• It has twin objective of cleanliness and providing livelihood to Safai Karamcharis and liberate Manual Scavengers
    • • The Scheme has been launched on the 2nd October, 2014. National Safari Karmacharis Finance & Development Corporation (NSKFDC) is implementing the scheme.
    • • It is for extending financial assistance for Construction, Operation & Maintenance of Pay and Use Community Toilets in Public Private Partnership (PPP) Mode and Procurement & Operation of Sanitation related Vehicles
    • • Concessional loan for viable community toilet projects and sanitation related vehicles to collect the garbage, to consolidate the ongoing efforts for realising the objectives of the ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’
    • • Entrepreneurs among safai karmacharis and identified manual scavengers can avail loan upto defined ceiling at concessional rate of interest @ 4% per annum. In case of women beneficiaries, there is a rebate of 1% in the rate of interest charged. 
    • To assist the manual scavengers, identified during various surveys, for their rehabilitation in alternative occupations.
    • • It is a Central Sector Scheme. As per the revised Scheme, identified manual scavengers, one from each family, are provided one-time cash assistance.
    • • Other benefits to the identified manual scavengers and their dependants.
      • o Loans for project cost on concessional rates of interest.
      • o Credit linked back-end capital subsidy.
      • o Skill Development Training upto two years with stipend.
    • For achieving universal accessibility for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs).
    • • Targets under the scheme are:
      • o Making 50% of all the government buildings of NCT and all the State capitals fully accessible.
      • o Completing accessibility audit of 50% of government buildings and making them fully accessible in 10 most important cities/towns of States
      • o Ensuring that 50% of railway stations in the country are converted into fully accessible railway stations
      • o Ensuring that 25% of Government owned public transport carriers in the country are converted into fully accessible carriers
      • o Conducting accessibility audit of 50% of all government (both Central and State Governments) websites and converting them into fully accessible websites.
    • • For creating universal accessibility for Persons with Disabilities, the campaign has been divided into three verticals: Built Environment Accessibility; Transport System Accessibility and Information & Communication ecosystem accessibility.
    • • Other initiatives under the scheme are-
      • o Organisations, both public and private are encouraged to use their CSR funds for building accessible infrastructure.
      • o ‘Inclusiveness and Accessibility Index’ is to be used by the government to assess the effort of various industries on how are they making their workplace ready for Persons with Disabilities (PwD).
      • o “Sugamya Pustakalaya” is an online library for Persons with print disabilities as part of the Accessible India (Sugamya Bharat) Campaign.
    • • Divyang Sarathi Mobile App- For easy information dissemination to Divyangjans (Persons with disabilities) pertaining to the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD), including its various acts, rules, regulations and guidelines, etc. 
    • To help the Senior Citizens to overcome their age related physical impairment and to lead a dignified and productive life with minimal dependence on care givers or other members of the family.
    • • Providing Physical Aids and Assisted-living Devices for Senior citizens belonging to BPL category for ex: Low vision, Hearing impairment, Loss of teeth and Locomotor disability etc.
    • • This is a Central Sector Scheme and beneficiaries in each district will be identified by the State Governments/UT Administrations.
    • • In case of multiple disabilities/infirmities manifested in the same person, the assistive devices will be given in respect of each disability/impairment.
    • • As far as possible, 30% of the beneficiaries in each district shall be women.
    • • The Scheme is being implemented through the Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation (ALIMCO), a Public Sector Undertaking under the Ministry of SJ&E, as the sole Implementing Agency. It will undertake one-year free maintenance of the aids & assisted living devices.
    • • The expenditure for implementation of the scheme will be met from the "Senior Citizens' Welfare Fund". 
    • To ensure integrated development of all villages having total population ≥500 and with more than 50% persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes into “model villages” (by 2024-25) so that:
    • • They have all requisite physical and social infrastructure for their socioeconomic development.
    • • Disparity between SC and non-SC population in terms of common socioeconomic indicators (e.g. literacy rate, completion rate of elementary education, IMR/MMR, ownership of productive assets, etc.) is eliminated.
    • • Untouchability, discrimination, segregation, and atrocities against SCs are eliminated, as are other social evils like discrimination against girls/women, alcoholism and substance (drugs) abuse, etc.
    • • Developing Adarsh Gram (Model Village): These villages should be covered with all the facilities necessary for dignified living.
    • • Important components include- physical infrastructure, sanitation and environment, Social Infrastructure, Human Development and Social Harmony and livelihood.
    • • Integrated development of SC Majority Villages by:
      • o convergent implementation of the relevant Central and State Schemes.
      • o For every new village selected, the Scheme provides for a total of Rs. 21 lakh of which Rs.20.00 lakh is for the ‘Gap-filling’ component and Rs.1.00 lakh is meant for ‘administrative expenses’ at the Centre, State, District and Village level in the ratio of 1:1:1:2. 
    • It aims to employ a multi-pronged strategy such as
    • • Preventive Education, awareness generation, counseling, de-addiction, treatment and rehabilitation of affected individuals and their families.
    • • Training and capacity-building of service providers through collaborative efforts of the Centre, state and NGOs.
    • • Administrative Mechanism
      • o Coordination with implementing agencies for controlling sale of sedatives, painkillers and muscle relaxant drugs, and checking online sale of drugs by stringent monitoring by cyber cell.
      • o A multi ministerial steering committee with representatives from Ministries of Social Justice, Health, Home Affairs, Human Resource Development and skill.
    • • Initiatives to be taken
      • o Holding awareness generation programmes at educational institutes, workplaces and for police functionaries, etc.
      • o Increasing community participation and public cooperation in the reduction of demand by involving local bodies and other local groups like Mahila Mandals, self-help groups etc. is also planned.
      • o Modules for re-treatment, ongoing treatment and post-treatment of addicts of different categories and age groups and database on substance use. 
    • • To create an enabling environment to ensure equal opportunities, equity, social justice and empowerment of persons with disabilities.
    • • It is a Central Sector Scheme of Government of India.
    • • Implemented by Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment.
    • • Provides financial assistance to facilitate delivery of various services to voluntary organizations’ grants-in-aid to NGOs.
    • • To encourage voluntary action for ensuring effective implementation of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016.
    • • Promotes voluntary action: parents/guardians and voluntary organisations are encouraged to provide rehabilitation services.
    • • To make available the whole range of services necessary for rehabilitation of persons with disabilities
      • o Including early intervention
      • o Development of daily living skills, education
      • o Skill-development oriented towards employability
      • o Training and awareness generation. 
  • Integrated programme for Older Persons
    • • Objective- To improve the quality of life of the Senior Citizens by providing basic amenities like shelter, food, medical care and entertainment opportunities and by encouraging productive and active ageing through providing support for capacity building of Government/Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)/Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) / local bodies and the community at large.
    • • It is a central sector scheme.
  • Inclusive India Initiative
    • • To include persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the mainstream and in all important aspects of social life, namely education, employment and community.
    • • The three core focus areas of Inclusive India Initiative are
      • o Inclusive Education,
      • o Inclusive Employment
      • o Inclusive Community Life
    • • National Trust will be the nodal agency for the initiative.
  • Dr. Ambedkar scheme for Social integration through Inter Caste Marriages
    • • Under the scheme, 500 couples can apply annually. Each couple gets Rs 2.5 lakh, of which Rs 1.5 lakh is paid upfront. The balance amount is kept as a fixed deposit and released to the couple after three years.
    • • The number of couples who can avail the scheme in a state depends on its Scheduled Caste population as per the 2011 census.
    • • Among the beneficiary couple, one of the spouses should belong to Scheduled Caste and the other to a Non-Scheduled Caste.
    • • It shall be the discretion of the Minister of Social Justice & Empowerment & Chairman of Dr. Ambedkar Foundation to sanction the incentive to the Couple.
  • Varishtha Pension Bima Yojana
    • • To provide social security during old age and protect elderly persons aged 60 years and above against a future fall in their interest income due to uncertain market conditions.
    • • Implemented through Life Insurance Corporation of India, it provides an assured pension based on a guaranteed rate of return of 8% per annum for ten years, with an option to opt for pension on a monthly / quarterly / half yearly and annual basis.
  • Unique Disability Identification (UDID) Project
    • • It aims at building a holistic end-to-end integrated system for Issuance of Universal ID & Disability Certificates for Person with Disabilities with their identification and disability details.
    • • The Objective of this project is to enable the PwDs to avail schemes and benefits provided by the Government through its various Ministries and their Departments. This card will be valid pan-India.
  • Scheme for comprehensive rehabilitation of beggars
    • • It will be a comprehensive scheme covering identification, rehabilitation, provision of medical facilities, counselling, education, skill development of beggars with the support of State Governments/UTs/Local Urban Bodies and Voluntary Organizations, institutions etc.
    • • Pilot project of this scheme will be initiated during Financial Year 2019-20 subject to submission of city specific Action Plan by the State Governments.
    • • 100% Assistance under the Scheme shall be provided to the States/UTs for its implementation.
