50,000 Gram Panchayats on parameters of physical infrastructure, human development and economic activities. 
    • To provide support to aged persons, widows, disabled persons and bereaved families on death of primary bread winner, belonging to below poverty line households.
    • The NSAP is a ‘Core of Core’ scheme being administered by the Ministry of Rural Development and is being implemented in rural areas as well as urban areas. Presently it comprises of
    • • Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS): The eligible age for IGNOAPS is 60 years. The pension is Rs.200 p.m. for persons between 60 years and 79 years. For persons who are 80 years and above the pension is Rs.500/ - per month.
    • • Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme (IGNWPS): The eligible age is 40 years and the pension is Rs.300 per month. After attaining the age of 80 years, the beneficiary will get Rs.500/ - per month.
    • • Indira Gandhi National Disability Pension Scheme (IGNDPS): The eligible age for the pensioner is 18 years and above and the disability level has to be 80%. The amount is Rs.300 per month and after attaining the age of 80 years, the beneficiary will get Rs 500/ - per month. Dwarfs will also be an eligible category for this pension.
    • • National Family Benefit Scheme (NFBS) : Rs. 20000/ - will be given as a lumpsum assistance to the bereaved household in the event of death of the bread - winner. A woman in the family, who is a home maker, is also considered as a bread-winner for this purpose.
    • • Annapurna Scheme: 10 kgs of food grains (wheat or rice) is given per month per beneficiary. The scheme aims at providing food security to meet the requirements of those eligible old aged persons who have remained uncovered under the IGNOAPS.
    • NSAP seeks fulfilment of the Directive Principles of State Policy. In particular, Article 41 of the Constitution of India directs the State to provide public assistance to its citizens in case of unemployment, old age, sickness and disablement and in other cases of undeserved want within the limit of its economic capacity and development. 
    • • To reduce rural poverty by enabling poor households to access gainful self-employment and skilled wage employment opportunities.
    • • To mobilize 10-12 crore rural households into self-help groups in a time bound manner by 2024-25.
    • • To bring about a sustainable improvement in the livelihoods of the poor through building strong community institutions.
    • • Universal Social Mobilisation - At least one woman member from each identified rural poor household, is to be brought under the Self Help Group (SHG) network in a time bound manner. Special emphasis is particularly on vulnerable communities.
    • • Participatory Identification of Poor (PIP) - NRLM Target Households (NTH) are identified through the Participatory Identification of Poor (PIP) instead of the BPL. The PIP is a community-driven process where the CBOs themselves identify the poor in the village using participatory tools. The list of poor identified by the CBO is vetted by the Gram Sabha.
    • • It provides Revolving Fund (RF) and Community Investment Fund (CIF) as resources in perpetuity to the institutions of the poor, to strengthen their institutional and financial management capacity and build their track record to attract mainstream bank finance.
    • • Financial Inclusion - it promotes financial literacy among the poor and provides catalytic capital to the SHGs and their federations
    • • Livelihoods - NRLM focuses on stabilizing and promoting existing livelihood portfolio of the poor in farm and non-farm sectors; building skills for the job market outside; and nurturing self-employed and entrepreneurs (for micro-enterprises).
    • • To "establish efficient and effective institutional platforms of the rural poor that enable them to increase household incomes through livelihood enhancements and improved access to financial and public services"
    • • To reach out to 7.0 crore rural poor households of which 4.5 crore remain to be mobilized into the Self-Help Groups (SHGs).
    • • It implements Aajeevika Skill Development Programme (ASDP). 25% of NRLM Funds are earmarked for this purpose. ASDP facilitates building the skills of the rural youth and placement in relatively high wage employment in the growing sectors of economy.
    • • NRLM is encouraging public sector banks to set up Rural Self Employment Training Institutes (RSETIs) in all districts of the country on the lines of Rural Development Self Employment Institute (RUDSETI) model.
    • • NRLM, through Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana (MKSP), is promoting and facilitating scaling-up successful, small-scale projects that enhance women’s participation and productivity in agriculture and allied activities. MKSP also aims to ensure household food and nutrition security of the poor and the poorest of poor.
    • • National Rural Livelihoods Project has been designed as a sub-set of NRLM to create ‘proof of concept’, build capacities of the Centre and States and create an enabling environment to facilitate all States and Union Territories to transit to the NRLM. NRLP would be implemented in 13 high poverty states accounting for about 90 percent of the rural poor in the country.
    • • World Bank aided project namely “National Rural Economic Transformation Project” (NRETP) has been approved under the Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana to enhance the livelihoods promotion and access to finance and scale-up initiatives on digital finance and livelihood interventions.
    • To ensure a better coordination among all the elected representatives in Parliament, State Legislatures and Local Governments (Panchayati Raj Institutions/Municipal Bodies) for efficient and time-bound development of districts.
    • • The Chairperson of the DISHA should be a Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha) elected from the district, nominated by the Ministry of Rural Development.
    • • Where there are more than one Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha) representing the district, the senior-most Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha) should be nominated as the Chairperson.
    • • The other Members of parliament (Lok Sabha) representing the district should be designated as Co-Chairpersons
    • • One MP (Rajya Sabha) representing the State and exercising option to be associated with the district level Committee of that district (on first come basis), to be designated as Co-Chairpersons by the Ministry of Rural Development'
    • • This committee will have coordination and Monitoring powers. Its role is to facilitate timely execution of approved Projects. It will have powers in seeking effective follow up of issues raised during the deliberation.
    • • The District Collector will be the Member Secretary responsible for the timely follow up on recommendations.
    • • The DISHA supersedes the District Vigilance & Monitoring Committee.
    • • DISHA will cover all non-statutory schemes of Government of India that are administered in general. However, the functions of schemes that have been specifically assigned under a statute cannot be assigned to any other committee for monitoring.
  • DISHA dashboard
    • • It has been developed to facilitate data driven decision making.
    • • The Dashboard is to integrate all 42 Central schemes which are already monitored by DISHA or District Development Coordination and Monitoring Committees.
    • • Currently, the tool is available to legislators and government officials, but soon some of its features will be available online to the public.
    • • It will make it easier to monitor governance by geography in real time and overcome geographic mismatches. 
    • • To provide an alternative source of livelihoods to members of SHGs under DAY-NRLM by facilitating them to operate public transport services in backward rural areas, as identified by the States.
    • • Under the programme, the Community Investment Fund (CIF) provided to Community based Organisations (CBOs) under the existing provisions of DAY-
    • • To provide safe, affordable and community monitored rural transport services to connect remote villages with key services and amenities by making use of the supports available within the framework of DAY-NRLM
    • NRLM scheme will be utilised to support the SHG members to operate the public transport services.
    • • It provides two options for implementation.
    • • Option I:
      • o Vehicle will be financed by the Community Based Organisations (CBOs) out of its CIF corpus. The vehicle will be purchased and owned by CBO and leased to SHG member.
      • o The beneficiary SHG member will operate the vehicle on selected route and will pay a monthly lease rental to the CBO.
      • o The decision regarding the ownership of the vehicle after the cost of vehicle is fully paid up through lease rental will be taken by the CBO.
    • • Option II:
      • o CBO will provide an interest free loan from its CIF corpus to SHG member for purchase of the vehicle.
      • o SHG member will repay the loan over a maximum period of 6 years and bear all the costs connected with the operation of the vehicle, including annual cost of insurance, road tax, permit cost, maintenance cost and all other running costs of the vehicle (i.e., fuel, oil, etc.).
      • o After repayment of the loan, the ownership of the vehicle will be transferred to the SHG member.
    • To bridge the skill gap that prevents India’s rural poor from competing in the modern market, such as the lack of formal education and marketable skills.
    • • Rural Youth: 15 - 35 Yrs
    • • SC/ST/ Women/ PCTG/ PWD: upto 45 Yrs
    • • Provides funding support for placement linked skilling projects
    • • Demand led skill training at no cost to the rural poor
    • • Mandatory coverage of socially disadvantaged groups (SC/ST 50%; Minority 15%; Women 33%)
    • • Providing incentives for job retention, career progression and foreign placements.
    • • Guaranteed Placement for at least 75% trained candidates
    • • Post-placement support, migration support and alumni network
    • • Nurturing new training service providers and developing their skills
    • • Greater emphasis on projects for poor rural youth in Jammu and Kashmir (HIMAYAT), the North-East region and 27 Left-Wing Extremist (LWE) districts (ROSHNI)
    • • Mandates independent third party assessment and certification
    • • 3-tier implementation model.
      • o The DDU-GKY National Unit at MoRD functions as the policy-making, technical support and facilitation agency.
      • o The DDU-GKY State Missions provide implementation support; and
      • o the Project Implementing Agencies (PIAs) implement the programme through skilling and placement projects. 
    • • To further strengthen and provide technical assistance to the Watershed Component of PMKSY
    • • Access to irrigation to every farm (Har Khet Ko Pani) and
    • • efficient use of water (Per Drop More Crop)
    • • It is assisted by World Bank.
    • • Project Implementing Agency (PIA): Department of Land Resources, Ministry of Rural Development
    • Neeranchal is primarily designed to address the following concerns:
    • • Bring about institutional changes in watershed and rainfed agricultural management practices in India
    • • Build systems that ensure watershed programmes and rainfed irrigation management practices are better focused, more coordinated, and have quantifiable results
    • • Devise strategies for the sustainability of improved watershed Management practices in programme areas, even after the withdrawal of project support
    • • Through the watershed plus approach, support improved equity, livelihoods, and incomes through forward linkages, on a platform of inclusiveness and local participation.
