• Creating an enabling ecosystem for Entrepreneurship development through Entrepreneurship education and training; Advocacy and easy access to entrepreneurship support network and Promoting social enterprises for inclusive growth.
    • • It will provide entrepreneurship education and training to over 7 lakh students in 5 years (till 2020-21) through 3050 Institutes: 2,200 Institutes of Higher Learning (Universities, Colleges, Premier Institutions and AICTE Institutions including Polytechnics); 300 schools (10+2); 500 Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) and 50 Entrepreneurship Development Centres (EDCs).
    • • It also aims to:
      • o Educate and equip potential and early stage entrepreneurs by developing and deliver entrepreneurship education to all citizens free of charge through Massive Open On - line Courses (MOOCs) and other on - line programmes.
      • o Support entrepreneurs through Entrepreneurship Hubs (E - Hubs) by establishing a National Entrepreneurship Resource and Coordination Hub to coordinate and support entrepreneurship development programmes.
      • o Connect entrepreneurs in enabling networks of peers, mentors, funds and business services through a web based online marketplace
      • o Catalyze a culture shift to encourage entrepreneurship 
    • • To mobilize youth to take up skill training with the aim of increasing productivity and aligning the training and certification to the needs of the country.
    • • To train 10 million youth by the year 2020.
    • • It has two components known as Centrally Sponsored Centrally Managed (CSCM) being implemented by National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) and Centrally Sponsored State Managed (CSSM) being implemented by State Skill Development Missions of the States/ UTs popularly known as State- Engagement Component of PMKVY (2016-20).
    • • Individuals with prior learning experience or skills will also be assessed and certified under Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
    • • The Short-Term Training imparted at PMKVY Training Centres (TCs) is expected to benefit candidates who are either school/college dropouts or unemployed. Training will be imparted according to the National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF).
    • • Upon successful completion of their assessment, candidates shall be provided placement assistance by Training Partners (TPs).
    • • Training and Assessment fees are completely paid by the Government.
    • • This skill certification scheme will be implemented through the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC).
    • • Under the relaunched PMKVY, which started October 2, 2016 placement tracking has been made mandatory.
    • • An initiative has also been taken to set up Model Skill Centres called Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Kendras (PMKKs), in districts.
    • • YUVA – It is a skill development programme and an initiative by Delhi Police in a tie up with National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) and Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) under PMKVY to connect with youth by upgrading their skill as per their competencies. 
    • • Strengthening institutional mechanisms at national, state and district level.
    • • Building a pool of quality trainers and assessors
    • • It is an outcome-oriented project supported by World Bank
    • • The project focus on the overall skilling ecosystem covering both Central (MSDE, NSDA and NSDC) and State agencies, and outcomes will be measured through Disbursement Linked Indicators (DLIs) agreed between MSDE and the Bank.
    • • It has been designed to operationalize the sub-missions under the National Skill Development Mission.
    • • It is a centrally sponsored scheme.
    • • Creating convergence among all skill training activities at the state level
    • • Providing access to skill training opportunities to the disadvantaged sections and most importantly supplement the Make in India initiative by catering to the skill requirements in relevant manufacturing sectors.
    • • It envisages setting up of:
      • o National Skill Certification Body
      • o National Accreditation board and National Skill Research Division within National Skill Development Agency(NSDA).
      • o Development of Labour Market Information System
      • o Kaushal Mart as a Skilling Resource Marketplace offering a credible platform for exchange of skilling resources of different kinds.
      • o Takshila as National Portal for trainers and assessors,
    • • A Skills Fund has been provisioned under SANKALP with an aim to set up industry lead and job-oriented skill training institutions. It shall be set up as competitive challenge fund that shall provide verifiable and reliable use of grants (subject to maximum ceiling per project) for a long term, sustainable, impact at a local community/ province/ national level.
    • • India International Skill Centers (IISC) are being set up to train for overseas placements. 
    • Improving the relevance and efficiency of skills training provided through Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) and apprenticeships.
    • • It is a Rs. 2,200 crore - central sector scheme, with half of the scheme outlay as World bank loan assistance.
    • • It is an outcome focused schemes marking shift in government's implementation strategy in vocational education and training from inputs to results.
    • • It covers 4 result areas:
      • o Improved performance of ITI.
      • o Increased Capacities of State Governments to support ITIs and Apprenticeship Training
      • o Improved Teaching and Learning.
      • o Improved and Broadened Apprenticeship Training.
    • • To promote apprenticeship training and incentivize employers who wish to engage apprentices.
    • • Increasing the engagement of apprenticeship from 2.3 Lakhs to 50 Lakhs cumulatively by 2020.
    • • NAPS has provision for sharing of expenditure incurred in both providing training and stipend to the apprentice.
    • • Two components are:
      • o Reimbursement of 25% of prescribed stipend subject to a maximum of Rs. 1500/- per month per apprentice by the Government of India to all employers who engage apprentices.
      • o Sharing of the cost of basic training in respect of fresher apprentices (who come directly for apprenticeship training without formal training) limited to Rs. 7500/- per apprentice for a maximum duration of 500 hours/3 months.
    • • It is implemented by Director General of Training (DGT) 
    • To provide vocational training to non-literate, neo-literate, as well as school drop outs.
    • • Recently, Government has unveiled new guidelines for Jan Shikshan Sansthans (JSS) aligning them to the National Skills Qualification Framework to standardize training.
    • • The scope of work of Jan Shikshan Sansthans (JSSs) includes the following:
      • o Develop/Source appropriate curriculum and training modules covering vocational elements, general awareness and life enrichment components.
      • o JSSs are encouraged to undertake training equivalent to courses designed by the Directorate of Adult Education, National Institute of Open Schooling and Director General, Employment & Training.
      • o Network with employers and industries for trainees to get suitable placements.
    • • It was under the Ministry of Human Resources Development, but transferred to the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship in 2018.
    • • New guidelines are:
      • o Decentralization of powers for JSSs- giving more accountability and independence to district administration
      • o To identify and promote traditional skills in the district through skilling / upskilling;
      • o Linking JSS to PFMS (Public Finance Management system) maintaining transparency and accountability of the ecosystem
      • o Creating livelihood linkages
      • o Training of Trainers to develop the capacity through NSTIs (National Skills Training Institutes) 
  • SkillsBuild Platform
    • • This initiative is part of IBM’s global commitment to create a job-ready workforce and to build the next generation of skills needed for new collar careers.
    • • It is a two-year advanced diploma in IT, networking and cloud computing, co-created and designed by IBM, will be offered at the Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) &National Skill Training Institutes (NSTIs).
    • • The platform will be extended to train ITI &NSTI faculty on building skills in Artificial Intelligence (AI).
    • • SkillsBuild offers digital learning content from IBM and partners such as CodeDoor, Coorpacademy and Skillsoft.
  • Mahatma Gandhi National Fellowship Programme (MGNF)
    • • Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) have signed a contract with the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Bangalore for implementation of this programme.
    • • It is a two year academic programme with an in-built component of on-ground practical experience with the district administration to boost skill development at the district level.
    • • Upon completion of these components, the Fellows will be awarded a Certificate of Public Policy and Management.
